Insights Data Schemas

Insights Data Schemas

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Format of output files generated by Parquet Factory

Parquet Factory is a program that can read data from several data sources, aggregate the data received from them and generate a set of Parquet files with the aggregated data, storing them in a selected S3 or Ceph bucket. It is used to generate different data aggregations in the CCX Internal Data Pipeline, reading data from Kafka topics.

Schema version

1 (unofficial)


Nine types of Parquet files (tables) are generated by Parquet Factory service:

Format of these tables are described below.

Basic format


byte array is used in Parquet files also to represent string (among other data structures). For more information please look at

Format of cluster_info table

cluster_id attribute

cluster_id uses its canonical textual representation: the 16 octets of a UUID are represented as 32 hexadecimal (base-16) digits, displayed in five groups separated by hyphens, in the form 8-4-4-4-12 for a total of 36 characters (32 hexadecimal characters and 4 hyphens). For more information please look at

An example of UUID:


current_version attribute

Current cluster version represented as string, for example “4.5.24” or even “”

platform attribute

Cluster platform specification, for example “BareMetal”, “OpenStack”, “Azure” etc.

collected_at attribute

Timestamp of report represented with millisecond precision, for example “2021-02-08 00:22:19” (this is the display format, the precision is higher internally)

desired_version attribute

Desired cluster version represented as string, for example “4.5.24” or even “”

initial_version attribute

Initial cluster version represented as string, for example “4.5.24” or even “”

network_type attribute

This column represent the type of network used by the cluster. Some well-known values are “OpenshiftSDN”, “NCP” or “Kuryr”.

channel attribute

This column represent the cluster’s upgrade channel, for example “stable-4.7”.

network_mtu attribute

This column represent the network’s MTU size used by the cluster. It is expressed in bytes. For example, a MTU of size 1500 bytes is saved as 1500.

network_kind attribute

More than one per cluster_id. This is the type of networks the cluster has. It can be service or cluster and is gathered both from spec.serviceNetwork and spec.clusterNetwork.

network_size attribute

More than one per cluster_id. This is the size of each network in the cluster. It is extracted directly from the network mask. For example a “” mask would have a “/16” size. The size is padded with zeros too “” would have “/04”.

network_host_prefix attribute

More than one per cluster_id. This is the value of spec.clusterNetwork.hostPrefix. It is 0 if the network is of kind service.

archive_path attribute

This attribute contains path to object stored in Ceph. It must be real path with chunks splitted by slash character. The format of path is:

archives/compressed/{PREFIX}/{CLUSTER_ID}/{YEAR+MONTH}/{DAY}/{ID}.tar.gz |

An example of path:

archives/compressed/0a/0aaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-ffffffffffff/202102/08/003201.tar.gz |

Format of rule_hits table

cluster_id attribute

cluster_id uses its canonical textual representation: the 16 octets of a UUID are represented as 32 hexadecimal (base-16) digits, displayed in five groups separated by hyphens, in the form 8-4-4-4-12 for a total of 36 characters (32 hexadecimal characters and 4 hyphens). For more information please look at

An example of UUID:


rule_id attribute

It contains rule name and a key that are joined by character.

Example of rule IDs:


collected_at attribute

Timestamp of report represented with millisecond precision, for example “2021-02-08 00:22:19” (this is the display format, the precision is higher internally)

archive_path attribute

This attribute contains path to object stored in Ceph. It must be real path with chunks splitted by slash character. The format of path is:

archives/compressed/{PREFIX}/{CLUSTER_ID}/{YEAR+MONTH}/{DAY}/{ID}.tar.gz |

An example of path:

archives/compressed/0a/0aaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-ffffffffffff/202102/08/003201.tar.gz |

cluster_id attribute

cluster_id uses its canonical textual representation: the 16 octets of a UUID are represented as 32 hexadecimal (base-16) digits, displayed in five groups separated by hyphens, in the form 8-4-4-4-12 for a total of 36 characters (32 hexadecimal characters and 4 hyphens). For more information please look at

An example of UUID:


ebs_account attribute

Account number, which is usually a positive integer represented as string, for example “123456”.

