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The config.yaml is an standard Insights Core Messaging configuration file. To learn about its structure and configuring some common things, you probably want to read its documentation:

Insights Core Messaging documentation.

Some of the specific ccx-data-pipeline configuration points are in the service section, where the specific consumer, downloader and publisher are configured.

  • consumer name refers to the class ccx_data_pipeline.consumer.Consumer. The arguments passed to the initializer are defined in the kwargs dictionary initializer. The most relevants are:
    • incoming_topic: the Kafka topic to subscribe the consumer object.
    • group_id: Kafka group identifier. Several instances of the same pipeline will need to be into the same group in order to not process the same messages.
    • bootstrap_servers: a list of “IP:PORT” strings where the Kafka server is listening.
    • max_record_age: an integer that defines the amount of seconds for ignoring older Kafka records. If a received record is older than this amount of seconds, it will be ignored. By default, messages older than 2 hours will be ignored. To disable this functionality and process every record ignoring its age, use -1.
  • downloader: name refers to the class ccx_data_pipeline.http_downloader.HTTPDownloader. The only argument that can be passed to the initializer is:
    • max_archive_size: this is an optional argument. It will specify the maximum size of the archives that can be processed by the pipeline. If the downloaded archive is bigger, it will be discarded. The parameter should be an string in a human-readable format (it accepts units like KB, KiB, GB, GiB…
  • publisher name refers to the class ccx_data_pipeline.publisher.Publisher and it also allow to define the arguments passed to the initializer modifying the kwargs dictionary:
    • outgoing_topic: a string indicating the topic where the reported results should be sent.
    • bootstrap_servers: same as in consumer, a list of Kafka servers to connect
  • watchers: it has a list of Watcher objects that will receive notifications of events during the pipeline processing steps. The default configured one is ccx_data_pipeline.consumer_watcher.ConsumerWatcher that serve some statistics for Prometheus service. The port where the prometheus_client library will listen for petitions is configurable using kwargs dictionary in the same way as consumer and publisher. The only recognized option is:
    • prometheus_port: an integer indicating the port where the prometheus_client will listen for server petitions. If not present, defaults to 8000.

Environment variables

In addition to the configuration mentioned above, some other behaviours can be configured through the definition of environment variables.

All the YAML file is parsed by the Insights Core Messaging library, that includes support for using environment variables with default values as values for any variable in the configuration file.

As an example, given an environment variable named CDP_INCOMING_TOPIC that contains the Kafka topic name where the consumer should read, you can put ${CDP_INCOMING_TOPIC} as the value for the consumer/incoming_topic configuration.

Following the same example, if you want that a default value is used in case of CDP_INCOMING_TOPIC is not defined, you can specify ${CDP_INCOMING_TOPIC:default_value}. In this case, the environment variable will take precedence over the default value, but this default will be used in case the environment variable is not defined.

In addition to the YAML configuration, another important note about the needed environment variables:

Cloud Watch configuration

To enable the sending of log messages to a Cloud Watch instance, you should define all the following environment variables:

  • CW_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: The AWS access key for creating the Cloud Watch session.
  • CW_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: The AWS secret access key for creating the Cloud Watch session.
  • AWS_REGION_NAME:: An AWS region name where the Cloud Watch authentication should be done.
  • CW_LOG_GROUP: The logging group that will be used by ccx-data-pipeline to publish its messages.
  • CW_STREAM_NAME: A name to distinguish this application logs inside the log group.

If any of these environment variables are not defined, the Cloud Watch service cannot be configured and won’t be used at all.