List of scenarios
Displaying info about no clusters on OCM UI (“empty list”)
Displaying list of clusters on OCM UI
Display cluster overview page on OCM UI for cluster w/o any issues
Display cluster overview page on OCM UI for cluster with one critical issue
Display cluster overview page on OCM UI for cluster with one critical issue and one low issue
Display cluster overview page on OCM UI for cluster with two moderate issues
Check if OCM user interface is accessible for two test accounts
Check if tutorial rule is visible for two test accounts
Check if first test account is able to disable tutorial rule
Check if tutorial rule disabled by first test account is disabled for second test account as well
Check if first test account is able to enable tutorial rule
Check if tutorial rule enabled by first test account is enabled for second test account as well
Check if rule is disabled for one cluster only
Check if rule R1 is visible for two test accounts
Check if first test account is able to disable rule R1
Check if rule R1 disabled by first test account is disabled for second test account as well
Check if first test account is able to enable rule R1
Check if rule R1 enabled by first test account is enabled for second test account as well
Check if rule is disabled for one cluster only
Check if OCM user interface is accessible for two test accounts
Check if ACM user interface is accessible for two test accounts
Check if selected rule R1 is visible for the first test account in OCM UI
Check if selected rule R1 is visible for test account in ACM
Check if first test account is able to disable rule R1
Check if rule disabled on OCM UI is still visible on ACM
Check if rule disabled on OCM UI by user U1 is still visible on ACM for other users
Check if OCM user interface is accessible for two test accounts
Check if OCP WebConsole user interface is accessible for two test accounts
Check if selected rule R1 is visible for the first test account in OCM UI
Check if selected rule R1 is visible for test account in OCP WebConsole
Check if first test account is able to disable rule R1
Check if rule disabled on OCM UI is disabled on OCP WebConsole as well
Check if rule disabled on OCM UI by user U1 is disabled on OCP WebConsole for other users as well
Insights tab for cluster without any issue
Insights tab for cluster that does not send any insights-operator archive
Insights tab for cluster with 1 potential security issue identified
Login into
Login into OCM UI
Displaying rule feedback controls on OCM UI
Upvote for rule on OCM UI
Downvote for rule on OCM UI
Upvote then downvote for rule on OCM UI
Displaying single rule page in OCM UI
Managed rules are not shown in OCP WebConsole
Non-managed rules are shown, but managed rules are not in OCP WebConsole
Insights on OCP WebConsole for a cluster without any issue
Insights on OCP WebConsole for a cluster that does not send any insights-operator archive
Insights on OCP WebConsole for a situation when REST API is not accessbile
Insights on OCP WebConsole for a cluster with 1 critical issue
Insights on OCP WebConsole for a cluster with 2 critical issues
Insights on OCP WebConsole for a cluster with 1 low issue and 2 critical issues
Insights on OCP WebConsole for a cluster with 1 low issue, 1 important issue, and 1 moderate issue
Insights on OCP WebConsole for a cluster with 10 low issues
Login into OCP WebConsole via
Using link from OCP WebConsole “Insights Advisor status” window to cluster page on OCM UI
Displaying “Cluster issues” section on “Overview” page - 1 cluster with no issues
Displaying “Cluster issues” section on “Overview” page - 1 cluster with 1 critical issue
Displaying “Cluster issues” section on “Overview” page - 1 cluster with 1 important issue
Displaying “Cluster issues” section on “Overview” page - 1 cluster with 1 moderate issue
Displaying “Cluster issues” section on “Overview” page - 1 cluster with 1 low issue
Displaying “Cluster issues” section on “Overview” page - 2 clusters each having 1 low issue
Displaying “Cluster issues” section on “Overview” page - 1 cluster with 1 already disabled issue with low severity
Displaying “Cluster issues” section on “Overview” page - 1 cluster with 1 issue with low severity that is being disabled in Insights Advisor
Displaying “Cluster issues” section on “Overview” page - 1 cluster with 1 issue with low severity that is being enabled in Insights Advisor
Displaying “Cluster issues” section on “Overview” page - 1 cluster with 2 issues, that are being disabled in Insights Advisor in one time
Displaying “Cluster issues” section on “Overview” page - 1 cluster with 2 issues, that are being disabled in Insights Advisor one by one
Displaying “Cluster issues” section on “Overview” page - 1 cluster with 2 issues with low severity that is being enabled in Insights Advisor
Displaying “Clusters” page on ACM for one managed clusters in Ready state managed by AWS infrastructure
Displaying “Clusters” page on ACM for one managed clusters in Hibernating state managed by AWS infrastructure
Displaying “Clusters” page on ACM for one managed clusters in Ready state managed by Google Cloud Platform
Displaying “Clusters” page on ACM for one managed clusters in Ready state managed by Microsoft Azure
Displaying “Clusters” page on ACM for two managed clusters
Displaying “Cluster issues” section on “Overview” page - 1 cluster with 1 critical issue and 1 issue disabled in Insights Advisor
Displaying “Cluster issues” section on “Overview” page - 1 cluster with 1 critical issue
Displaying “Overview” page on ACM for one managed cluster in Ready state managed by AWS infrastruture
Displaying “Overview” page on ACM for one managed cluster in Ready state managed by AWS infrastructure for cluster with one disabled rule
Displaying description of recommendation found for 1 cluster with 1 critical issue
Displaying description of recommendation found for 1 cluster with 1 critical issue and 1 other issue disabled in Insights Advisor
Displaying description of recommendation found for 1 cluster with 1 critical issue and 1 other issue being enabled in Insights Advisor
Displaying description of recommendation found for 1 cluster with 2 critical issue, one issue being disabled in Insights Advisor
Ability to search for issues on Advanced Cluster Management for one local cluster (1 rule disabled)
Ability to search for issues on Advanced Cluster Management for one local cluster
Ability to search for issues on Advanced Cluster Management for one managed cluster
Displaying 1 cluster with high upgrade risk
Displaying 1 cluster with low upgrade risk
Displaying the overview of the clusters at risk
Displaying the upgrade risk for 100 clusters or less
Displaying the upgrade risk for more than 100 clusters
Default filtering on Advisor’s “Recommendations” page on Hybrid Cloud Console with five recommendations and four clusters
Basic filtering by name on Advisor’s “Recommendations” page on Hybrid Cloud Console with five recommendations and four clusters
On-the-fly filtering by name on Advisor’s “Recommendations” page on Hybrid Cloud Console with five recommendations and four clusters
Ability to clear filter on Advisor’s “Recommendations” page on Hybrid Cloud Console with five recommendations and four clusters