email_domain attribute

An e-mail domain, for example: “”

managed (bool) attribute

Boolean flag containing info if the cluster is managed or not.

support attribute

Specifies the level of (customer) support for this cluster.

collected_at attribute

Timestamp of report represented with millisecond precision, for example “2021-02-08 00:22:19” (this is the display format, the precision is higher internally)

Format of failing_operator_conditions table

cluster_id attribute

cluster_id uses its canonical textual representation: the 16 octets of a UUID are represented as 32 hexadecimal (base-16) digits, displayed in five groups separated by hyphens, in the form 8-4-4-4-12 for a total of 36 characters (32 hexadecimal characters and 4 hyphens). For more information please look at

An example of UUID:


operator attribute

Name of the operator reporting its condition.

Some examples of operators that can be received:

condition_type attribute

Type of the condition that is being reported by the operator. It will be a byte array from the following set of expected values:

condition_status attribute

Boolean flag that specifies the status of the given type reported by the operator.

reason attribute

A byte array containing a brief explanation about the operator condition status change.

raw_message attribute

A byte array containing the full description of the condition status change.

archive_path attribute

This attribute contains path to object stored in Ceph. It must be real path with chunks splitted by slash character. The format of path is:

archives/compressed/{PREFIX}/{CLUSTER_ID}/{YEAR+MONTH}/{DAY}/{ID}.tar.gz |

An example of path:

archives/compressed/0a/0aaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-ffffffffffff/202102/08/003201.tar.gz |

last_transition_time attribute

Timestamp of the last transition to the reported status for the operator, represented with millisecond precision, for example “2021-02-08 00:22:19” (this is the display format, the precision is higher internally)

collected_at (timestamp) timestamp of report represented with millisecond precision

Timestamp of report represented with millisecond precision, for example “2021-02-08 00:22:19” (this is the display format, the precision is higher internally)

Format of alerts table

cluster_id attribute

cluster_id uses its canonical textual representation: the 16 octets of a UUID are represented as 32 hexadecimal (base-16) digits, displayed in five groups separated by hyphens, in the form 8-4-4-4-12 for a total of 36 characters (32 hexadecimal characters and 4 hyphens). For more information please look at

An example of UUID:


name attribute

Name of the alert being reported.

Some examples of alerts:

state attribute

Indicates whether the alert is pending or firing.


severity attribute

Indicates how severe the alert is. Indicates the seriousness of the alert.


namespace attribute

This is the name of the namespace to which the cluster belongs to, if it belongs to any - the field may be empty. The value is extracted from the labels attribute.


job attribute

Name of the job during which the alert triggered, if any. The field may be empty. The value is extracted from the labels attribute.


labels attribute

A JSON encoded string/byte array containing necessary information for the alert about the cluster.


archive_path attribute

This attribute contains path to object stored in Ceph. It must be real path with chunks splitted by slash character. The format of path is:

archives/compressed/{PREFIX}/{CLUSTER_ID}/{YEAR+MONTH}/{DAY}/{ID}.tar.gz |

An example of path:

archives/compressed/0a/0aaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-ffffffffffff/202102/08/003201.tar.gz |

Format of gatherers_info table

cluster_id attribute

cluster_id uses its canonical textual representation: the 16 octets of a UUID are represented as 32 hexadecimal (base-16) digits, displayed in five groups separated by hyphens, in the form 8-4-4-4-12 for a total of 36 characters (32 hexadecimal characters and 4 hyphens). For more information please look at

An example of UUID:


name attribute

The name indicates one of the gatherer modules that was used during the archive generation in the form of a Go function name (package.Function).

