Copyright 2020 Red Hat, Inc
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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limitations under the License.
package server
import (
const (
responseDataError is used as the error message when the responses functions return an error
responseDataError = "Unexpected error during response data encoding"
orgIDTokenError = "error retrieving orgID and userID from auth token"
problemSendingResponseError = "problem sending response"
RouterMissingParamError missing parameter in request
type RouterMissingParamError struct {
ParamName string
func ( e * RouterMissingParamError ) Error ( ) string {
return fmt . Sprintf ( "Missing required param from request: %v" , e . ParamName )
RouterParsingError parsing error, for example string when we expected integer
type RouterParsingError struct {
ParamName string
ParamValue interface { }
ErrString string
func ( e * RouterParsingError ) Error ( ) string {
return fmt . Sprintf (
"Error during parsing param '%v' with value '%v'. Error: '%v'" ,
e . ParamName , e . ParamValue , e . ErrString ,
NoBodyError error meaning that client didn't provide body when it's required
type NoBodyError struct { }
func ( * NoBodyError ) Error ( ) string {
return "client didn't provide request body"
BadBodyContent error meaning that client didn't provide a meaningful body content when it's required
type BadBodyContent struct { }
func ( * BadBodyContent ) Error ( ) string {
return "client didn't provide a valid request body"
TooManyClustersError error meaning that client is asking for too many clusters.
It is used in the URP endpoints, where using a big number of clusters may end up
in too slow and big requests.
type TooManyClustersError struct {
func ( * TooManyClustersError ) Error ( ) string {
return fmt . Sprintf ( "the maximum amount of clusters allowed are %d" , MaxAllowedClusters )
ContentServiceUnavailableError error is used when the content service cannot be reached
type ContentServiceUnavailableError struct { }
func ( * ContentServiceUnavailableError ) Error ( ) string {
return "Content service is unreachable"
AggregatorServiceUnavailableError error is used when the aggregator service cannot be reached
type AggregatorServiceUnavailableError struct { }
func ( * AggregatorServiceUnavailableError ) Error ( ) string {
return "Aggregator service is unreachable"
UpgradesDataEngServiceUnavailableError error is used when the ccx-upgrades-data-eng service cannot be reached
type UpgradesDataEngServiceUnavailableError struct { }
func ( * UpgradesDataEngServiceUnavailableError ) Error ( ) string {
return "Upgrade Failure Prediction service is unreachable"
AMSAPIUnavailableError error is used when AMS API is not available and is the only source of data
type AMSAPIUnavailableError struct { }
func ( * AMSAPIUnavailableError ) Error ( ) string {
return "AMS API is unreachable"
ParamsParsingError error meaning that the cluster name cannot be handled
type ParamsParsingError struct { }
func ( * ParamsParsingError ) Error ( ) string {
return "the parameters contains invalid characters and cannot be used"
handleServerError handles separate server errors and sends appropriate responses
func handleServerError ( writer http . ResponseWriter , err error ) {
handleServerErrorStr := "handleServerError()"
var level = log . Warn
var respErr error
switch err := err . ( type ) {
case * RouterMissingParamError , * RouterParsingError , * json . SyntaxError , * NoBodyError , * ParamsParsingError , * BadBodyContent , * TooManyClustersError :
respErr = responses . SendBadRequest ( writer , err . Error ( ) )
case * json . UnmarshalTypeError :
respErr = responses . SendBadRequest ( writer , "bad type in json data" )
case * types . ItemNotFoundError :
respErr = responses . SendNotFound ( writer , err . Error ( ) )
case * types . NoContentError :
respErr = responses . SendNoContent ( writer )
case * auth . AuthenticationError , * auth . AuthorizationError :
respErr = responses . SendForbidden ( writer , err . Error ( ) )
case * ContentServiceUnavailableError , * AggregatorServiceUnavailableError ,
* AMSAPIUnavailableError , * content . RuleContentDirectoryTimeoutError ,
* UpgradesDataEngServiceUnavailableError :
respErr = responses . SendServiceUnavailable ( writer , err . Error ( ) )
default :
level = log . Error
respErr = responses . SendInternalServerError ( writer , "Internal Server Error" )
level ( ) . Err ( err ) . Msg ( handleServerErrorStr )
if respErr != nil {
log . Error ( ) . Err ( respErr ) . Msg ( responseDataError )