
Copyright © 2020 Red Hat, Inc.

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Anonymize aggregator log files by hashing organization ID and cluster ID.

Usage: [-h] -s SALT < input.log > output.log

optional arguments: -h, –help show this help message and exit -s SALT, –salt SALT salt for hashing algorithm

Example: -s foobar < original.log > anonymized.log

from hashlib import blake2b
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from sys import stdin

Split the input line into three parts separated by two given strings.

def split_by_two_strings(line, str1, str2):

Start of second part in the input string.

    i1 = line.index(str1) + len(str1)

End of second part in the input string.

    i2 = line.index(str2)

Now we know where the second part can be found in input string. It is therefore easy to figure out where the first part and third part are.

    return line[:i1], line[i1:i2], line[i2:]

Hash organization ID and return new line with encrypted value.

def hash_org_id(line, salt):

First we need to retrieve the organization ID from input line.

    beginning, org_id, ending = split_by_two_strings(line,

Initialize hashing algorithm. Hash to 8 bytes might be enough for organization ID (long int originally).

    h = blake2b(digest_size=8, salt=salt)

Convert string with organization ID to bytes and perform the hashing.


Now it is possible to retrieve the hash in hex format and convert it back to integer.

    new_org_id = int(h.hexdigest(), 16)

Format all three parts of log entry into expected output.

    return "{}{}{}".format(beginning, new_org_id, ending)

Hash cluster ID and return new line with encrypted value.

def hash_cluster_id(line, salt):

First we need to retrieve the cluster ID from input line.

    beginning, cluster_id, ending = split_by_two_strings(line,

Initialize hashing algorithm. Hash to 16 bytes is enough for cluster ID (32 hexa characters).

    h = blake2b(digest_size=16, salt=salt)

Convert string with cluster ID to bytes and perform the hashing.


Now it is possible to retrieve the hash in hex format.

    x = h.hexdigest()

Format all parts of log entry into expected output.

    return "{}{}-{}-{}-{}-{}{}".format(beginning, x[0:8], x[8:12], x[12:16],
                                       x[16:20], x[20:], ending)

Hash all sensitive values on line.

def hash_sensitive_values(line, salt=b'foo'):
    return hash_cluster_id(hash_org_id(line, salt), salt)

Entry point to this tool.

def main():

First of all, we need to specify all command line flags that are recognized by this tool.

    parser = ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("-s", "--salt", dest="salt",
                        help="salt for hashing algorithm",
                        action="store", default="foo", required=True)

Now it is time to parse flags, check the actual content of command line and fill in the object named args.

    args = parser.parse_args()

Retrieve the salt to be used by hashing algorithm.

    salt = args.salt.encode('utf-8')

This script works as a standard Unix filter (input->output), so we have to process input in line-by-line basis.

    for cnt, line in enumerate(stdin):
        line = line.strip()

If the line contains any information that need to be anonymized, do so.

        if '"organization":' in line and '"cluster":"' in line:
            line = hash_sensitive_values(line, salt=salt)

If this script is started from command line, run the main function which is entry point to the processing.

if __name__ == "__main__":