Local setup

Table of contents


This service needs a Kafka broker and PostreSQL database. You can run the required containers using Docker-compose:

version: "3"
      - 5432:5432
    image: registry.access.redhat.com/rhscl/postgresql-10-rhel7
      - POSTGRESQL_USER=user
      - POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD=password
      - POSTGRESQL_DATABASE=notification
    image: confluentinc/cp-zookeeper
      - ZOOKEEPER_LOG4J_LOGGERS=zookeeper.foo.bar=WARN
    image: confluentinc/cp-kafka
     - 29092:29092
     - zookeeper
      - KAFKA_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT=zookeeper:32181
      - KAFKA_LOG4J_LOGGERS=kafka.foo.bar=WARN
    image: confluentinc/cp-kafka
     - /bin/sh
      - -c
      - "/bin/kafka-topics --bootstrap-server kafka:29092 --create --topic logs --partitions 1; "/bin/kafka-topics --bootstrap-server kafka:29092 --create --topic platform.notifications.ingress --partitions 1; exit 0;"
     - kafka

Apart from this, it is necessary to make some adjustments to localhost line at /etc/hosts: localhost kafka


The idea is:

  1. Publish messages from insights-results-aggregator-data with insights-results-aggregator-utils to a Kafka topic.
  2. Read those messages with ccx-notification-writer and save them to a PostgreSQL database.
  3. Start the insights-content-service
  4. Launch the ccx-notification-service. It should retrieve the rules content, and the info from the PostgreSQL database, and publish the corresponding notifications to the configured topic.

So it is necessary to clone the rest of the repositories before using the ccx-notification-service.

Insights results aggregator data and utils

It is necessary to clone insights-results-aggregator-utils to send the data to Kafka. The example messages are inside insights-results-aggregator-data, so clone it too.

Install kafkacat and generate some messages with produce.sh:

cd insights-results-aggregator-data/messages/normal_for_notification_test

This script will publish all .json files in the folder. These messages can be seen inside Kafka using a consumer

kafkacat -C -b kafka:29092 -t ccx.ocp.results

Insights content service

Clone insights-content-service and run ./update_rules_content.sh in order to generate the folder with the rules. Then run the REST API with:

INSIGHTS_CONTENT_SERVICE_CONFIG_FILE=/path/to/insights-content-service/config-devel.toml ./insights-content-service

This service will be consumed by ccx-notification-service just for getting the templates.

Notification writer

It is necessary to use ccx-notification-writer to consume some Kafka messages and write them to the DB:

// Initialize the database
CCX_NOTIFICATION_WRITER_CONFIG_FILE=/path/to/ccx-notification-writer/config-devel.toml ./ccx-notification-writer -db-init-migration
CCX_NOTIFICATION_WRITER_CONFIG_FILE=/path/to/ccx-notification-writer/config-devel.toml ./ccx-notification-writer -db-init
// Start the service
CCX_NOTIFICATION_WRITER_CONFIG_FILE=/path/to/ccx-notification-writer/config-devel.toml ./ccx-notification-writer

Notification service

CCX_NOTIFICATION_SERVICE_CONFIG_FILE=/path/to/ccx-notification-service/config-devel.toml ./ccx-notification-service -instant-reports

The instant-reports flag doesn’t publish anything to the Kafka topic because it doesn’t find any difference between the reports in the DB. However, the weekly-reports does. If you want to use instant-reports, it is necessary to send messages with higher risk.

Bonus: generating emails

It is possible to reproduce the generation of emails by cloning the notifications-backend. You can run it with Quarkus and create a single test like the ones inside TestOpenshiftAdvisorTemplate. The variable result is the generated email. Make sure to fill the stub action with the messages produced by the ccx-notification-service.

Bonus: populating DB with correct data

It is possible to fill the PostgreSQL data directly with data that has the correct format by retrieving it from our QA database. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the QA openshift cluster using the oc tool: oc login <cluster_URL> --token=<token>
  2. Get the ccx-notification-db pod identifier with oc get pods
  3. Enter the pod with oc rsh <pod>
  4. Create a backup of the database under /tmp
  5. Logout from the pod
  6. Retrieve the backup with oc rsync <pod>/tmp/<backup_file> .
  7. Populate your local database with the downloaded file: psql -U <postgres_user> <local_database_name> <backup_file>

That’s it. You will still need the insights-content-service and Kafka to be running in order to launch the notification service. But the remaining dependencies would not be needed anymore.


  • Make sure to read the contents of config-devel.toml at every repositories as it has all the configuration about the connections to the containers (database access, topics, other services endpoints…).

  • If you get stuck, you can always drop the tables from the database using

    CCX_NOTIFICATION_WRITER_CONFIG_FILE=/path/to/ccx-notification-writer/config-devel.toml ./ccx-notification-writer -db-drop-tables

Running BDD Testcases

The BDD testcases can be run with make bdd_tests, or within any Python IDE as long as the virtual environment with the required packages is activated. When the tests are launched, the config-devel.toml file is used. So for the testcases to run correctly, the following dependencies must be available:

  • Kafka broker listening on localhost:29092
  • insights-content-service on localhost:8082
  • PostgreSQL on localhost:5432 with a database named notification
  • Prometheus Push Gateway on localhost:9091