An example of function name:


duration_in_ms attribute

This attribute indicates the time (in milliseconds) that took to the Insights Operator to run this gathering function.

archive_path attribute

This attribute contains path to object stored in Ceph. It must be real path with chunks splitted by slash character. The format of path is:

archives/compressed/{PREFIX}/{CLUSTER_ID}/{YEAR+MONTH}/{DAY}/{ID}.tar.gz |

An example of path:

archives/compressed/0a/0aaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-ffffffffffff/202102/08/003201.tar.gz |

collected_at attribute

Timestamp of report represented with millisecond precision, for example “2021-02-08 00:22:19” (this is the display format, the precision is higher internally)

Format of workload_containers table

cluster_id attribute

cluster_id uses its canonical textual representation: the 16 octets of a UUID are represented as 32 hexadecimal (base-16) digits, displayed in five groups separated by hyphens, in the form 8-4-4-4-12 for a total of 36 characters (32 hexadecimal characters and 4 hyphens). For more information please look at

An example of UUID:


shape_id attribute

a random UUID based on RFC 4122 and DCE 1.1 to uniquely identify the result from the report data

An example of UUID:


namespace attribute

This is the name of the namespace to which the cluster belongs to, if it belongs to any - the field may be empty. The value is extracted from the labels attribute.


shape_instances attribute

an integer the represents the shapes no

restart_always attribute

true if restartPolicy option of the container is set to Always

image_id attribute

the sha256 hash of the image of the container

the format of the hash is:


first_command attribute

the hash of the first command of the container.

An example of first_command:


first_arg attribute

the hash of the first argument of the container.

An example of first_argument:


init_container attribute

true if the container is an init container

archive_path attribute

This attribute contains path to object stored in Ceph. It must be real path with chunks splitted by slash character. The format of path is:

archives/compressed/{PREFIX}/{CLUSTER_ID}/{YEAR+MONTH}/{DAY}/{ID}.tar.gz |

An example of path:

archives/compressed/0a/0aaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-ffffffffffff/202102/08/003201.tar.gz |

collected_at attribute

Timestamp of report represented with millisecond precision, for example “2021-02-08 00:22:19” (this is the display format, the precision is higher internally)

Format of workload_image_layers table

cluster_id attribute

cluster_id uses its canonical textual representation: the 16 octets of a UUID are represented as 32 hexadecimal (base-16) digits, displayed in five groups separated by hyphens, in the form 8-4-4-4-12 for a total of 36 characters (32 hexadecimal characters and 4 hyphens). For more information please look at

An example of UUID:


image_id attribute

the sha256 hash of the image of the container

the format of the hash is:


layer_image_id attribute

the sha256 hash of the layer of the image

the format of the hash (same as image_id) is:


layer_image_level attribute

Integer, represents the index of the image layer in the container

first_command attribute

the hash of the first command of the container.

An example of first_command:


first_arg attribute

the hash of the first argument of the container.

An example of first_argument:


archive_path attribute

This attribute contains path to object stored in Ceph. It must be real path with chunks splitted by slash character. The format of path is:

archives/compressed/{PREFIX}/{CLUSTER_ID}/{YEAR+MONTH}/{DAY}/{ID}.tar.gz |

An example of path:

archives/compressed/0a/0aaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-ffffffffffff/202102/08/003201.tar.gz |

collected_at attribute

Timestamp of report represented with millisecond precision, for example “2021-02-08 00:22:19” (this is the display format, the precision is higher internally)

Format of available_updates table

cluster_id attribute

cluster_id uses its canonical textual representation: the 16 octets of a UUID are represented as 32 hexadecimal (base-16) digits, displayed in five groups separated by hyphens, in the form 8-4-4-4-12 for a total of 36 characters (32 hexadecimal characters and 4 hyphens). For more information please look at

An example of UUID:


current_version attribute

Current cluster version represented as string, for example “4.5.24” or even “”

release attribute

Available update version, for example “4.10.0-fc.4”.

collected_at attribute

Timestamp of report represented with millisecond precision, for example “2021-02-08 00:22:19” (this is the display format, the precision is higher internally)

archive_path attribute

This attribute contains path to object stored in Ceph. It must be real path with chunks splitted by slash character. The format of path is:

archives/compressed/{PREFIX}/{CLUSTER_ID}/{YEAR+MONTH}/{DAY}/{ID}.tar.gz |

An example of path:

archives/compressed/0a/0aaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-ffffffffffff/202102/08/003201.tar.gz |

Format of conditional_update_conditions table

cluster_id attribute

cluster_id uses its canonical textual representation: the 16 octets of a UUID are represented as 32 hexadecimal (base-16) digits, displayed in five groups separated by hyphens, in the form 8-4-4-4-12 for a total of 36 characters (32 hexadecimal characters and 4 hyphens). For more information please look at

An example of UUID:


current_version attribute

Current cluster version represented as string, for example “4.5.24” or even “”

release attribute

Available update version, for example “4.10.0-fc.4”.

