
Unit tests

Unit tests can be started from command line by the following command:

make test

Code coverage can be generated by:

make cover

for HTML output or:

make coverage

for plain text output.


Profiler can be started from command line by the following command;

make profile

BDD tests

Behaviour tests for this service are included in Insights Behavioral Spec repository. In order to run these tests, the following steps need to be made:

  1. clone the Insights Behavioral Spec repository
  2. go into the cloned subdirectory insights-behavioral-spec
  3. run the notification_writer_tests.sh from this subdirectory

List of all test scenarios prepared for this service is available at https://github.com/RedHatInsights/insights-behavioral-spec#ccx-notification-service

End-to-end test

If you want to test from an e2e perspective:

  1. Use molodec to generate and upload an archive for a given cluster.
  2. Use molodec again, but define a different set of rules to hit with the generated archive, using the -r flag (please, check the molodec help output for further info).
  3. Check if the notification is properly received

ServiceLog case

If you are trying to test the e2e notification in Service Log, you should pay attention in the second step described above. The new rules to be hit by the archive should contain an error key that is tagged with one of the configured tags for the notification.

Please note that those tags are configured here

Right now, it only notified about managed (osd_customer) tagged rules, so you need to pick a rule that contains that tag.

One way to check it is to run molodec list and look for a rule marked as “managed” in the command output.