Displaying Advisor’s “Affected clusters” page on Hybrid Cloud Console with at least one recommendation and one cluster
Displaying Advisor’s “Affected clusters” page on Hybrid Cloud Console with at least one recommendation and two clusters
Pagination on “Affected clusters” page on Hybrid Cloud Console with more than 10 clusters
Default sorting on Advisor’s “Recommendations” page on Hybrid Cloud Console with five recommendations and four clusters
Sorting by name on Advisor’s “Recommendations” page on Hybrid Cloud Console with five recommendations and four clusters
Sorting by name in different order on Advisor’s “Recommendations” page on Hybrid Cloud Console with five recommendations and four clusters
Displaying Advisor’s “Affected clusters” page on Hybrid Cloud Console with at least one recommendation and one cluster should show the cluster version
Displaying Advisor’s “Affected clusters” page on Hybrid Cloud Console with at least one recommendation and two clusters should show the cluster version
Pagination on “Affected clusters” page on Hybrid Cloud Console with more than 10 clusters should show the cluster version
Cluster view page on Hybrid Cloud Console with five recommendations and one cluster
Recommendations table on cluster view page on Hybrid Cloud Console with five recommendations and one cluster
Expanded recommendation on cluster view page on Hybrid Cloud Console with five recommendations and one cluster
Folding recommendation on cluster view page on Hybrid Cloud Console with five recommendations and one cluster
Expanding recommendation on cluster view page on Hybrid Cloud Console with five recommendations and one cluster
Expanding all recommendations on cluster view page on Hybrid Cloud Console with five recommendations and one cluster
Collapsing all recommendations on cluster view page on Hybrid Cloud Console with five recommendations and one cluster
Default filtering in recommendations table on cluster view page on Hybrid Cloud Console with five recommendations and one cluster
Filtering by description in recommendations table on cluster view page on Hybrid Cloud Console with five recommendations and one cluster
Filtering by total risk in recommendations table on cluster view page on Hybrid Cloud Console with five recommendations and one cluster
Filtering by multiple total risk values in recommendations table on cluster view page on Hybrid Cloud Console with five recommendations and one cluster
Filtering by category in recommendations table on cluster view page on Hybrid Cloud Console with five recommendations and one cluster
Filtering by multiple categories in recommendations table on cluster view page on Hybrid Cloud Console with five recommendations and one cluster
Filtering by status in recommendations table on cluster view page on Hybrid Cloud Console with five recommendations and one cluster
Filtering by status all in recommendations table on cluster view page on Hybrid Cloud Console with five recommendations and one cluster
Default sort order in recommendations table on cluster view page on Hybrid Cloud Console with five recommendations and one cluster
Sorting by description in recommendations table on cluster view page on Hybrid Cloud Console with five recommendations and one cluster
Sorting by added at in recommendations table on cluster view page on Hybrid Cloud Console with five recommendations and one cluster
Sorting by total risk at in recommendations table on cluster view page on Hybrid Cloud Console with five recommendations and one cluster
Displaying Advisor’s “Affected clusters” page on Hybrid Cloud Console should show the cluster version
Displaying Advisor’s “Recommendations” page on Hybrid Cloud Console without any recommendations
Displaying Advisor’s “Recommendations” page on Hybrid Cloud Console with at least one recommendation and one cluster
Displaying Advisor’s “Recommendations” page on Hybrid Cloud Console with at least one recommendation and two clusters
Displaying expanded information about selected recommendation with high likelihood and high impact
Displaying expanded information about selected recommendation with medium likelihood and low impact
Displaying expanded information about selected recommendation with critical likelihood and low impact
Default filter on Advisor’s “Recommendations” page on Hybrid Cloud Console with at least one recommendation and two clusters
Reset filter on Advisor’s “Recommendations” page on Hybrid Cloud Console with at least one recommendation and two clusters
Set filter “Name” on Advisor’s “Recommendations” page on Hybrid Cloud Console with at least one recommendation and two clusters
Set filter “Total risk” on Advisor’s “Recommendations” page on Hybrid Cloud Console with at least one recommendation and two clusters
Set filter “Clusters impacted” on Advisor’s “Recommendations” page on Hybrid Cloud Console with at least one recommendation and two clusters
Reset filter to default value on Advisor’s “Recommendations” page on Hybrid Cloud Console with at least one recommendation and two clusters
Set filter “Category” on Advisor’s “Recommendations” page on Hybrid Cloud Console with at least one recommendation and two clusters
Set filter “Likelihood” on Advisor’s “Recommendations” page on Hybrid Cloud Console with at least one recommendation and two clusters
No-op action in filter menu on Advisor’s “Recommendations” page on Hybrid Cloud Console with at least one recommendation and two clusters
Set and reset filter “Risk of change” on Advisor’s “Recommendations” page on Hybrid Cloud Console with at least one recommendation and two clusters
Pagination widgets displayed in Advisor recommendations page on Hybrid Cloud Console
Goto to next page in Advisor recommendations page on Hybrid Cloud Console using top right pagination widget
Goto to last page in Advisor recommendations page on Hybrid Cloud Console using top right pagination widget
Goto to previous page in Advisor recommendations page on Hybrid Cloud Console using top right pagination widget
Goto to first page in Advisor recommendations page on Hybrid Cloud Console using top right pagination widget
Default sorting on Advisor’s “Recommendations” page on Hybrid Cloud Console with five recommendations and four clusters
Sorting by name on Advisor’s “Recommendations” page on Hybrid Cloud Console with five recommendations and four clusters
Sorting by total risk on Advisor’s “Recommendations” page on Hybrid Cloud Console with five recommendations and four clusters
Sorting by clusters on Advisor’s “Recommendations” page on Hybrid Cloud Console with five recommendations and four clusters
Sorting by added at on Advisor’s “Recommendations” page on Hybrid Cloud Console with five recommendations and four clusters
Sorting by different columns at on Advisor’s “Recommendations” page on Hybrid Cloud Console with five recommendations and four clusters
Sorting by Risk of change on Advisor’s “Recommendations” page on Hybrid Cloud Console with five recommendations and four clusters
Existence of new tab named “Workloads” in Insights Advisor that is accessible through Hybrid Cloud Console menu
Content displyed on a new tab named “Workloads” in Insights Advisor if no DVO recommendations has been found
