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The log format is highly configurable through the configuration file. By default, using the provided configuration, each log message will produce a JSON dictionary with the following structure:

  "levelname": "LOG_LEVEL",
  "asctime": "timestamp",
  "name": "Python module",
  "filename": "filename",
  "message": "Message content"

By default, this log messages will be printed in the standard output. To change this behaviour, refer to the logging section in the configuration file, the Python Logging HOWTO and the Python logging reference.

Logging to Cloud Watch

Cloud Watch is a service to enable log message publication. In ccx-data-pipeline it is done using boto3 and watchtower Python packages.

In addition to the whole Python logging facilities, this service includes some additional tooling in order to help configuring the logging system to send its messages to a Cloud Watch instance.

Please, refer to Cloud Watch configuration section to get further info.