Copyright 2023 Red Hat, Inc
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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package types
DVONamespaceListResponse is a data structure that represents list of namespaces
that is returned from REST API endpoint used for Workloads page
type DVONamespaceListResponse struct {
Status string `json:"status"`
Workloads [ ] Workload `json:"workloads"`
Workload structure represents one workload entry in list of workloads
type Workload struct {
Cluster Cluster `json:"cluster"`
Namespace Namespace `json:"namespace"`
Metadata Metadata `json:"metadata"`
Cluster structure contains cluster UUID and cluster name
type Cluster struct {
UUID string `json:"uuid"`
DisplayName string `json:"display_name"`
Namespace structure contains basic information about namespace
type Namespace struct {
UUID string `json:"uuid"`
FullName string `json:"name"`
Metadata structure contains basic information about workload metadata
type Metadata struct {
Recommendations int `json:"recommendations"`
Objects int `json:"objects"`
ReportedAt string `json:"reported_at"`
LastCheckedAt string `json:"last_checked_at"`
HighestSeverity int `json:"highest_severity"`
HitsBySeverity map [ int ] int `json:"hits_by_severity"`
WorkloadsForCluster structure represents workload for one selected cluster
type WorkloadsForCluster struct {
Status string `json:"status"`
Cluster Cluster `json:"cluster"`
Namespace Namespace `json:"namespace"`
Metadata Metadata `json:"metadata"`
Recommendations [ ] DVORecommendation `json:"recommendations"`
WorkloadsForNamespace structure represents a single entry of the namespace list with some aggregations
type WorkloadsForNamespace struct {
Cluster Cluster `json:"cluster"`
Namespace Namespace `json:"namespace"`
Metadata Metadata `json:"metadata"`
RecommendationsHitCount map [ string ] int `json:"recommendations_hit_count"`
DVORecommendation structure represents one DVO-related recommendation
type DVORecommendation struct {
Check string `json:"check"`
Details string `json:"details"`
Resolution string `json:"resolution"`
Modified string `json:"modified"`
MoreInfo string `json:"more_info"`
Reason string `json:"reason"`
TotalRisk int `json:"total_risk"`
TemplateData map [ string ] interface { } `json:"extra_data"`
Objects [ ] DVOObject `json:"objects"`
DVOObject structure
type DVOObject struct {
Kind string `json:"kind"`
UID string `json:"uid"`
Name string `json:"display_name"`