Content displyed on a new tab named “Workloads” in Insights Advisor if one DVO recommendation has been found
Ability to display real namespace name if provided
Displaying highest severity for multiple recommendations (Moderate and Low) on Workloads page
Displaying highest severity for multiple recommendations (Moderate and Critical) on Workloads page
Accessing Smart Proxy REST API endpoint to retrieve list of all DVO namespaces for current organization
Returning just active clusters with DVO namespaces in Smart Proxy REST API endpoint to retrieve list of all DVO namespaces for current organization
Returning just active clusters with DVO namespaces in Smart Proxy REST API endpoint to retrieve list of all DVO namespaces for current organization - filtering by DVO namespace
Returning results when no DVO namespace have been identified
Checking organization in Smart Proxy REST API endpoint to retrieve list of all DVO namespaces for non-registered organization
Checking organization in Smart Proxy REST API endpoint to retrieve list of all DVO namespaces for different organization
Accessing Smart Proxy REST API endpoint to retrieve DVO namespaces for selected existing cluster
Accessing Smart Proxy REST API endpoint to retrieve DVO namespaces for not known cluster
Accessing Smart Proxy REST API endpoint to retrieve DVO namespaces for known cluster without DVO namespaces
Accessing Smart Proxy REST API endpoint to retrieve DVO namespaces for improper cluster UUID
Accessing Smart Proxy REST API endpoint to retrieve DVO namespaces for improper organization
Accessing Smart Proxy REST API endpoint to retrieve DVO namespaces for user from different organization
Accessing Smart Proxy REST API endpoint to retrieve DVO namespaces when cluster is not specified
Accessing Smart Proxy REST API endpoint to retrieve DVO namespaces for not known cluster
Accessing Smart Proxy REST API endpoint to retrieve DVO namespaces for known cluster without DVO namespaces
Accessing Smart Proxy REST API endpoint to retrieve DVO namespaces for improper cluster UUID
Accessing Smart Proxy REST API endpoint to retrieve DVO namespaces for improper organization
Accessing Smart Proxy REST API endpoint to retrieve information about selected DVO namespace
Accessing Smart Proxy REST API endpoint to retrieve information about selected DVO namespace when no such namespace exists
Accessing Smart Proxy REST API endpoint to retrieve information about selected DVO namespace for improper organization
Accessing Smart Proxy REST API endpoint to retrieve information about selected DVO namespace for improper user
Accessing Smart Proxy REST API endpoint to retrieve list of all recommendations affecting the selected namespace when no rules are hitting
Accessing Smart Proxy REST API endpoint to retrieve list of all recommendations affecting the selected namespace when just one rule is hitting
Accessing Smart Proxy REST API endpoint to retrieve list of all recommendations affecting the selected namespace when two rules are hitting
Accessing Smart Proxy REST API endpoint to retrieve list of all recommendations affecting the selected namespace when no such namespace exists
Accessing Smart Proxy REST API endpoint to retrieve list of all recommendations affecting the selected namespace for improper organization
Accessing Smart Proxy REST API endpoint to retrieve list of all recommendations affecting the selected namespace for improper user
Command to disable selected DVO recommendation on Insights Advisor
Dialog that allow user to disable selected DVO recommendation on Insights Advisor
Disable DVO recommendation for one actually selected cluster in Insights Advisor
Disable DVO recommendation for all clusters in Insights Advisor
Provide justification when disabling DVO recommendation for one selected cluster in Insights Advisor
Provide justification when disabling DVO recommendation for all clusters in Insights Advisor
Check that SHA extractor service has all the information and interfaces it needs to work properly
Check if SHA extractor is able to consume messages from Kafka
Check if SHA extractor is able to consume messages from Kafka and then download tarball
Check if SHA extractor is able to consume messages from Kafka, download tarball, and take SHA images
Check if SHA extractor is able to finish the processing of SHA images
Check that SHA extractor service has all the information and interfaces it needs to work properly
Check if SHA extractor compression works properly
Check if Smart Proxy application is available
Check if Smart Proxy displays help message
Check if Smart Proxy displays version info
check /info endpoint response
check /groups endpoint response
check /status endpoint response
Check if /groups endpoint is working
Check if /content endpoint is working
Check if /metrics endpoint is working
Check if /status endpoint is working
Check if /info endpoint is working
check /v1/rendered_reports endpoint response
Check if /v1/rendered_reports endpoint is working
Check if /docs endpoint is working
Check if /metrics endpoint is working
Check if the main endpoint is reachable (w/o using auth. token)
Check if the main endpoint is reachable (with proper auth. token)
Check if the info endpoint is reachable (w/o using auth. token)
Check if the info endpoint is reachable (with proper auth. token)
Check if the organizations endpoint is reachable (w/o using auth. token)
Check if the organizations endpoint is reachable (with proper auth. token)
Check if the organizations endpoint is reachable (with proper auth. token and filled-in database with report for one org)
Check if the organizations endpoint is reachable (with proper auth. token and filled-in database with reports for two orgs)
Check if the list of clusters for organization endpoint is reachable (w/o using auth. token)
Check if the list of clusters for known organization endpoint is reachable (with proper auth. token)
Check if the list of clusters for unknown organization endpoint is reachable (with proper auth. token)
Check if the list of clusters for known organization endpoint is reachable (with proper auth. token and one report)
Check if the list of clusters for known organization endpoint is reachable (with proper auth. token and two reports)
Check if the list of disabled rules for organization endpoint is reachable (w/o using auth. token)
Check if the list of disabled rules for known organization endpoint is reachable (with proper auth. token)
Check if the list of disabled rules for unknown organization endpoint is reachable (with proper auth. token)
Check if the cluster report endpoint is reachable (w/o using auth. token)
Check if the cluster report endpoint is reachable (w/o using auth. token) for different organization
Check if the cluster report endpoint is reachable for correct cluster ID (with using auth. token)
Check if the cluster report endpoint is reachable for correct cluster ID (with using auth. token) and different organization
Check if the cluster report endpoint is reachable for incorrect cluster ID (with using auth. token)
Check if the cluster report endpoint is reachable for two correct cluster IDs (with using auth. token)
