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Package services contains interface implementations to other
services that are called from Smart Proxy.
package services
import (
utypes ""
redisV9 ""
const (
RequestIDFieldName represents the name of the field in Redis hash containing request_id
RequestIDFieldName = "request_id"
ReceivedTimestampFieldName represents the name of the field in Redis hash containing received timestamp
ReceivedTimestampFieldName = "received_timestamp"
ProcessedTimestampFieldName represents the name of the field in Redis hash containing processed timestamp
ProcessedTimestampFieldName = "processed_timestamp"
RuleHitsFieldName represent the name of hte field in Redis hash containing simplified rule hits
RuleHitsFieldName = "rule_hits"
ScanBatchCount is the number of records to go through in a single SCAN operation
ScanBatchCount = 100
redisCmdExecutionFailedMsg = "failed to execute command against Redis server"
var (
RequestIDsScanPattern is a glob-style pattern to find all matching keys. Uses ?* instead of * to avoid
matching "organization:%v:cluster:%v:request:".
RequestIDsScanPattern = "organization:%v:cluster:%v:request:?*"
SimplifiedReportKey is a key under which the information about specific requests is stored
SimplifiedReportKey = "organization:%v:cluster:%v:request:%v:reports"
RedisInterface represents interface for functions executed against a Redis server
type RedisInterface interface {
HealthCheck defined in utils
HealthCheck ( ) error
GetRequestIDsForClusterID (
types . OrgID ,
types . ClusterName ,
) ( [ ] types . RequestID , error )
GetTimestampsForRequestIDs (
types . OrgID ,
types . ClusterName ,
[ ] types . RequestID ,
bool ,
) ( [ ] types . RequestStatus , error )
GetRuleHitsForRequest (
types . OrgID ,
types . ClusterName ,
types . RequestID ,
) ( [ ] types . RuleID , error )
RedisClient is a local type which embeds the imported redis.Client to include its own functionality
type RedisClient struct {
redis . Client
NewRedisClient creates a new Redis client based on configuration and returns RedisInterface
func NewRedisClient ( conf RedisConfiguration ) ( RedisInterface , error ) {
client , err := redis . CreateRedisClient (
conf . RedisEndpoint ,
conf . RedisDatabase ,
conf . RedisPassword ,
conf . RedisTimeoutSeconds ,
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return & RedisClient {
redis . Client { Connection : client } ,
} , nil
GetRequestIDsForClusterID retrieves a list of request IDs from Redis.
"List" of request IDs is in the form of keys with empty values in the following structure:
func ( redisClient * RedisClient ) GetRequestIDsForClusterID (
orgID types . OrgID ,
clusterID types . ClusterName ,
) ( requestIDs [ ] types . RequestID , err error ) {
ctx := context . Background ( )
scanKey := fmt . Sprintf ( RequestIDsScanPattern , orgID , clusterID )
log . Debug ( ) . Str ( "Scan key" , scanKey ) . Msg ( "Key to retrieve request IDs from Redis" )
var cursor uint64
for {
var keys [ ] string
var err error
keys , cursor , err = redisClient . Client . Connection . Scan ( ctx , cursor , scanKey , ScanBatchCount ) . Result ( )
if err != nil {
log . Error ( ) . Err ( err ) .
Str ( "scanKey" , scanKey ) . Uint64 ( "cursor" , cursor ) .
Msg ( "failed to execute SCAN command for key and cursor" )
return nil , err
get last part of key == request_id
for _ , key := range keys {
exclude simplified report keys that are ending with ":reports" suffix
if strings . HasSuffix ( key , ":reports" ) {
keySliced := strings . Split ( key , ":" )
requestID := keySliced [ len ( keySliced ) - 1 ]
requestIDs = append ( requestIDs , types . RequestID ( requestID ) )
if cursor == 0 {
log . Debug ( ) . Msgf ( "retrieved %d request IDs for cluster_id %v: %v" , len ( requestIDs ) , clusterID , requestIDs )
GetTimestampsForRequestIDs retrieves the 'received' and 'processed' timestamps of each Request
for given list of Request IDs. It doesn't retrieve the whole Hash, but only the fields we need.
