Aggregator service provides information about its REST API schema via endpoint api/v1/openapi.json
OpenAPI 3.0 is used to describe the schema; it can be read by human and consumed by computers.
For example, if aggregator is started locally, it is possible to read schema based on OpenAPI 3.0 specification by using the following command:
curl localhost:8080/api/v1/openapi.json
Please note that OpenAPI schema is accessible w/o the need to provide authorization tokens.
Accessing results
Settings for localhost
export ADDRESS=localhost:8080/api/v1
Basic endpoints
List of clusters associated with the specified organization ID
curl -k -v $ADDRESS/organizations/{orgId}/clusters
Report for the given organization and cluster
curl -k -v $ADDRESS/organizations/{orgId}/clusters/{clusterId}/users/{userId}/report
Latest reports for the given list of clusters
Using GET
curl -k -v $ADDRESS/organizations/{orgId}/clusters/{cluster1}/report
curl -k -v $ADDRESS/organizations/{orgId}/clusters/{cluster1},{cluster2}/report
curl -k -v $ADDRESS/organizations/{orgId}/clusters/{cluster1},{cluster2},{cluster3}/report
Plase note that the total URL length is limited, usually to 2000 or 2048 characters.
Using POST
curl -k -v $ADDRESS/organizations/{orgId}/clusters/reports -d @cluster_list.json
Format of the payload:
"clusters" : [
Latest rule report for the given organization, cluster, user and rule ids
List of clusters for a given rule selector (plugin_name|error_key) within the specified organization ID
curl -k -v $ADDRESS/rules/{rule_selector}/organizations/{org_id}/users/{user_id}/clusters_detail
Plase note that user ID is expected, but is only used for improving logging.