Check if Insights Results Aggregator is able to consume messages and store results into database
Check if Insights Results Aggregator is able to consume messages and store results into database for multiple results
Check if Insights Results Aggregator is able to consume messages and store results into database for multiple clusters
Check rule hits after Insights Results Aggregator consumes messages and stores results into database
Check rule hits after Insights Results Aggregator consumes message and stores results into database for multiple results
Check rule hits after Insights Results Aggregator consumes two messages when the second is older then the first one
Check rule hits after Insights Results Aggregator consumes two messages when the second is newer then the first one
Check rule hits after Insights Results Aggregator consumes message and stores results into database for multiple clusters
Check rule hits after Insights Results Aggregator consumes message with no results
Check additions into the database when a message with empty fields is received
Check no additions into the database when an incomplete message is received
Check access to empty database
Check that default migration is set to 0
Check database migration from version #0 to version #1
Check database migration from version #0 to version #2 and back to version #1
Check database migration from version #0 to version #3
Check database migration from version #0 to version #4
Check database migration from version #0 to version #5
Check database migration from version #0 to version #6
Check database migration from version #0 to version #7
Check database migration from version #0 to version #8
Check database migration from version #0 to version #9
Check database migration from version #0 to version #10
Check database migration from version #0 to version #11
Check database migration from version #0 to version #12
Check database migration from version #0 to version #13
Check database migration from version #0 to version #14
Check database migration from version #0 to version #15
Check database migration from version #0 to version #16
Check database migration from version #0 to version #17
Check database migration from version #0 to version #18
Check database migration from version #0 to version #19
Check database migration from version #0 to version #20
Check database migration from version #0 to version #21
Check database migration from version #0 to version #22
Check database migration from version #0 to version #23
Check database migration from version #0 to version #24
Check database migration from version #0 to version #25
Check database migration from version #0 to version #26
Check database migration from version #0 to version #27
Check database migration from version #0 to version #28
Check database migration from version #0 to version #29
Check database migration from version #0 to version #30
Check database migration from version #0 to version #31
Check database downgrade from version #2 to version #1
Check database downgrade from version #3 to version #2
Check database downgrade from version #4 to version #3
Check database downgrade from version #5 to version #4
Check database downgrade from version #6 to version #5
Check database downgrade from version #7 to version #6
Check database downgrade from version #8 to version #7
Check database downgrade from version #9 to version #8
Check database downgrade from version #10 to version #9
Check database downgrade from version #11 to version #10
Check database downgrade from version #12 to version #11
Check database downgrade from version #13 to version #12
Check database downgrade from version #14 to version #13
Check database downgrade from version #15 to version #14
Check database downgrade from version #16 to version #15
Check database downgrade from version #17 to version #16
Check database downgrade from version #18 to version #17
Check database downgrade from version #19 to version #18
Check database downgrade from version #20 to version #19
Check database downgrade from version #21 to version #20
Check database downgrade from version #22 to version #21
Check database downgrade from version #23 to version #22
Check database downgrade from version #24 to version #23
Check database downgrade from version #25 to version #24
Check database downgrade from version #26 to version #25
Check database downgrade from version #27 to version #26
Check database downgrade from version #28 to version #27
Check database downgrade from version #29 to version #28
Check database downgrade from version #30 to version #29
Check database downgrade from version #31 to version #30
Check if Insights Results Aggregator service returns correct list of clusters for known organization
Check if Insights Results Aggregator service return correct list of clusters for organization w/o access rights
Check if Insights Results Aggregator service returns correct list of clusters for known organization and one report
Check if Insights Results Aggregator service returns correct list of clusters for known organization and several reports
Check if Insights Results Aggregator service returns correct list of clusters for known organization and several reports, some from different organization
Check if Insights Results Aggregator service returns correct list of clusters for known organization without any report (all reports belong to different organization)
Check if empty list of organizations is returned when report table is empty
Check if list with one organization is returned when report table contains one report only
Check if list with one organization is returned when report table contains reports for one organization only
Check if list with two organizations is returned when report table contains reports for two organizations
Check if list with two organizations is returned when report table contains multiple reports for two organizations
Check if Insights Results Aggregator service returns results for empty list of clusters
Check if Insights Results Aggregator service returns results for non empty list of clusters without proper report
Check if Insights Results Aggregator service returns results for non empty list of clusters with proper report
Check if Insights Results Aggregator service returns results for non empty list of clusters with proper report and one unknown cluster
Check if Insights Results Aggregator service returns results for non empty list of clusters with proper report and two unknown clusters
Check if Insights Results Aggregator service returns results for two unknown clusters
Check if Insights Results Aggregator service returns list of acked rules
Check if Insights Results Aggregator service is able to disable one specific rule
Check if Insights Results Aggregator service is able to disable two specific rules
Check if Insights Results Aggregator service is able to enable already disabled one specific rule
Check if Insights Results Aggregator service is able to enable one already disabled specific rule from two rules
Check if Insights Results Aggregator service is able to update one specific rule
Check if Insights Results Aggregator service is able to update non disabled specific rule
