
Copyright © 2020 Pavel Tisnovsky

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


Simple checker for OpenAPI specification files.

usage: [-h] [-v] [-n] [-d DIRECTORY]

optional arguments: -h, –help show this help message and exit -v, –verbose make it verbose -n, –no-colors disable color output -d DIRECTORY, –directory DIRECTORY directory OpenAPI JSON file to check

from pathlib import Path
from json import load
from sys import exit
from os import popen
from argparse import ArgumentParser
import os

Try to execute tput to read control code for selected operation.

def read_control_code(operation):
    return popen("tput " + operation, "r").readline()

Test if the given attribute (of dictionary) is empty after stripping whitespaces.

def empty_attribute(node, selector):
    return node[selector].strip() == ""

Check the description in info node.

def check_info_node(obj, verbose):
    if verbose is not None:
        print("    checking info node")

Make sure we have the object (payload) deserialized.

    if obj is None:
        print("Empty object has been deserialized")
        return 1

Info node (with all attributes) are expected to be part of OpenAPI JSON file.

    if "info" not in obj:
        print("Info node can't be found")

Value to be added into error accumulator (new error has been found).

        return 1

Now it is possible to read info node.

    info = obj["info"]

Check if description attribute exists.

    if "description" not in info:
        print("No description provided for the whole file")

Value to be added into error accumulator (new error has been found).

        return 1

Check if description attribute contains any text.

    if empty_attribute(info, "description"):
        print("Empty description provided for the whole file")

Value to be added into error accumulator (new error has been found).

        return 1

Value to be added into error accumulator (no new errors).

    return 0

Check if description is provided for a method (endpoint + HTTP method).

def check_description_for_method(path, method, m):

Check if description attribute exists.

    if "description" not in m:
        print("            No description found for endpoint `" +
              path + "` and method `" + method + "`")

Value to be added into error accumulator (new error has been found).

        return 1

Check if description attribute contains any text.

    elif empty_attribute(m, "description"):
        print("            Empty description found for endpoint `" +
              path + "` and method `" + method + "`")

Value to be added into error accumulator (new error has been found).

        return 1

Value to be added into error accumulator (no new errors).

    return 0

Check if description is provided for all method parameters.

def check_description_for_method_parameters(path, method, m):

Error accumulator.

    failures = 0

    if "parameters" in m:
        parameters = m["parameters"]

Check all parameters.

        for parameter in parameters:

Check if description attribute exists.

            if "description" not in parameter:
                print("            No description found for endpoint `" +
                      path + "` method `" + method + "` and parameter `" +
                      parameter["name"] + "`")

Increase number of errors found.

                failures += 1

Check if description attribute contains any text.

            elif empty_attribute(parameter, "description"):
                print("            Empty description found for endpoint `" +
                      path + "` method `" + method + "` and parameter `" +
                      parameter["name"] + "`")

Increase number of errors found.

                failures += 1

Return errors count for this particular check.

    return failures

Check if description is provided for all method responses.

def check_description_for_method_responses(path, method, m):

Error accumulator.

    failures = 0

    if "responses" in m:
        responses = m["responses"]

Check all responses.

        for response in responses:
            r = responses[response]

Check if description attribute exists.

            if "description" not in r:
                print("            No description found for endpoint `" +
                      path + "` method `" + method +
                      "` and response `" + response + "`")

Increase number of errors found.

                failures += 1

Check if description attribute contains any text.

            elif empty_attribute(r, "description"):
                print("            Empty description found for endpoint `" +
                      path + "` method `" + method +
                      "` and response `" + response + "`")

Increase number of errors found.

                failures += 1

Return errors count for this particular check.

    return failures

Check the content of HTTP method description.

def check_method(path, method, methods, verbose):

Error accumulator.

    failures = 0

    if verbose is not None:
        print("        checking method " + method)

    m = methods[method]

Perform particular error checks.

    failures += check_description_for_method(path, method, m)
    failures += check_description_for_method_parameters(path, method, m)
    failures += check_description_for_method_responses(path, method, m)