Whether the conditional update was recommended, only “True”, “False” or “Unknown”.

reason attribute

reason for the update resolution, for example “AsExpected”.

message attribute

Details for the update resolution, for example “The update is recommended, because none of the conditional update risks apply to this cluster.”.

collected_at attribute

Timestamp of report represented with millisecond precision, for example “2021-02-08 00:22:19” (this is the display format, the precision is higher internally)

archive_path attribute

This attribute contains path to object stored in Ceph. It must be real path with chunks splitted by slash character. The format of path is:

archives/compressed/{PREFIX}/{CLUSTER_ID}/{YEAR+MONTH}/{DAY}/{ID}.tar.gz |

An example of path:

archives/compressed/0a/0aaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-ffffffffffff/202102/08/003201.tar.gz |

Format of conditional_update_risks table

cluster_id attribute

cluster_id uses its canonical textual representation: the 16 octets of a UUID are represented as 32 hexadecimal (base-16) digits, displayed in five groups separated by hyphens, in the form 8-4-4-4-12 for a total of 36 characters (32 hexadecimal characters and 4 hyphens). For more information please look at

An example of UUID:


current_version attribute

Current cluster version represented as string, for example “4.5.24” or even “”

release attribute

Available update version, for example “4.10.0-fc.4”.

risk attribute

Name of the risk for the conditional update, for example “AlibabaStorageDriverDemo”.

collected_at attribute

Timestamp of report represented with millisecond precision, for example “2021-02-08 00:22:19” (this is the display format, the precision is higher internally)

archive_path attribute

This attribute contains path to object stored in Ceph. It must be real path with chunks splitted by slash character. The format of path is:

archives/compressed/{PREFIX}/{CLUSTER_ID}/{YEAR+MONTH}/{DAY}/{ID}.tar.gz |

An example of path:

archives/compressed/0a/0aaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-ffffffffffff/202102/08/003201.tar.gz |

Format of Archives table

cluster_id attribute

cluster_id uses its canonical textual representation: the 16 octets of a UUID are represented as 32 hexadecimal (base-16) digits, displayed in five groups separated by hyphens, in the form 8-4-4-4-12 for a total of 36 characters (32 hexadecimal characters and 4 hyphens). For more information please look at

An example of UUID:


collected_at attribute

Timestamp of report represented with millisecond precision, for example “2021-02-08 00:22:19” (this is the display format, the precision is higher internally)

archive_path attribute

This attribute contains path to object stored in Ceph. It must be real path with chunks splitted by slash character. The format of path is:

archives/compressed/{PREFIX}/{CLUSTER_ID}/{YEAR+MONTH}/{DAY}/{ID}.tar.gz |

An example of path:

archives/compressed/0a/0aaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-ffffffffffff/202102/08/003201.tar.gz |

