Copyright © 2019, 2020 Pavel Tisnovsky
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. Generator of random payload for testing REST API, message consumers, test frameworks etc.
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import string
import random
Generator of random payload for testing API.
class RandomPayloadGenerator:
Initialize the random payload generator.
def __init__(self, max_iteration_deep=2, max_dict_key_length=5, max_list_length=5,
Parameters that affect payload generator behaviour.
self.iteration_deep = 0
self.max_iteration_deep = max_iteration_deep
self.max_list_length = max_list_length
self.max_dict_key_length = max_dict_key_length
self.max_string_length = max_string_length
Let’s be strict which characters should be used as keys in generated dictionaries.
self.dict_key_characters = string.ascii_lowercase + string.ascii_uppercase + "_"
Dtto for string contents.
self.string_value_characters = (string.ascii_lowercase + string.ascii_uppercase +
"_" + string.punctuation + " ")
Generate random string of length=n.
def generate_random_string(self, n, uppercase=False, punctuations=False):
String prefix has limited character range.
prefix = random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase)
The rest of string is more relaxed and the set of allowed characters is configurable.
mix = string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits
if uppercase:
mix += string.ascii_uppercase
if punctuations:
mix += string.punctuation
suffix = ''.join(random.choice(mix) for _ in range(n - 1))
return prefix + suffix
Generate a string key to be used in dictionary.
def generate_random_key_for_dict(self, data):
existing_keys = data.keys()
Try to generate new key which needs to be unique, i.e. it can not be already contained in set of keys.
while True:
new_key = self.generate_random_string(self.max_string_length)
if new_key not in existing_keys:
return new_key
Generate list filled in with random values.
def generate_random_list(self, n):
Generate random list which is to be heterogenous - it’s items can have (almost) any data type.
return [self.generate_random_payload((int, str, float, bool, list, dict)) for i in range(n)]
Generate dictionary filled in with random values.
def generate_random_dict(self, n):
Generate set of random keys and list of random values. Set and list should have the same number of items. Then construct dictionary by zipping these two data structures.
dict_content = (int, str, list, dict)
return {self.generate_random_string(self.max_string_length):
for i in range(n)}
Generate list filled in with random strings.
def generate_random_list_or_string(self):
List are recursive structure that can contain other lists or dictionaries. So we need to check if we already reached recursion limit or not.
if self.iteration_deep < self.max_iteration_deep:
self.iteration_deep += 1
value = self.generate_random_list(self.max_list_length)
self.iteration_deep -= 1
value = self.generate_random_value(str)
return value
Generate dict filled in with random strings.
def generate_random_dict_or_string(self):
Dictionaries are recursive structure that can contain other lists or dictionaries. So we need to check if we already reached recursion limit or not.
if self.iteration_deep < self.max_iteration_deep:
self.iteration_deep += 1
value = self.generate_random_dict(self.max_dict_key_length)
self.iteration_deep -= 1
value = self.generate_random_value(str)
return value
Generate one random value of given type.
def generate_random_value(self, type):
Create generators for all possible data types. Each generator is able to generate random values of given data type.
generators = {
str: lambda: self.generate_random_string(self.max_string_length, uppercase=True,
int: lambda: random.randrange(100000),
float: lambda: random.random() * 100000.0,
bool: lambda: bool(random.getrandbits(1)),
list: lambda: self.generate_random_list_or_string(),
dict: lambda: self.generate_random_dict_or_string()
Select the generator specified by type
generator = generators[type]
And simply return it.
return generator()
Generate random payload with possibly restricted data types.
def generate_random_payload(self, restrict_types=None):
Types can be restricted by user during initialization of this class. If types are not restricted, we use the default set - strings, integers, floats, lists (recursive), dictionary (recursive), and booleans.
if restrict_types:
types = restrict_types
types = (str, int, float, list, dict, bool)
selected_type = random.choice(types)
return self.generate_random_value(selected_type)