Return errors count for this particular check.

    return failures

Check descriptions etc. for given path in OpenAPI file.

def check_path(path, methods, verbose):

Error accumulator.

    failures = 0

    if verbose is not None:
        print("    checking path " + path)

Perform error checks for all methods found in the OpenAPI file.

    for method in methods:

Increase number of errors found.

        failures += check_method(path, method, methods, verbose)

Return errors count for this particular check.

    return failures

Check all paths for given path in OpenAPI file.

def check_all_paths(obj, verbose):

Error accumulator.

    failures = 0

    if verbose is not None:
        print("    checking all paths found in OpenAPI file")

    paths = obj["paths"]

Perform error checks for all paths found in the OpenAPI file.

    for path in paths:
        methods = paths[path]

Increase number of errors found.

        failures += check_path(path, methods, verbose)

Return errors count for this particular check.

    return failures

Check the content of OpenAPI JSON file.

def check_openapi_json(verbose, directory):

Reset counters with number of passes and number of failures.

    passes = 0
    failures = 0

    filename = directory + "openapi.json"

If the file can be opened and loaded as JSON, everything is fine.

    with open(filename, 'r') as fin:

Try to load and parse the content of JSON file.

            obj = load(fin)

At this point the JSON has been loaded and parsed correctly.

            if verbose is not None:
                print("{} has valid JSON format".format(filename))

            failures += check_info_node(obj, verbose)
            failures += check_all_paths(obj, verbose)

            if failures == 0:
                passes += 1

        except ValueError as e:

There are several reasons and possibilities why the file can not be read as JSON, so we just print the error message taken from exception object.

            print("{} has invalid JSON format".format(filename))
            failures += 1

Just the counters need to be returned because all other informations about problems have been displayed already.

    return passes, failures

Display report about number of passes and failures.

def display_report(passes, failures, nocolors):

First of all, we need to setup colors to be displayed on terminal. Colors are displayed by using terminal escape control codes. When color output are not enabled on command line, we can simply use empty strings in output instead of real color escape codes.

    red_background = green_background = magenta_background = no_color = ""

If colors are enabled by command line parameter, use control sequence returned by tput command.

    if not nocolors:
        red_background = read_control_code("setab 1")
        green_background = read_control_code("setab 2")
        magenta_background = read_control_code("setab 5")
        no_color = read_control_code("sgr0")

There are four possible outcomes OpenAPI check: 1. no JSON files has been found 2. all files are ok 3. none of JSON files can be read and parsed 4. some files can be read and parsed, some can not

    if failures == 0:
        if passes == 0:
            print("{}[WARN]{}: no JSON files with OpenAPI detected".format(
                magenta_background, no_color))
            print("{}[OK]{}: OpenAPI file seems to have proper format and content".format(
                green_background, no_color))
        print("{}[FAIL]{}: file with invalid format and/or content detected".format(
            red_background, no_color))

Print just number of passes and failures at the end, as this information can be processed on CI.

    print("{} passes".format(passes))
    print("{} failures".format(failures))

Entry point to this tool.

def main():

First of all, we need to specify all command line flags that are recognized by this tool.

    parser = ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", help="make it verbose",
                        action="store_true", default=None)
    parser.add_argument("-n", "--no-colors", dest="nocolors", help="disable color output",
                        action="store_true", default=None)
    parser.add_argument("-d", "--directory", dest="directory",
                        help="directory OpenAPI JSON file to check",
                        action="store", default="./")

Now it is time to parse flags, check the actual content of command line and fill in the object named args.

    args = parser.parse_args()

Check JSON file containing OpenAPI specification.

    passes, failures = check_openapi_json(args.verbose,

Display detailed report and summary as well.

    display_report(passes, failures, args.nocolors)

If any error is found, return with exit code check to non-zero value.

    if failures > 0:

If this script is started from command line, run the main function which represents entry point to the processing. Entry point to this tool.

if __name__ == "__main__":