Possible enhancements


Content of cluster_info table

| cluster_id                           | cluster_version | platform | collected_at        | desired_version | initial_version | network_type | channel       | network_mtu | network_kind | network_size | network_host_prefix | archive_path                                                                        |
| ------------------------------------ | --------------- | -------- | ------------------- | --------------- | --------------- | ------------ | ------------- | ----------- | ------------ | ------------ | ------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 1e1ec4a5-1234-4f6c-838d-4e1c19300787 | 4.6.16          | None     | 2021-03-18 11:20:21 | 4.6.16          | 4.6.16          | OpenshiftSDN | stable-4.6    | 296         | service      | /23          | 0                   | archives/compressed/1e/1e1ec4a5-1234-4f6c-838d-4e1c19300787/202103/18/112021.tar.gz |
| 5e6538de-1234-4740-abbe-93afdef885a7 | 4.7.0           | None     | 2021-03-18 11:54:37 | 4.7.0           | 4.7.0           | Kurir        | candidate-4.7 | 1492        | service      | /12          | 0                   | archives/compressed/5e/5e6538de-1234-4740-abbe-93afdef885a7/202103/18/115437.tar.gz |
| e9ae142e-1234-4c49-a937-80f57a7abb52 | 4.6.16          | None     | 2021-03-18 11:04:22 | 4.6.16          | 4.6.16          | NCP          | fast-4.6      | 1500        | service      | /08          | 0                   | archives/compressed/e9/e9ae142e-1234-4c49-a937-80f57a7abb52/202103/18/110422.tar.gz |
| d8757ed6-1234-4860-8065-983f838e581e | 4.6.17          | None     | 2021-03-18 11:13:50 | 4.6.17          | 4.6.17          | OpenshiftSDN | stable-4.6    | 17914       | service      | /32          | 0                   | archives/compressed/d8/d8757ed6-1234-4860-8065-983f838e581e/202103/18/111350.tar.gz |
| 735c7c4d-1234-438f-a494-225f664c72a4 | 4.6.16          | VSphere  | 2021-03-18 11:38:46 | 4.6.16          | 4.3.28          | OpenshiftSDN | stable-4.3    | 65535       | cluster      | /16          | 23                  | archives/compressed/73/735c7c4d-1234-438f-a494-225f664c72a4/202103/18/113846.tar.gz |


cluster_id is mocked, these clusters are not real.

Content of rule_hits table

| cluster_id                              | rule_id                                     | collected_at          | archive_path                                                                           |
| --------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------- | --------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000    | pods_check_containers                       | POD_CONTAINER_ISSUE   | 2021-02-08 00:59:34                                                                    | archives/compressed/00/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/202102/08/005934.tar.gz |
| 11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111    | operators_check                             | OPERATOR_ISSUE        | 2021-02-08 00:59:34                                                                    | archives/compressed/11/11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111/202102/08/005934.tar.gz |
| 22222222-2222-2222-2222-222222222222    | pods_check                                  | POD_ISSUE             | 2021-02-08 00:59:34                                                                    | archives/compressed/22/22222222-2222-2222-2222-222222222222/202102/08/005934.tar.gz |
| +-------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------- | --------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |


cluster_id is mocked, these clusters are not real.

Content of failing_operator_conditions table

| cluster_id                              | operator         | condition_type   | condition_status   | reason                               | raw_message                                                                                   | archive_path                                                                          | last_transition_time     | collected_at           |
| --------------------------------------- | ---------------- | ---------------- | ------------------ | ------------------------------------ | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------ |
| 12345678-acc8-4439-9393-c12140c20033    | authentication   | Progressing      | True               | _OAuthServerDeploymentNotReady       | Progressing: not all deployment replicas are ready                                            | archives/compressed/12/12345678-acc8-4439-9393-c12140c20033/202104/28/074816.tar.gz   | 2021-04-28 07:27:34      | 2021-04-28 07:48:16    |
| 12345678-acc8-4439-9393-c12140c20033    | dns              | Progressing      | True               | Reconciling                          | At least 1 DNS DaemonSet is progressing.                                                      | archives/compressed/12/12345678-acc8-4439-9393-c12140c20033/202104/28/074816.tar.gz   | 2021-04-28 07:28:16      | 2021-04-28 07:48:16    |
| 12345678-acc8-4439-9393-c12140c20033    | kube-apiserver   | Progressing      | True               | NodeInstaller                        | NodeInstallerProgressing: 3 nodes are at revision 47; 0 nodes have achieved new revision 55   | archives/compressed/12/12345678-acc8-4439-9393-c12140c20033/202104/28/074816.tar.gz   | 2021-04-28 07:27:54      | 2021-04-28 07:48:16    |
| +-------------------------------------- | ---------------- | ---------------- | ------------------ | ------------------------------------ | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------ | ---------------------+ |


cluster_id is mocked, these clusters are not real.

