
Copyright 2020 Red Hat, Inc

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. Display statistic about rules that really ‘hit’ problems on clusters.

import collections
import json
from os import listdir
from os.path import isfile, join

Retrieve list of files.

files = [f for f in listdir(".") if isfile(join(".", f))]

Names of external rules to be processed. Please note that it needs to be updated later.

rule_names = (

Counter of rules that passed on clusters.

passed_cnt = collections.Counter()

Counter of rules that were skipped.

skipped_cnt = collections.Counter()

Counter of rules that were reported (hitted).

reported_cnt = collections.Counter()

TODO: just a temporary, for quick check.

files = files[:10]

Process all files.

for filename in files:

If it is JSON file with (possibly) cluster reports.

    if filename.endswith(".json"):

Try to open and parse that file.

        with open(filename) as fin:
            data = json.load(fin)
            if "info" in data:
                infolist = data["info"]
                cluster = None
                for info in infolist:
                    if info["key"] == "GRAFANA_LINK":
                        cluster = info["details"]["cluster_id"]

Check cluster status w.r.o. the selected rule

                if cluster is not None:
                    if "pass" in data:
                        passed = data["pass"]
                        for p in passed:
                            rule = p["component"]
                            passed_cnt[rule] += 1
                    if "skips" in data:
                        skipped = data["skips"]
                        for s in skipped:
                            rule = s["rule_fqdn"]
                            skipped_cnt[rule] += 1
                    if "reports" in data:
                        reports = data["reports"]
                        for r in reports:
                            rule = r["component"]
                            reported_cnt[rule] += 1

Display statistic to user.

print("Rule, passed, reported, skipped")

for rule in rule_names:
    print(rule, passed_cnt[rule], reported_cnt[rule], skipped_cnt[rule],