Check if Insights Results Aggregator service is able to update one specific rule two times
Check if Insights Results Aggregator application is available
Check if Insights Results Aggregator displays help message
Check if Insights Results Aggregator displays help message
Check if Insights Results Aggregator displays version info
Check if Insights Results Aggregator displays actual configuration
Check if jps utility is available
Check if ZooKeeper is running locally
Check if Kafka broker is running locally
Check if Kafka broker is running on expected port
Check how Insights Results Aggregator reacts to non existent configuration file
Check how Insights Results Aggregator reacts to broken database configuration
Check how Insights Results Aggregator reacts to situation when Kafka is not reachable
Clean up old records
Clean up orphan records
Clean up only orphan records
Clean up old records with dry-run
Clean up one old cluster should be visible
Clean up of existing old clusters
Clean up of existing new clusters
Clean up non-existing clusters
Clean up clusters with wrong names
Read old records from empty database
Read old records from empty database giving different time period
Read old records from prepared non-empty database with new records only
Read old records from prepared non-empty database with old records only
Read old records from prepared non-empty database with mixed records
Check if cleaner application is available
Check if cleaner displays help message
Check if cleaner displays version info
Check if cleaner displays authors
Check if cleaner displays actual configuration
Check if Postgres database is available
Check access to empty database
Check table creation on deletion
Check export empty tables into file with producing log file
Check export empty tables and metadata table into file with producing log file
Check export empty tables into file
Check export from REPORT table
Check export from ADVISOR_RATINGS table
Check export from CLUSTER_RULE_TOGGLE table
Check export from CLUSTER_RULE_USER_FEEDBACK table
Check export from RULE_HIT table
Check export from RECOMMENDATION table
Check export from MIGRATION_INFO table
Check export from ADVISOR_RATINGS table
Check export from CLUSTER_RULE_TOGGLE table
Check export from CLUSTER_RULE_USER_FEEDBACK table
Check export from RULE_HIT table
Check export from RECOMMENDATION table
Check export from CONSUMER_ERROR table
Check export from REPORT_INFO table
Check export from RULE_DISABLE table
Check export metadata table into file
Check export metadata table into file when REPORT table is not empty
Check export metadata table into file when ADVISOR_RATINGS table is not empty
Check export metadata table into file when CLUSTER_RULE_TOGGLE table is not empty
Check export metadata table into file when CLUSTER_RULE_USER_FEEDBACK table is not empty
Check export metadata table into file when CLUSTER_USER_RULE_DISABLE_FEEDBACK table is not empty
Check export metadata table into file when RULE_HIT table is not empty
Check export metadata table into file when RECOMMENDATION table is not empty
Check export metadata table into file when MIGRATION_INFO table is not empty
Check export metadata table into file when ADVISOR_RATINGS table is not empty
Check export metadata table into file when CLUSTER_RULE_TOGGLE table is not empty
Check export metadata table into file when CLUSTER_RULE_USER_FEEDBACK table is not empty
Check export metadata table into file when CLUSTER_USER_RULE_DISABLE_FEEDBACK table is not empty
Check export metadata table into file when RULE_HIT table is not empty
Check export metadata table into file when RECOMMENDATION table is not empty
Check export metadata table into file when CONSUMER_ERROR table is not empty
Check export metadata table into file when REPORT_INFO table is not empty
Check export metadata table into file when RULE_DISABLE table is not empty
Check export empty tables into file with record limit explicitly set to 2
Check export from REPORT table with record limit explicitly set to 2
Check export from ADVISOR_RATINGS table with record limit explicitly set to 2
Check export from CLUSTER_RULE_TOGGLE table with record limit explicitly set to 2
Check export from CLUSTER_RULE_USER_FEEDBACK table with record limit explicitly set to 2
Check export from CLUSTER_USER_RULE_DISABLE_FEEDBACK table with record limit explicitly set to 2
Check export from RULE_HIT table with record limit explicitly set to 2
Check export from RECOMMENDATION table with record limit explicitly set to 2
Check export from MIGRATION_INFO table with record limit explicitly set to 2
Check export from ADVISOR_RATINGS table with record limit explicitly set to 2
Check export from CLUSTER_RULE_TOGGLE table with record limit explicitly set to 2
Check export from CLUSTER_RULE_USER_FEEDBACK table with record limit explicitly set to 2
Check export from CLUSTER_USER_RULE_DISABLE_FEEDBACK table with record limit explicitly set to 2
Check export from RULE_HIT table with record limit explicitly set to 2
Check export from RECOMMENDATION table with record limit explicitly set to 2
Check export from CONSUMER_ERROR table with record limit explicitly set to 2
Check export from REPORT_INFO table with record limit explicitly set to 2
Check export from RULE_DISABLE table with record limit explicitly set to 2
Check export empty tables into file with limit explicitly set to zero
Check export from REPORT table with limit explicitly set to zero
Check export from ADVISOR_RATINGS table with limit explicitly set to zero
Check export from CLUSTER_RULE_TOGGLE table with limit explicitly set to zero
Check export from CLUSTER_RULE_USER_FEEDBACK table with limit explicitly set to zero
Check export from CLUSTER_USER_RULE_DISABLE_FEEDBACK table with limit explicitly set to zero
Check export from RULE_HIT table with limit explicitly set to zero
Check export from RECOMMENDATION table with limit explicitly set to zero
Check export from MIGRATION_INFO table with limit explicitly set to zero
Check export from ADVISOR_RATINGS table with limit explicitly set to zero
Check export from CLUSTER_RULE_TOGGLE table with limit explicitly set to zero
Check export from CLUSTER_RULE_USER_FEEDBACK table with limit explicitly set to zero
Check export from CLUSTER_USER_RULE_DISABLE_FEEDBACK table with limit explicitly set to zero
Check export from RULE_HIT table with limit explicitly set to zero
Check export from RECOMMENDATION table with limit explicitly set to zero
Check export from CONSUMER_ERROR table with limit explicitly set to zero
Check export from REPORT_INFO table with limit explicitly set to zero
Check export from RULE_DISABLE table with limit explicitly set to zero
Check export empty tables into S3/Minio
Check export from REPORT table into S3/Minio
Check export from ADVISOR_RATINGS table into S3/Minio
Check export from CLUSTER_RULE_TOGGLE table into S3/Minio
Check export from CLUSTER_RULE_USER_FEEDBACK table into S3/Minio
Check export from CLUSTER_USER_RULE_DISABLE_FEEDBACK table into S3/Minio
Check export from RULE_HIT table into S3/Minio
Check export from RECOMMENDATION table into S3/Minio
Check export from MIGRATION_INFO table into S3/Minio
Check export from ADVISOR_RATINGS table into S3/Minio
