
Copyright © 2020 Red Hat, Inc.

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List all rules and other interesting informations found in reports.csv.

This script can be used to analyze data exported from report table by the following command typed into PSQL console:

\\copy report to 'reports.csv' csv

Howto connect to PSQL console: psql -h host

Password can be retrieved from OpenShift console, for example from: ccx-data-pipeline-qa/browse/secrets/ccx-data-pipeline-db ccx-data-pipeline-prod/browse/secrets/ccx-data-pipeline-db

import json
import sys
import csv
import collections

not supported unless we get the real organization list

import organizations


Check if command line argument is specified (it is mandatory).

if len(sys.argv) < 2:
    print(" input_file.csv")
    print(" report.csv")

First command line argument should contain name of input CSV.

input_csv = sys.argv[1]

This variable represents counters for all organizations. Each counter contains number of clusters found in the respected organization.

orgs = collections.Counter()

This variable represents counters for all clusters. Each counter contains number of records for this cluster. It should be 1, unless we have some problem in database.

clusters = collections.Counter()

This variable represents counters for all organizations. Each counter contain number of clusters hit by any rule.

clusters_hits = collections.Counter()

This variable represents counters for all organizations. Each counter contain number of clusters hit by any rule excluding the tutorial one.

clusters_hits_no_tutorial = collections.Counter()

This variable represents counters for all rules. Each counter contain number of clusters hit by the rule.

rules = collections.Counter()

Number of hits per cluster

hits = collections.Counter()

Read organization for the provided organization ID.

def readOrganization(org_id):
    if org_id in organizations.orgs:
        return organizations.orgs[org_id]

default value

        return "***unknown***"

Try to open the CSV file specified.

with open(input_csv) as csv_input:

And open this file as CSV

    csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_input)
    rows = 0

Read all rows from the provided CSV file.

    for row in csv_reader:
        rows += 1
        org_id = row[0]
        cluster_id = row[1]
        raw_report = row[2]

        orgs[org_id] += 1
        clusters[cluster_id] += 1

Try to load JSON file with name found in the CSV file.

        data = json.loads(raw_report)

Content of JSON file is a bit complicated, but we need to process only several attributes.

        if "info" in data:
            infolist = data["info"]
            cluster = None
            for info in infolist:
                if info["key"] == "GRAFANA_LINK":
                    cluster = info["details"]["cluster_id"]
            if cluster is not None:
                if "reports" in data:
                    hits[len(data["reports"])] += 1
                    clusters_hits[org_id] += 1
                    reports = data["reports"]
                    realRuleFound = False
                    for r in reports:
                        rule = r["component"]
                        if rule != "":
                            realRuleFound = True
                        rules[rule] += 1
                    if realRuleFound:
                        clusters_hits_no_tutorial[org_id] += 1

Try to generate report with CSV format


Basic statistic

print("Rows processed", rows, sep=",")
print("Unique rules found", len(rules), sep=",")
print("Organizations", len(orgs), sep=",")
print("Clusters", len(clusters), sep=",")

Info about organizations

print("Top " + str(MOST_USED_ORGS) + " organizations")
print("Organization ID", "Domain", "Clusters", "Hit", "Hit/no tutorial", sep=",")

for org in orgs.most_common(MOST_USED_ORGS):
    print(org[0], readOrganization(org[0]), org[1], clusters_hits[org[0]],
          clusters_hits_no_tutorial[org[0]], sep=",")

Info about organizations w/o Red Hat

print("Top " + str(MOST_USED_ORGS) + " known organizations w/o Red Hat")
print("Organization ID", "Domain", "Clusters", "Hit", "Hit/no tutorial", sep=",")

i = 0
for org in orgs.most_common(1000000000000):
    name = readOrganization(org[0])
    if name != "***unknown***" and name != "":
        print(org[0], readOrganization(org[0]), org[1], clusters_hits[org[0]],
              clusters_hits_no_tutorial[org[0]], sep=",")
        i += 1
    if i > MOST_USED_ORGS:

Info about rules

print("Rule", "Hits", sep=",")

for rule in rules.most_common(10000):
    print(rule[0], rule[1], sep=",")

Info about hits

print("Hits", "# of clusters", sep=",")
for h in range(0, 11):
    print(h, hits[h], sep=",")

Info about records per cluster

print("Cluster", "Records", sep=",")

for cluster in clusters.most_common(20):
    print(cluster[0], cluster[1], sep=",")