
Table of contents

  1. Unit tests
  2. All integration tests
    1. Only REST API tests
    2. Coverage reports
  3. OpenAPI checks

tl;dr: make before_commit will run most of the checks by magic, VERBOSE=true make before_commit will do the same but print more information about what it’s doing

The following tests can be run to test your code in insights-results-aggregator. Detailed information about each type of test is included in the corresponding subsection:

  1. Unit tests: checks behavior of all units in source code (methods, functions)
  2. REST API Tests: test the real REST API of locally deployed application with database initialized with test data only
  3. Integration tests: the integration tests for insights-results-aggregator service
  4. Metrics tests: test whether Prometheus metrics are exposed as expected

Unit tests

Set of unit tests checks all units of source code. Additionally the code coverage is computed and displayed. Code coverage is stored in a file coverage.out and can be checked by a script named check_coverage.sh.

To run unit tests use the following command:

make test

If you have postgres running on port from ./config-devel.toml file it will also run tests against it

All integration tests

make integration_tests

Only REST API tests

Set of tests to check REST API of locally deployed application with database initialized with test data only.

To run REST API tests use the following command:

make rest_api_tests

By default all logs from the application aren’t shown, if you want to see them, run:

./test.sh rest_api --verbose

Coverage reports

To make a coverage report you need to start ./make-coverage.sh tool with one of these arguments:

  1. unit-postgres unit tests with postgres database(don’t forget to start docker-compose up with the DB)
  2. rest REST API tests from test.sh file
  3. integration Any external tests, for example from iqe-ccx-plugin. Only this option requires you to run tests manually and stop the script by Ctrl+C when they are done

For example:

./make-coverage.sh unit-postgres will generate a report file coverage.out which you can investigate by either of those commands:

  • go tool cover -func=coverage.out
  • go tool cover -html=coverage.out if your system supports it, this command will open a browser with a nice colored report

OpenAPI checks

Content of file openapi.json can be checked by using:

make openapi-check

It is also possible to use online checker that is available on https://apitools.dev/swagger-parser/online/