Clowder configuration

As the rest of the services deployed in the Console Red Hat platform, the CCX Notification Writer should update its configuration using the relevant values extracted from the Clowder configuration file.

For a general overview about Clowder configuration file and how it is used in the external data pipeline, please refer to Clowder configuration in CCX Docs.

How can we deal with the Clowder configuration file?

As the service is implemented in Go language, we take advantage of using app-common-go. It provides to the service all the needed values for configuring Kafka access and the topics name mapping.

The conf package is taking care of reading the data structures provided by app-common-go library and merge Clowder configuration with the service configuration.

CCX Notification Service specific relevant values

As the CCX Notification Service reads data from a database and, depending on the configuration, is able to send messages to a Kafka topic. It will need to take care of the Kafka access related values, topic names mapping and the database access values.