Content of alerts table

| cluster_id                              | name                                 | state     | severity     | namespace                   | job                        | labels                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       | archive_path                                                                           |
| --------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------ | --------- | ------------ | --------------------------- | -------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 00335bc8-1234-5678-add6-b6ba003bad09    | Watchdog                             | firing    | none         |                             |                            | {"prometheus":"openshift-monitoring/k8s","prometheus_replica":"prometheus-k8s-1"}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            | archives/compressed/00/00335bc8-1234-5678-add6-b6ba003bad09/202106/05/122338.tar.gz    |
| 00335bc8-1234-5678-add6-b6ba003bad09    | UpdateAvailable                      | firing    | info         | openshift-cluster-version   | cluster-version-operator   | {"channel":"stable-4.7","endpoint":"metrics","instance":"","job":"cluster-version-operator","namespace":"openshift-cluster-version","pod":"cluster-version-operator-55f5795c8f-sz2v7","prometheus":"openshift-monitoring/k8s","prometheus_replica":"prometheus-k8s-1","service":"cluster-version-operator","upstream":"\u003cdefault\u003e"}                                | archives/compressed/00/00335bc8-1234-5678-add6-b6ba003bad09/202106/05/122338.tar.gz    |
| 73ea4458-1234-5678-8d1d-476c565fa5ab    | UpdateAvailable                      | firing    | info         | openshift-cluster-version   | cluster-version-operator   | {"channel":"stable-4.6","endpoint":"metrics","instance":"","job":"cluster-version-operator","namespace":"openshift-cluster-version","pod":"cluster-version-operator-fd6fbbd78-5m99k","prometheus":"openshift-monitoring/k8s","prometheus_replica":"prometheus-k8s-0","service":"cluster-version-operator","upstream":""}   | archives/compressed/73/73ea4458-1234-5678-8d1d-476c565fa5ab/202106/05/122348.tar.gz    |
| 73ea4458-1234-5678-8d1d-476c565fa5ab    | Watchdog                             | firing    | none         |                             |                            | {"prometheus":"openshift-monitoring/k8s","prometheus_replica":"prometheus-k8s-0"}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            | archives/compressed/73/73ea4458-1234-5678-8d1d-476c565fa5ab/202106/05/122348.tar.gz    |
| 73ea4458-1234-5678-8d1d-476c565fa5ab    | AlertmanagerReceiversNotConfigured   | firing    | warning      |                             |                            | {"prometheus":"openshift-monitoring/k8s","prometheus_replica":"prometheus-k8s-0"}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            | archives/compressed/73/73ea4458-1234-5678-8d1d-476c565fa5ab/202106/05/122348.tar.gz    |
| +-------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------ | --------- | ------------ | --------------------------- | -------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |


cluster_id is mocked, these clusters are not real. namespace and job is duplicated in labels for backwards compatibility

Content of gathering_info table

| cluster_id                              | name                                         | duration_in_ms     | archive_path                                                                          | collected_at           |
| --------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------- | ------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------- |
| 12345678-acc8-4439-9393-c12140c20033    | clusterconfig.GatherPodDisruptionBudgets     | 26                 | archives/compressed/12/12345678-acc8-4439-9393-c12140c20033/202108/02/144656.tar.gz   | 2021-08-02 14:46:56    |
| 12345678-acc8-4439-9393-c12140c20033    | clusterconfig.GatherSAPVsystemIptablesLogs   | 27                 | archives/compressed/12/12345678-acc8-4439-9393-c12140c20033/202108/02/144656.tar.gz   | 2021-08-02 14:46:56    |
| 12345678-acc8-4439-9393-c12140c20033    | clusterconfig.GatherClusterImageRegistry     | 28                 | archives/compressed/12/12345678-acc8-4439-9393-c12140c20033/202108/02/144656.tar.gz   | 2021-08-02 14:46:56    |
| 12345678-acc8-4439-9393-c12140c20033    | clusterconfig.GatherSAPDatahubs              | 29                 | archives/compressed/12/12345678-acc8-4439-9393-c12140c20033/202108/02/144656.tar.gz   | 2021-08-02 14:46:56    |
| 12345678-acc8-4439-9393-c12140c20033    | clusterconfig.GatherContainerRuntimeConfig   | 30                 | archives/compressed/12/12345678-acc8-4439-9393-c12140c20033/202108/02/144656.tar.gz   | 2021-08-02 14:46:56    |
| +-------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------- | ------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------+ |


cluster_id is mocked, these clusters are not real.

