Prometheus metrics

It is possible to use /metrics REST API endpoint to read all metrics exposed to Prometheus or to any tool that is compatible with it. Currently, the following metrics are exposed:

  1. consumed_messages - the total number of messages consumed from Kafka
  2. consuming_errors - the total number of errors during consuming messages from Kafka
  3. parse_incoming_message - the total number of parsed messages
  4. check_schema_version - the total number of messages with successful schema check
  5. marshal_report - the total number of marshaled reports
  6. shrink_report - the total number of shrunk reports
  7. check_last_checked_timestamp - the total number of messages with last checked timestamp
  8. stored_messages - the total number of messages stored into database
  9. stored_bytes - the total number of bytes stored into database

Metrics namespace

As explained in the configuration section of this documentation, a namespace can be provided in order to act as a prefix to the metric name. If no namespace is provided in the configuration, the metrics will be exposed as described in this documentation.