Check export from CLUSTER_RULE_TOGGLE table into S3/Minio
Check export from CLUSTER_RULE_USER_FEEDBACK table into S3/Minio
Check export from CLUSTER_USER_RULE_DISABLE_FEEDBACK table into S3/Minio
Check export from RULE_HIT table into S3/Minio
Check export from RECOMMENDATION table into S3/Minio
Check export from CONSUMER_ERROR table into S3/Minio
Check export from REPORT_INFO table into S3/Minio
Check export from RULE_DISABLE table into S3/Minio
Check export metadata table into S3 object
Check export metadata table into S3 object when REPORT table is not empty
Check export metadata table into S3 object when ADVISOR_RATINGS table is not empty
Check export metadata table into S3 object when CLUSTER_RULE_TOGGLE table is not empty
Check export metadata table into S3 object when CLUSTER_RULE_USER_FEEDBACK table is not empty
Check export metadata table into S3 object when CLUSTER_USER_RULE_DISABLE_FEEDBACK table is not empty
Check export metadata table into S3 object when RULE_HIT table is not empty
Check export metadata table into S3 object when RECOMMENDATION table is not empty
Check export metadata table into S3 object when MIGRATION_INFO table is not empty
Check export metadata table into S3 object when ADVISOR_RATINGS table is not empty
Check export metadata table into S3 object when CLUSTER_RULE_TOGGLE table is not empty
Check export metadata table into S3 object when CLUSTER_RULE_USER_FEEDBACK table is not empty
Check export metadata table into S3 object when CLUSTER_USER_RULE_DISABLE_FEEDBACK table is not empty
Check export metadata table into S3 object when RULE_HIT table is not empty
Check export metadata table into S3 object when RECOMMENDATION table is not empty
Check export metadata table into S3 object when CONSUMER_ERROR table is not empty
Check export metadata table into S3 object when REPORT_INFO table is not empty
Check export metadata table into S3 object when RULE_DISABLE table is not empty
Check export empty tables into S3/Minio with record limit explicitly set to 2
Check export from REPORT table into S3/Minio with record limit explicitly set to 2
Check export from ADVISOR_RATINGS table into S3/Minio with record limit explicitly set to 2
Check export from CLUSTER_RULE_TOGGLE table into S3/Minio with record limit explicitly set to 2
Check export from CLUSTER_RULE_USER_FEEDBACK table into S3/Minio with record limit explicitly set to 2
Check export from CLUSTER_USER_RULE_DISABLE_FEEDBACK table into S3/Minio with record limit explicitly set to 2
Check export from RULE_HIT table into S3/Minio with record limit explicitly set to 2
Check export from RECOMMENDATION table into S3/Minio with record limit explicitly set to 2
Check export from MIGRATION_INFO table into S3/Minio with record limit explicitly set to 2
Check export from ADVISOR_RATINGS table into S3/Minio with record limit explicitly set to 2
Check export from CLUSTER_RULE_TOGGLE table into S3/Minio with record limit explicitly set to 2
Check export from CLUSTER_RULE_USER_FEEDBACK table into S3/Minio with record limit explicitly set to 2
Check export from CLUSTER_USER_RULE_DISABLE_FEEDBACK table into S3/Minio with record limit explicitly set to 2
Check export from RULE_HIT table into S3/Minio with record limit explicitly set to 2
Check export from RECOMMENDATION table into S3/Minio with record limit explicitly set to 2
Check export from CONSUMER_ERROR table into S3/Minio with record limit explicitly set to 2
Check export from REPORT_INFO table into S3/Minio with record limit explicitly set to 2
Check export from RULE_DISABLE table into S3/Minio with record limit explicitly set to 2
Check export empty tables into S3/Minio with limit explicitly set to zero
Check export from REPORT table into S3/Minio with limit explicitly set to zero
Check export from ADVISOR_RATINGS table into S3/Minio with limit explicitly set to zero
Check export from CLUSTER_RULE_TOGGLE table into S3/Minio with limit explicitly set to zero
Check export from CLUSTER_RULE_USER_FEEDBACK table into S3/Minio with limit explicitly set to zero
Check export from CLUSTER_USER_RULE_DISABLE_FEEDBACK table into S3/Minio with limit explicitly set to zero
Check export from RULE_HIT table into S3/Minio with limit explicitly set to zero
Check export from RECOMMENDATION table into S3/Minio with limit explicitly set to zero
Check export from MIGRATION_INFO table into S3/Minio with limit explicitly set to zero
Check export from ADVISOR_RATINGS table into S3/Minio with limit explicitly set to zero
Check export from CLUSTER_RULE_TOGGLE table into S3/Minio with limit explicitly set to zero
Check export from CLUSTER_RULE_USER_FEEDBACK table into S3/Minio with limit explicitly set to zero
Check export from CLUSTER_USER_RULE_DISABLE_FEEDBACK table into S3/Minio with limit explicitly set to zero
Check export from RULE_HIT table into S3/Minio with limit explicitly set to zero
Check export from RECOMMENDATION table into S3/Minio with limit explicitly set to zero
Check export from CONSUMER_ERROR table into S3/Minio with limit explicitly set to zero
Check export from REPORT_INFO table into S3/Minio with limit explicitly set to zero
Check export from RULE_DISABLE table into S3/Minio with limit explicitly set to zero
Check if exporter application is available
Check if exporter displays help message
Check if exporter displays version info
Check if exporter displays authors
Check if exporter displays configuration
Check if the main endpoint is reachable
Check the groups endpoint
Check the organizations endpoint
Check if Insights Results Aggregator Mock service return correct cluster report with 7 rule hits without org. selector
Check if Insights Results Aggregator Mock service return correct cluster report with 7 rule hits without org. selector
Check if Insights Results Aggregator Mock service return correct cluster report with one rule hit without org. selector
Check if Insights Results Aggregator Mock service return correct cluster report with no rule hits without org. selector
Check if Insights Results Aggregator Mock service return correct cluster report with 7 rule hits with org. selector
Check if Insights Results Aggregator Mock service return correct cluster report with 7 rule hits with org. selector
Check if Insights Results Aggregator Mock service return correct cluster report with one rule hit with org. selector
Check if Insights Results Aggregator Mock service return correct cluster report with no rule hits with org. selector
Check if Insights Results Aggregator Mock service returns correct list of clusters for rule ccx_rules_ocp.external.rules.cluster_wide_proxy_auth_check
Check if Insights Results Aggregator Mock service returns correct list of clusters for rule minimum requirements
Check if Insights Results Aggregator Mock service returns correct list of clusters for rule ccx_rules_ocp.external.bug_rules.bug_1766907
Check if Insights Results Aggregator Mock service returns correct list of clusters for rule ccx_rules_ocp.external.rules.nodes_kubelet_version_check
Check if Insights Results Aggregator Mock service returns correct list of clusters for rule ccx_rules_ocp.external.rules.samples_op_failed_image_import_check
Check if Insights Results Aggregator Mock service return correct list of groups
