DB structure


Please look at detailed schema description for more details about tables, indexes, and keys.

Table of contents

  1. Note
  2. List of tables
  3. Table report
  4. Table rule_hit
  5. Table cluster_rule_user_feedback
  6. Table cluster_rule_toggle
  7. Table cluster_user_rule_disable_feedback
  8. Table recommendation
  9. Table advisor_ratings
  10. Table consumer_error
  11. Table migration_info
  12. Schema description

List of tables

 Schema |                Name                | Type
 public | cluster_rule_toggle                | table
 public | cluster_rule_user_feedback         | table
 public | cluster_user_rule_disable_feedback | table
 public | consumer_error                     | table
 public | migration_info                     | table
 public | recommendation                     | table
 public | report                             | table
 public | rule_hit                           | table
 public | advisor_ratings                    | table

Table report

This table is used as a cache for reports consumed from broker. Size of this table (i.e. number of records) scales linearly with the number of clusters, because only latest valid report for given cluster is stored (it is guarantied by DB constraints). That table has defined compound key org_id+cluster, additionally cluster name needs to be unique across all organizations. Additionally kafka_offset is used to speedup consuming messages from Kafka topic in case the offset is lost due to issues in Kafka, Kafka library, or the service itself (messages with lower offset are skipped):

    org_id          INTEGER NOT NULL,
    cluster         VARCHAR NOT NULL UNIQUE,
    report          VARCHAR NOT NULL,
    reported_at     TIMESTAMP,
    last_checked_at TIMESTAMP,
    kafka_offset    BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
    PRIMARY KEY(org_id, cluster)

We consider a report as valid if it includes all the required fields described in the agreed-upon report structure.

If any of those fields is missing, we interpret it as a malformed report, most- probably due to an error when the Insights Core engine processed the archive. In that situation, the processing of the archive is aborted without storing any new information in the databases. Therefore, it is important to understand the difference between:

  • an empty report, which is stored in the databases, as it indicates that any previously found issue in the cluster has been resolved or is no longer happening.
  • a malformed report, which can be empty but is missing required attributes, and is not stored in the database as there is no guarantee that it represents the latest state of the cluster.

To learn more about Insights Core processing, please refer to the Red Hat Insights Core documentation.

Table rule_hit

This table represents the content for Insights rules to be displayed by OCM.

CREATE TABLE rule_hit (
    org_id         INTEGER NOT NULL,
    cluster_id     VARCHAR NOT NULL,
    rule_fqdn      VARCHAR NOT NULL,
    error_key      VARCHAR NOT NULL,
    template_data  VARCHAR NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY(cluster_id, org_id, rule_fqdn, error_key)

Table cluster_rule_user_feedback

-- user_vote is user's vote,
-- 0 is none,
-- 1 is like,
-- -1 is dislike
CREATE TABLE cluster_rule_user_feedback (
    cluster_id  VARCHAR NOT NULL,
    rule_id     VARCHAR NOT NULL,
    error_key   VARCHAR NOT NULL,
    user_id     VARCHAR NOT NULL,
    message     VARCHAR NOT NULL,
    user_vote   SMALLINT NOT NULL,
    added_at    TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,
    updated_at  TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,

    PRIMARY KEY(cluster_id, rule_id, user_id, error_key),
    CONSTRAINT cluster_rule_user_feedback_cluster_id_fkey
    FOREIGN KEY (cluster_id)
        REFERENCES report(cluster)
    CONSTRAINT cluster_rule_user_feedback_rule_id_fkey
    FOREIGN KEY (rule_id)
        REFERENCES rule(module)

Table cluster_rule_toggle

CREATE TABLE cluster_rule_toggle (
    cluster_id  VARCHAR NOT NULL,
    rule_id     VARCHAR NOT NULL,
    error_key   VARCHAR NOT NULL,
    user_id     VARCHAR NOT NULL,
    disabled    SMALLINT NOT NULL,
    disabled_at TIMESTAMP NULL,
    enabled_at  TIMESTAMP NULL,
    updated_at  TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,

    disabled_check SMALLINT CHECK (disabled >= 0 AND disabled <= 1),

    PRIMARY KEY(cluster_id, rule_id, user_id)

Table cluster_user_rule_disable_feedback

Feedback provided by user while disabling the rule on UI.

CREATE TABLE cluster_user_rule_disable_feedback (
    cluster_id  VARCHAR NOT NULL,
    user_id     VARCHAR NOT NULL,
    rule_id     VARCHAR NOT NULL,
    error_key   VARCHAR NOT NULL,
    message     VARCHAR NOT NULL,
    added_at    TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,
    updated_at  TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,

    PRIMARY KEY(cluster_id, user_id, rule_id, error_key)

Table recommendation

All recommendations per organization and cluster.

CREATE TABLE recommendations (
    org_id      INTEGER NOT NULL,
    cluster_id  VARCHAR NOT NULL,
    rule_fqdn   VARCHAR NOT NULL,
    error_key   VARCHAR NOT NULL,
    rule_id     VARCHAR NOT NULL,

    PRIMARY KEY(org_id, cluster_id, rule_fqdn, error_key)

Table advisor_ratings

Cluster independent ratings of a recommendation, per user

CREATE TABLE advisor_ratings (
    user_id VARCHAR NOT NULL,
    org_id VARCHAR NOT NULL,
    rule_fqdn VARCHAR NOT NULL,
    error_key VARCHAR NOT NULL,
    rated_at TIMESTAMP,
    last_updated_at TIMESTAMP,
    rating SMALLINT,
    rule_id VARCHAR NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY(user_id, org_id, rule_fqdn, error_key)

Table consumer_error

Errors that happen while processing a message consumed from Kafka are logged into this table. This allows easier debugging of various issues, especially those related to unexpected input data format.

CREATE TABLE consumer_error (
    topic           VARCHAR NOT NULL,
    partition       INTEGER NOT NULL,
    topic_offset    INTEGER NOT NULL,
    key             VARCHAR,
    produced_at     TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,
    consumed_at     TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,
    message         VARCHAR,
    error           VARCHAR NOT NULL,

    PRIMARY KEY(topic, partition, topic_offset)

Table migration_info

This table contains just one record with DB version value.

CREATE TABLE migration_info (
    version         VARCHAR NOT NULL

Schema description

DB schema description can be generated by generate_db_schema_doc.sh script. Output is written into directory docs/db-description/. Its content can be viewed at this address.