
The user has the ability to disable a rule/health check recommendation that they’re not interested in to stop it from showing in OCM. The user also has the ability to re-enable the rule, in case they later become interested in it, or in the case of an accidental disable, for example.

This is made possible by using these two endpoints: clusters/{cluster}/rules/{rule_id}/disable clusters/{cluster}/rules/{rule_id}/enable

Tutorial rule

Directory rules/tutorial/ contains tutorial rule that is ‘hit’ by any cluster.

Rules content

The generated cluster reports from Insights results contain three lists of rules that were either skipped (because of missing requirements, etc.), passed (the rule got executed but no issue was found), or hit (the rule got executed and found the issue it was looking for) by the cluster, where each rule is represented as a dictionary containing identifying information about the rule itself.

The hit rules are the rules that the customer is interested in and therefore the information about them (their content) needs to be displayed in OCM. The content for the rules is present in another repository, alongside the actual rule implementations, which is primarily maintained by the support-facing team. For that reason, the insights-results-aggregator is setup in a way, that the content we’re interested in is copied to the Docker image from the repository during image build and we have a push webhook on master branch set up in that repository, signalling our app to be rebuilt.

This content is then processed upon application start-up, correctly parsed by the package content and saved into the database (see DB structure).

When a request for a cluster report comes from OCM, the report is parsed (TODO: parse reports only once when consuming them) and content for all the hit rules is returned.

Local environment with rules content

The rules content parser is configured by default to expect the content in a root directory /rules-content. This can be changed either by an environment variable INSIGHTS_RESULTS_AGGREGATOR__CONTENT__PATH or by modifying the config file entry:

path = "/rules-content"

To get the latest rules content locally, you can make rules_content, which just runs the script mimicking the Dockerfile behavior (NOTE: you need to be in RH VPN to be able to access that repository, but it is not private). The script copies the content into a .gitignored folder rules-content, so all that’s necessary is to change the expected path.