Check if Insights Results Aggregator Mock service return correct list of clusters for organization 1
Check if Insights Results Aggregator Mock service return correct list of clusters for organization 2
Check if Insights Results Aggregator Mock service return correct list of clusters for organization 3
Check if Insights Results Aggregator Mock service return correct list of clusters for organization with many clusters
Check if Insights Results Aggregator Mock service return correct list of clusters for organization w/o access rights
Check if Insights Results Aggregator Mock service return correct list of groups
Check if Insights Results Aggregator Mock service return correct list of organizations
Check if is is possible to get list of clusters for given organization #1
Check if is is possible to get list of clusters for given organization #2
Check if is is possible to get list of clusters for organization w/o access rights
Check if Insights Results Aggregator Mock service returns results for list of four known clusters
Check if Insights Results Aggregator Mock service returns results for list of three known clusters
Check if Insights Results Aggregator Mock service returns results for list of three known clusters
Check if Insights Results Aggregator Mock service returns results for list of one known cluster
Check if Insights Results Aggregator Mock service returns results for empty list of clusters
Check if Insights Results Aggregator Mock service returns results for one unknown cluster
Check if Insights Results Aggregator Mock service returns results for two unknown clusters
Check if Insights Results Aggregator Mock service returns list of acked rules
Check if it is possible to ack new rule
Check if it is possible to delete acknowledgement
Check if it is possible to ack already acked rule w/o changing the internal state of the service
Check the behaviour when ACK for non existing rule is to be deleted
Check if it is possible to ack new rule without providing justification
Check if it is possible to ack already acked rule without providing justification
Check if it is possible to change justification text of already acked rule
Check the behaviour when acked rule to be changed does not exist
Check if Insights Results Aggregator Mock application is available
Check if Insights Results Aggregator Mock displays help message
Check if Insights Results Aggregator Mock displays version info
Check if Insights Results Aggregator Mock displays authors
Check if Insights Results Aggregator Mock displays actual configuration
Check if Insights Results Aggregator Mock service returns upgrade recommended for a cluster without risks
Check if Insights Results Aggregator Mock service returns upgrade not recommended for a cluster with risks
Check if Insights Results Aggregator Mock service returns 204 NoContent for a managed cluster
Check if Insights Results Aggregator Mock service returns 503 if AMS is not available
Check if Insights Results Aggregator Mock service returns 503 if Upgrade service is not available
Check if Insights Results Aggregator Mock service returns 404 if the cluster has no data in RHOBS
Check that DVO extractor service has all the information and interfaces it needs to work properly
Check if DVO extractor is able to consume messages from Kafka
Check if DVO extractor is able to consume messages from Kafka and then download tarball
Check if DVO extractor is able to produce workload recommendations
DVO writer does not process invalid message
DVO writer processes incoming data correctly
DVO writer deletes namespaces not present in the report for given cluster
Check the ability to clean up old records from new_reports
table if the table is empty.
Check the ability to clean up old records from reported
if the table is empty.
Check the ability to clean up old records from new_reports
if the table contains one old report.
Check the ability to clean up old records from new_reports
table if the table contains multiple old reports.
Check the ability to clean up old records from reported
table if the table contains one old report.
Check the ability to clean up old records from reported
table if the table contains two old reports.
Check that newest records in new_reports
table are not deleted by cleanup - one new record only.
Check that newest records in new_reports
table are not deleted by cleanup - multiple new records only.
Check that newest records in new_reports
table are not deleted by cleanup - old and new records.
Check the ability to clean up old records from reported
table if the table is not empty - contains one new report.
Check the ability to clean up old records from reported
table if the table is not empty and contains only new reports.
Check the ability to clean up old records from reported
table if the table is not empty and contains old and new reports.
Check if CCX Notification Service displays help message
Check if CCX Notification Service displays version info
Check if CCX Notification Service displays configuration
Check if CCX Notification Service displays authors
Check the ability to display new reports for cleanup
Check the ability to display old reports for cleanup
Check the ability to display new reports for cleanup with max-age specified
Check the ability to display old reports for cleanup with max-age specified
Check the ability to perform database cleanup on startup
Check that notification service exits with exit code 1 if no destination is configured
Check that notification-to-notification-backend is not started and exits with status 4 if rules cannot be fetched
Check that notification-to-service-log is not started and exits with status 4 if rules cannot be fetched
Check that notification-to-notification backend can be configured to use two Kafka brokers
Check that notification service does not need kafka if database has no new report
Check that notification service does not send messages to kafka if broker is disabled and service log enabled
Check that notification service produces instant notifications with the expected content if all dependencies are available
Check that notification service produces a single notification event for cluster with multiple new reports
Check that instant notification does not include the same reports as in previous notification
Check that notification service does not flood customer with unnecessary instant emails
Check that notification service resends notification after cooldown has passed
Check the ability to display old records from new_reports
if the table is empty.
Check the ability to display old records from reported
table if the table is empty.
Check the ability to display old records from new_reports
if the table contains one old report.
Check the ability to display old records from new_reports
if the table contains only new reports.
Check the ability to display old records from new_reports
if the table contains new and old reports.
Check the ability to display old records from reported
if the table contains one old report.
Check the ability to display old records from reported
if the table contains only new reports.
Check the ability to display old records from reported
if the table contains multiple old reports.