It utilizes Redis pipelines in order to avoid multiple client-server round trips.
func ( redisClient * RedisClient ) GetTimestampsForRequestIDs (
orgID types . OrgID ,
clusterID types . ClusterName ,
requestIDs [ ] types . RequestID ,
omitMissing bool ,
) ( requestStatuses [ ] types . RequestStatus , err error ) {
ctx := context . Background ( )
prepare keys to be used in HMGet commands
keys := make ( [ ] string , len ( requestIDs ) )
for i , requestID := range requestIDs {
keys [ i ] = fmt . Sprintf ( SimplifiedReportKey , orgID , clusterID , requestID )
queue commands in Redis pipeline. EXEC command is issued upon function exit
commands , err := redisClient . Client . Connection . Pipelined ( ctx , func ( pipe redisV9 . Pipeliner ) error {
for _ , key := range keys {
pipe . HMGet ( ctx , key , RequestIDFieldName , ReceivedTimestampFieldName , ProcessedTimestampFieldName )
return nil
} )
if err != nil {
log . Error ( ) . Err ( err ) . Msg ( redisCmdExecutionFailedMsg )
return requestStatuses , err
iterate over results issued in pipeline. Even though we know len(commands),
some keys might be missing and we might want to omit them, so we can't initialize slice safely
for i , cmd := range commands {
var report types . RequestStatus
err = cmd . ( * redisV9 . SliceCmd ) . Scan ( & report )
if err != nil {
log . Error ( ) . Err ( err ) . Msg ( redisCmdExecutionFailedMsg )
return [ ] types . RequestStatus { } , err
omit missing data or invalidate the request
if report . RequestID == "" {
if omitMissing {
commands in Redis pipeline are guaranteed to be executed in the order they were issued in,
therefore we can get the missing request ID from the original slice
report . RequestID = string ( requestIDs [ i ] )
report . Valid = false
} else {
report . Valid = true
everything went fine, add to the response
requestStatuses = append ( requestStatuses , report )
GetRuleHitsForRequest is used to get the rule_hits field from Hash type
stored in Redis.
func ( redisClient * RedisClient ) GetRuleHitsForRequest (
orgID types . OrgID ,
clusterID types . ClusterName ,
requestID types . RequestID ,
) ( ruleHits [ ] types . RuleID , err error ) {
var simplifiedReport types . SimplifiedReport
ctx := context . Background ( )
key := fmt . Sprintf ( SimplifiedReportKey , orgID , clusterID , requestID )
cmd := redisClient . Client . Connection . HMGet ( ctx , key , RequestIDFieldName , RuleHitsFieldName )
if err = cmd . Err ( ) ; err != nil {
log . Error ( ) . Err ( err ) . Msg ( redisCmdExecutionFailedMsg )
err = cmd . Scan ( & simplifiedReport )
if err != nil {
log . Error ( ) . Err ( err ) . Msg ( "failed to scan result map into a struct" )
report not found in storage
if simplifiedReport . RequestID == "" {
err = & utypes . ItemNotFoundError { ItemID : requestID }
log . Warn ( ) . Err ( err ) . Msgf ( "request data for request_id %v not found in Redis" , requestID )
log . Debug ( ) . Msgf ( "rule hits CSV retrieved from Redis: %v" , simplifiedReport . RuleHitsCSV )
validate rule IDs coming from Redis
ruleHitsSplit := strings . Split ( simplifiedReport . RuleHitsCSV , "," )
for _ , ruleHit := range ruleHitsSplit {
ruleIDRegex := regexp . MustCompile ( `^([a-zA-Z_0-9.]+)[|]([a-zA-Z_0-9.]+)$` )
isRuleIDValid := ruleIDRegex . MatchString ( ruleHit )
if ! isRuleIDValid {
log . Error ( ) . Str ( "rule_id" , ruleHit ) . Msg ( "rule_id retrieved from Redis is in invalid format" )
ruleHits = append ( ruleHits , types . RuleID ( ruleHit ) )