
Table of contents

  1. Server configuration
  2. Services configuration
  3. AMS client configuration
  4. Setup configuration
  5. Metrics configuration
  6. Usage of environment variables

Configuration is done by toml config, taking the config.toml in the working directory if no configuration is provided. This can be overriden by INSIGHTS_RESULTS_SMART_PROXY_CONFIG_FILE environment variable.

Server configuration

Server configuration is in section [server] in config file. The API is currently split into two versions, see the corresponding README

address = ":8080"
api_v1_prefix = "/api/v1/"
api_v2_prefix = "/api/v2/"
api_v1_spec_file = "server/api/v1/openapi.json"
api_v2_spec_file = "server/api/v2/openapi.json"
debug = true
auth = true
auth_type = "xrh"
use_https = false
enable_cors = false
enable_internal_rules_organizations = false
internal_rules_organizations = []
log_auth_token = true
  • address is host and port which server should listen to
  • api_v1_prefix is prefix for the REST API V1
  • api_v2_prefix is prefix for the REST API V2
  • api_v1_spec_file is the location of a required OpenAPI specifications file for API V1
  • api_v2_spec_file is the location of a required OpenAPI specifications file for API V2
  • debug is developer mode that enables some special API endpoints not used on production. In production, false is used every time.
  • auth turns on or turns authentication. Please note that this option can be set to false only in devel environment. In production, true is used every time.
  • auth_type set type of auth. Can be used only with auth = true. Auth type used in all envs: xrh
  • use_https enable or disable the usage of SSL transport for the HTTP server
  • enable_cors enable or disable the CORS headers
  • enable_internal_rules_organizations allows enabling the access to the static content for internal rules for configured organizations (by OrgID)
  • internal_rules_organizations defines the list of organizations who can access to the internal rules content
  • log_auth_token enable or disable logging about the auth token used for identify the user performing requests to this service

Please note that if auth configuration option is turned off, not all REST API endpoints will be usable. Whole REST API schema is satisfied only for auth = true.

Services configuration

Services configuration is in section [services] in the configuration file.

aggregator = "http://localhost:8080/api/v1/"
content = "http://localhost:8082/api/v1/"
upgrade_risks_prediction = "http://localhost:8083/"
groups_poll_time = "60s"
  • aggregator is the base endpoint to the Insights Results Aggregator service to be used
  • content is the base endpoint to the Insights Content Service to be used
  • upgrade_risks_prediction is the base endpoint to the Data Engineering Service, which is the one that will return the upgrade risks prediction results.
  • groups_poll_time is the time between polls to the content service to retrieve updated static content, like groups or rule contents

The groups_poll_time must be configured as an string that can be parsed by the function time.ParseDuration from Golang standard library.

AMS client configuration

Smart Proxy is able to retrieve organizations information from the AMS API. In order to do that, it needs to be configured with valid API URL and credentials.

client_id = "Red Hat SSO client ID"
client_secret = "Corresponding client secret"
token = "a valid token"
url = ""
page_size = 100
cluster_list_caching = "false"
  • client_id and client_secret are optionals, but if any of them is defined, the other one should be defined too. They indicate the pair of credentials used by the client to connect to the API
  • token is optional. If defined, the client will use that offline token to retrieve valid credentials in order to connect to the AMS API
  • url indicates the base URL for the AMS API
  • page_size is optional and defaults to 100. Defines the size of every page of results from the API
  • cluster_list_caching is used to toggle cluster list caching from AMS in Redis

In order to use the AMS API, the client needs some of the credentials defined above. If both client_id/client_secret and token are defined at the same time, client_id/client_secret pair takes precedence over token.

Setup configuration


Metrics configuration

Metrics configuration is in section [metrics] in config file

namespace = "mynamespace"
  • namespace if defined, it is used as Namespace argument when creating all the Prometheus metrics exposed by this service.

Usage of environment variables

In order to avoid using a configuration file or to override some of the configured values in it, the environment variables can be used.

Every configuration explained before in this document can be overriden by its corresponding environment variable.

For example, if you have a configuration that includes the following:

address = ":8080"
auth = false

and you want to override the address for the HTTP server you can export INSIGHTS_RESULTS_SMART_PROXY__SERVER__ADDRESS variable, and its value will override the toml file one.

For example:


will result on the server listens on port 443 and use TLS transport.

All the environment variables must have the INSIGHTS_RESULTS_SMART_PROXY preffix, followed by the section name and the configuration paramater, both in upper case. The characters __ should be used as separater between the preffix, the section name and the configuration parameter in each variable name.