Content of workload_containers table

| cluster_id                              | shape_id                               | duration_in_ms     | namespace                                                                             | shape_instances   | restart_always   | image_id                                                                  | first_command                  | first_arg                                                                             | archive_path                                                                        | collected_at        |
| --------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------- | ------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------- | ---------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------- |
| 12345678-acc8-4439-9393-c12140c20033    | 18bf5b07-e337-4b8f-960d-cd5744325f07   | 26                 | archives/compressed/12/12345678-acc8-4439-9393-c12140c20033/202108/02/144656.tar.gz   | 1                 | true             | sha256:3de851e078cc8142486b565e56e41d173bcd1353fa4cadda961d171cf8c716e7   | n9CdwzVF                       | RNOaw_AuQeIY                                                                          | archives/compressed/12/12345678-acc8-4439-9393-c12140c20033/202108/02/144656.tar.gz | 2021-08-02 14:46:56 |
| 12345678-acc8-4439-9393-c12140c20033    | e3f3a567-5217-4195-a431-f88099044a17   | 27                 | archives/compressed/12/12345678-acc8-4439-9393-c12140c20033/202108/02/144656.tar.gz   | 1                 | true             | sha256:3de851e078cc8142486b565e56e41d173bcd1353fa4cadda961d171cf8c716e7   | n9CdwzVF                       | zO0oxtw_mcI5                                                                          | archives/compressed/12/12345678-acc8-4439-9393-c12140c20033/202108/02/144656.tar.gz | 2021-08-02 14:46:56 |
| 12345678-acc8-4439-9393-c12140c20033    | e0979dbf-46ae-4a3b-bb9e-ea6233b89364   | 28                 | archives/compressed/12/12345678-acc8-4439-9393-c12140c20033/202108/02/144656.tar.gz   | 1                 | true             | sha256:3de851e078cc8142486b565e56e41d173bcd1353fa4cadda961d171cf8c716e7   |                                |                                                                                       | archives/compressed/12/12345678-acc8-4439-9393-c12140c20033/202108/02/144656.tar.gz | 2021-08-02 14:46:56 |
| 12345678-acc8-4439-9393-c12140c20033    | c83ad82d-847a-406a-a9a1-b6bd37f7cfae   | 27                 | archives/compressed/12/12345678-acc8-4439-9393-c12140c20033/202108/02/144656.tar.gz   | 1                 | true             | sha256:3de851e078cc8142486b565e56e41d173bcd1353fa4cadda961d171cf8c716e7   |                                | 2RFIFohzNoYG                                                                          | archives/compressed/12/12345678-acc8-4439-9393-c12140c20033/202108/02/144656.tar.gz | 2021-08-02 14:46:56 |
| 12345678-acc8-4439-9393-c12140c20033    | e0979dbf-46ae-4a3b-bb9e-ea6233b89364   | 29                 | archives/compressed/12/12345678-acc8-4439-9393-c12140c20033/202108/02/144656.tar.gz   | 1                 | true             | sha256:3de851e078cc8142486b565e56e41d173bcd1353fa4cadda961d171cf8c716e7   |                                |                                                                                       | archives/compressed/12/12345678-acc8-4439-9393-c12140c20033/202108/02/144656.tar.gz | 2021-08-02 14:46:56 |
| 12345678-acc8-4439-9393-c12140c20033    | e0979dbf-46ae-4a3b-bb9e-ea6233b89364   | 30                 | archives/compressed/12/12345678-acc8-4439-9393-c12140c20033/202108/02/144656.tar.gz   | 1                 | true             | sha256:3de851e078cc8142486b565e56e41d173bcd1353fa4cadda961d171cf8c716e7   |                                |                                                                                       | archives/compressed/12/12345678-acc8-4439-9393-c12140c20033/202108/02/144656.tar.gz | 2021-08-02 14:46:56 |
| +-------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------- | ------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------- | ---------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------+-------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------+                                                              |


cluster_id is mocked, these clusters are not real.