Check the ability to display old records from reported
if the table contains old and new reports
Check that notification service does not send messages to service log if it is disabled
Check that notification service sends messages to service log if it is enabled
Check that notification service includes correct service name if set
Check that notification service does not send messages to service log if it cannot be rendered
Check that notification service doesn’t send message to service log if it is not moderate
Check that notification service sends log events for the configured total risk threshold
Check that notification service doesn’t send message that has been sent within cooldown
Check that notification service resends message after cooldown has passed
Check that notification service produces a single notification event for cluster with multiple new reports
Check that Kafka related rows in reported table do not affect notifications sent to service log
Check if CCX Notification Service application is available
Check if kcat utility is available
Check if jps utility is available
Check if CCX Notification database can be reached
Check if ZooKeeper is running locally
Check if Kafka broker is running locally
Check if Kafka broker is running on expected port
Check if content-service dependency is available on expected port
Check if prometheus push gateway dependency is available on expected port
Check the ability to clean up old records from new_reports
table if the table is empty.
Check the ability to clean up old records from reported
table if the table is empty.
Check the ability to clean up old records from new_reports
table if the table is not empty.
Check the ability to clean up old records from new_reports
table if the table is not empty and contains two new reports.
Check the ability to clean up old records from new_reports
table if the table is not empty and contains old and new reports.
Check the ability to clean up old records from reported
table if the table is not empty - contains one new report.
Check the ability to clean up old records from reported
table if the table is not empty and contains only new reports.
Check the ability to clean up old records from reported
table if the table is not empty and contains old and new reports.
Check the ability to clean up old records from new_reports
table if the table is empty.
Check the ability to clean up old records from reported
table if the table is empty.
Check the ability to clean up old records from new_reports
table if the table contains one old report.
Check the ability to clean up old records from new_reports
table if the table contains two old reports.
Check the ability to clean up old records from reported
table if the table contains one old report.
Check the ability to clean up old records from reported
table if the table contains two old reports.
Check the ability to clean up old records from read_errors
table if the table is empty.
Check the ability to clean up old records from read_errors
table if the table contains one old report.
Check the ability to clean up old records from read_errors
table if the table contains two old reports.
Check if CCX Notification Writer displays help message
Check if CCX Notification Writer displays version info
Check if CCX Notification Writer displays authors
Check the ability to initialize migration info table
Check the ability to initialize all database tables
Check the ability to perform database cleanup
Check the ability to drop all database tables when database is migrated to initial version
Check the ability to display old records from new_reports
table if the table is empty.
Check the ability to display old records from reported
table if the table is empty.
Check the ability to display old records from new_reports
table if the table is not empty and contains old report.
Check the ability to display old records from new_reports
table if the table is not empty and contains new report.
Check the ability to display old records from new_reports
table if the table is not empty and contains old reports.
Check the ability to display old records from new_reports
table if the table is not empty and contains new reports.
Check the ability to display old records from new_reports
table if the table is not empty and contains mixed reports.
Check the ability to display old records from reported
table if the table is not empty and contains one old report.
Check the ability to display old records from reported
table if the table is not empty and contains one new report.
Check the ability to display old records from reported
table if the table is not empty and contains old reports.
Check the ability to display old records from reported
table if the table is not empty and contains old reports and contains new reports.
Check the ability to display old records from reported
table if the table is not empty and contains old reports and contains mixed reports.
Check if CCX Notification Writer application is available
Check if kcat utility is available
Check if jps utility is available
Check if CCX Notification Writer database can be reached
Check if ZooKeeper is running locally
Check if Kafka broker is running locally
Check if Kafka broker is running on expected port
Check Inference Service response with no body is sent in the request
Check Inference Service response with an invalid body is used in the request
Check Inference Service response with a valid body with invalid data is used in the request
Check Inference Service predicts risk for degraded operator condition
Check Inference Service does not predict risk for available operator conditions
Check Inference Service predicts risk for 2 alerts with critical severity
Check Inference Service does not predict risk for 2 alerts with info severity
Check Inference Service does not predict risk for 1 alert with critical severity
Check Inference Service predicts risk for not available operator condition
Check if CCX Upgrade Risk Inference Service application is available
Check if CCX Upgrade Risk Inference Service can be run
Check that nothing is cached if CACHE_ENABLED is set to 0
Check that nothing is cached if CACHE_TTL is set to 0
Check that nothing is cached if CACHE_SIZE is set to 0
Check Data Engineering Service response with a valid cluster ID is properly cached
Check maximum size of cache
Check LRU eviction of items if maximum size is reached
Check that entries are evicted properly when TTL expires
Check Data Engineering Service response with an invalid cluster ID in the request
Check Data Engineering Service response with a valid cluster ID
Check Data Engineering Service removes duplicates from the response
Check Data Engineering Service maps the FOC condition correctly
Check Data Engineering Service response with a valid cluster ID but no cluster version
Check if CCX Upgrade Risk Data Engineering Service application is available
Check if CCX Upgrade Risk Data Engineering Service can be run
If Parquet file already exists, the index of the new one should be 1
Parquet Factory should fail if it cannot read from Kafka
Parquet Factory shouldn’t finish if only messages from the previous hour arrived
Parquet Factory should finish if all the topics and partitions are filled with current hour messages
After aggregating messages from previous hour, the first messages from current hour has to be processed first
Parquet Factory should finish if the limit of kafka messages is exceeded even if no messages from current hour arrived
Parquet Factory should not commit the messages from current hour if there are no prior messages
Parquet Factory shouldn’t send duplicate rows
If the Pushgateway is not accessible, Parquet Factory should run successfully
If the Pushgateway is accessible, Parquet Factory should run successfully and send the metrics to the Pushgateway
If the Pushgateway is accessible and I run Parquet Factory with messages from the previous hour, the “files_generated” and “inserted_rows” metrics should be 1 for all the tables
If the Pushgateway is accessible and Parquet Factory errors, the “error_count” metric should increase
Table generation: cluster_thanos_info
Parquet Factory should fail if it cannot connect with S3. When I rerun it, it should re-process the messages from the beginning
Parquet Factory should fail if it cannot find the bucket
Parquet Factory shouldn’t fail if it cannot find the folder/prefix where the files are stored