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Prometheus API

The project allows to expose some metrics to Prometheus if desired. To enable it, you should add the ccx_data_pipeline.watchers.stats_watcher.StatsWatcher to the configuration file, as shown in the provided one.

The exposed metrics are 6 counters and 3 histograms:

  • ccx_consumer_received_total: a counter of the total amount of received messages from Kafka that can be handled by the pipeline.
  • ccx_downloaded_total: total amount of handled messages that contains a valid and downloadable archive.
  • ccx_engine_processed_total: total amount of archives processed by the Insights library.
  • ccx_published_total: total amount of processed results that has been published to the outgoing Kafka topic.
  • ccx_failures_total: total amount of individual events received but not properly processed by the pipeline. It can include failures due to an invalid URL for the archive, incorrect format of the downloaded archive, failure during the processing…
  • ccx_not_handled_total: total amount of received records that cannot be handled by the pipeline, normally due to incompatible format or incorrect JSON schema.
  • ccx_download_duration_seconds: histogram of the time that takes to download each archive.
  • ccx_process_duration_seconds: histogram of the time that takes to process the archive after it has been downloaded.
  • ccx_publish_duration_seconds: histogram of the time that takes to send the new record to the outgoing Kafka topic after the archive has been processed.