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package server_test
import (
TestRouterMissingParamError checks the method Error() for data structure
func TestRouterMissingParamError ( t * testing . T ) {
expected error value
const expected = "Missing required param from request: paramName"
construct an instance of error interface
err := server . RouterMissingParamError {
ParamName : "paramName" ,
check if error value is correct
assert . Equal ( t , err . Error ( ) , expected )
TestRouterParsingError checks the method Error() for data structure
func TestRouterParsingError ( t * testing . T ) {
expected error value
const expected = "Error during parsing param 'paramName' with value 'paramValue'. Error: 'errorMessage'"
construct an instance of error interface
err := server . RouterParsingError {
ParamName : "paramName" ,
ParamValue : "paramValue" ,
ErrString : "errorMessage" }
check if error value is correct
assert . Equal ( t , err . Error ( ) , expected )
TestNoBodyError checks the method Error() for data structure
func TestNoBodyError ( t * testing . T ) {
expected error value
const expected = "client didn't provide request body"
construct an instance of error interface
err := server . NoBodyError { }
check if error value is correct
assert . Equal ( t , err . Error ( ) , expected )
TestBadBodyContent checks the method Error() for data structure
func TestBadBodyContent ( t * testing . T ) {
expected error value
const expected = "client didn't provide a valid request body"
construct an instance of error interface
err := server . BadBodyContent { }
check if error value is correct
assert . Equal ( t , err . Error ( ) , expected )
TestContentServiceUnavailableError checks the method Error() for data structure
func TestContentServiceUnavailableError ( t * testing . T ) {
expected error value
const expected = "Content service is unreachable"
construct an instance of error interface
err := server . ContentServiceUnavailableError { }
check if error value is correct
assert . Equal ( t , err . Error ( ) , expected )
TestAggregatorServiceUnavailableError checks the method Error() for data structure
func TestAggregatorServiceUnavailableError ( t * testing . T ) {
expected error value
const expected = "Aggregator service is unreachable"
construct an instance of error interface
err := server . AggregatorServiceUnavailableError { }
check if error value is correct
assert . Equal ( t , err . Error ( ) , expected )
TestUpgradesDataEngServiceUnavailableError checks the method Error() for data structure
func TestUpgradesDataEngServiceUnavailableError ( t * testing . T ) {
expected error value
const expected = "Upgrade Failure Prediction service is unreachable"
construct an instance of error interface
err := server . UpgradesDataEngServiceUnavailableError { }
check if error value is correct
assert . Equal ( t , err . Error ( ) , expected )
TestAMSAPIUnavailableError checks the method Error() for data structure
func TestAMSAPIUnavailableError ( t * testing . T ) {
expected error value
const expected = "AMS API is unreachable"
construct an instance of error interface
err := server . AMSAPIUnavailableError { }
check if error value is correct
assert . Equal ( t , err . Error ( ) , expected )
TestParamsParsingError checks the method Error() for data structure
func TestParamsParsingError ( t * testing . T ) {
expected error value
const expected = "the parameters contains invalid characters and cannot be used"
construct an instance of error interface
err := server . ParamsParsingError { }
check if error value is correct
assert . Equal ( t , err . Error ( ) , expected )
TestHandleServer error check the function HandleServerError defined in errors.go
func TestHandleServerError ( t * testing . T ) {
check the behaviour with all error types defined in this package
testResponse ( t , & server . RouterMissingParamError { } , http . StatusBadRequest )
testResponse ( t , & server . RouterParsingError { } , http . StatusBadRequest )
testResponse ( t , & auth . AuthenticationError { } , http . StatusForbidden )
testResponse ( t , & auth . AuthorizationError { } , http . StatusForbidden )
testResponse ( t , & server . NoBodyError { } , http . StatusBadRequest )
testResponse ( t , & server . BadBodyContent { } , http . StatusBadRequest )
testResponse ( t , & server . ContentServiceUnavailableError { } , http . StatusServiceUnavailable )
testResponse ( t , & server . AggregatorServiceUnavailableError { } , http . StatusServiceUnavailable )
testResponse ( t , & server . UpgradesDataEngServiceUnavailableError { } , http . StatusServiceUnavailable )
testResponse ( t , & server . AMSAPIUnavailableError { } , http . StatusServiceUnavailable )
testResponse ( t , & server . ParamsParsingError { } , http . StatusBadRequest )
also some errors from types package are handled
testResponse ( t , & types . ItemNotFoundError { } , http . StatusNotFound )
testResponse ( t , & types . NoContentError { } , http . StatusNoContent )
error can be nil
testResponse ( t , nil , http . StatusInternalServerError )
we need to retrieve json.UnmarshalTypeError
so let's try to unmarshal "foo" string into an integer
var x int
err := json . Unmarshal ( [ ] byte ( "\"foo\"" ) , & x )
/ test with json.UnmarshalTypeError
testResponse ( t , err , http . StatusBadRequest )
testResponse function uses HTTP server mock to check server response
func testResponse ( t * testing . T , e error , expectedCode int ) {
testServer := httptest . NewServer ( http . HandlerFunc ( func ( w http . ResponseWriter , r * http . Request ) {
server . HandleServerError ( w , e )
} ) )
defer testServer . Close ( )
res , err := http . Get ( testServer . URL )
if err != nil {
t . Fatal ( err )
if res . StatusCode != expectedCode {
t . Errorf ( "Expected status code %v but got %v" , expectedCode , res . StatusCode )