Content of workload_image_layers table

| cluster_id                              | image_id                                                                  | layer_image_id                                                            | layer_image_level   | first_command   | first_arg      | archive_path                                                                          | collected_at           |
| --------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------- | --------------- | -------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------- |
| 12345678-acc8-4439-9393-c12140c20033    | sha256:4321f197c82174adf28ade6643db4be78d72548d60dc45fc457e9038cde2f64a   | sha256:4321f197c82174adf28ade6643db4be78d72548d60dc45fc457e9038cde2f64a   | 0                   | n9CdwzVF        | RNOaw_AuQeIY   | archives/compressed/12/12345678-acc8-4439-9393-c12140c20033/202108/02/144656.tar.gz   | 2021-08-02 14:46:56    |
| 12345678-acc8-4439-9393-c12140c20033    | sha256:4321f197c82174adf28ade6643db4be78d72548d60dc45fc457e9038cde2f64a   | sha256:4321f197c82174adf28ade6643db4be78d72548d60dc45fc457e9038cde2f64b   | 1                   | n9CdwzVF        | zO0oxtw_mcI5   | archives/compressed/12/12345678-acc8-4439-9393-c12140c20033/202108/02/144656.tar.gz   | 2021-08-02 14:46:56    |
| 12345678-acc8-4439-9393-c12140c20033    | sha256:4321f197c82174adf28ade6643db4be78d72548d60dc45fc457e9038cde2f64a   | sha256:4321f197c82174adf28ade6643db4be78d72548d60dc45fc457e9038cde2f64c   | 2                   |                 |                | archives/compressed/12/12345678-acc8-4439-9393-c12140c20033/202108/02/144656.tar.gz   | 2021-08-02 14:46:56    |
| 12345678-acc8-4439-9393-c12140c20033    | sha256:4f32c1da6fc39bd6e32e8f03a9b99e32b1143357b0e1da4c2d8fee0e09dcd5a1   | sha256:4321f197c82174adf28ade6643db4be78d72548d60dc45fc457e9038cde2f64d   | 3                   |                 | 2RFIFohzNoYG   | archives/compressed/12/12345678-acc8-4439-9393-c12140c20033/202108/02/144656.tar.gz   | 2021-08-02 14:46:56    |
| 12345678-acc8-4439-9393-c12140c20033    | sha256:4f32c1da6fc39bd6e32e8f03a9b99e32b1143357b0e1da4c2d8fee0e09dcd5a1   | sha256:4321f197c82174adf28ade6643db4be78d72548d60dc45fc457e9038cde2f64e   | 4                   |                 |                | archives/compressed/12/12345678-acc8-4439-9393-c12140c20033/202108/02/144656.tar.gz   | 2021-08-02 14:46:56    |
| 12345678-acc8-4439-9393-c12140c20033    | sha256:4f32c1da6fc39bd6e32e8f03a9b99e32b1143357b0e1da4c2d8fee0e09dcd5a1   | sha256:4321f197c82174adf28ade6643db4be78d72548d60dc45fc457e9038cde2f640   | 5                   |                 |                | archives/compressed/12/12345678-acc8-4439-9393-c12140c20033/202108/02/144656.tar.gz   | 2021-08-02 14:46:56    |
| +-------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------- | --------------- | -------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------+ |


cluster_id is mocked, these clusters are not real.

Content of Archives table

cluster_id collected_at archive_path
2c4bde1c-30fa-4f09-aaaa-36bb54ce3217 Fri Feb 10 2023 15:35:55 GMT+0100 (Central European Standard Time) archives/compressed/2c/2c4bde1c-30fa-4f09-aaaa-36bb54ce3217/202302/10/143555.tar.gz
b731eff1-a5db-4b43-aaaa-b708813a15aa Fri Feb 10 2023 15:35:57 GMT+0100 (Central European Standard Time) archives/compressed/b7/b731eff1-a5db-4b43-aaaa-b708813a15aa/202302/10/143557.tar.gz
736b03a3-4d2c-4c8f-aaaa-b007283d58bb Fri Feb 10 2023 15:36:03 GMT+0100 (Central European Standard Time) archives/compressed/73/736b03a3-4d2c-4c8f-aaaa-b007283d58bb/202302/10/143603.tar.gz


cluster_id is mocked, these clusters are not real.