

Copyright © 2020 Red Hat, Inc.

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Converts outputs from OCP rule engine into proper reports.

All input files that have filename ‘s_*.json’ (usually anonymized outputs from OCP rule engine’) are converted into proper ‘report’ that can be:

1. Published into Kafka topic
2. Stored directly into aggregator database

It is done by inserting organization ID, clusterName and lastChecked attributes and by rearranging output structure. Output files will have following names: ‘r_*.json’.

import json
import sys
import datetime
from os import listdir
from os.path import isfile, join

Retrieve list of files in current directory.

files = [f for f in listdir(".") if isfile(join(".", f))]

Check if both command line arguments are specified (they are mandatory).

if len(sys.argv) < 3:
    print("Usage: 2report.py org_id cluster_id")

First command line argument should contain organization ID.

orgID = sys.argv[1]

Second command line argument should contain cluster name.

clusterName = sys.argv[2]

Retrieve actual time and format it according to ISO standard.

lastChecked = datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat() + "Z"

Filter all rules and remove internal ones.

def remove_internal_rules(data, key, selector):

Proper JSON reports from OCP should contain attribute named reports. It is needed to retrieve its content which is list of reports and process each report separately.

    if "reports" in data:
        if key in data:
            reports = data[key]
            new = []
            for report in reports:

Filter out all internal rules.

                if not report[selector].startswith("ccx_rules_ocp.internal."):
                    print("adding", report[selector])
            data[key] = new

Iterate over all files found in current directory.

for filename in files:

Just proper JSON files needs to be processed.

    if filename.startswith("s_") and filename.endswith(".json"):

Try to open the given file, read its content, parse it as JSON and use the processed payload later

        with open(filename) as fin:
            data = json.load(fin)

Report consists of three - reported problems, passed rules (without problems), and skipped rules. We need to filter out results from internal rules, but interesting is, that rule_name is stored under different keys - component or rule_fqdn. So the madness begins…

            remove_internal_rules(data, "reports", "component")
            remove_internal_rules(data, "pass", "component")
            remove_internal_rules(data, "skips", "rule_fqdn")  # oh my...

Construct name of output file

            outfilename = "r_" + filename[2:]

Perform the anonymization - the new data structure report will contain the original data, but organization ID, cluster ID, and last checked attributes will be changed accordingly

            report = {}
            report["OrgID"] = int(orgID)
            report["ClusterName"] = clusterName
            report["LastChecked"] = lastChecked
            report["Report"] = data

Export the anonymized report

            with open(outfilename, "w") as fout:
                json.dump(report, fout, indent=4)