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package server_test
import (
types ""
prommodels ""
type testCase struct {
name string
identity string
expectedError string
expectedUserID types . UserID
expectedOrgID types . OrgID
var (
validIdentityXRH = types . Token {
Identity : types . Identity {
AccountNumber : types . UserID ( "1" ) ,
OrgID : 1 ,
User : types . User {
UserID : types . UserID ( "1" ) ,
} ,
Type : "ServiceAccount" ,
} ,
func getRequest ( t * testing . T , identity string ) * http . Request {
t . Helper ( )
req , err := http . NewRequest ( http . MethodGet , "an url" , http . NoBody )
assert . NoError ( t , err )
if identity == "valid" {
ctx := context . WithValue ( req . Context ( ) , types . ContextKeyUser , validIdentityXRH . Identity )
req = req . WithContext ( ctx )
if identity == "bad" {
ctx := context . WithValue ( req . Context ( ) , types . ContextKeyUser , "not an identity" )
req = req . WithContext ( ctx )
return req
func TestGetCurrentUserID ( t * testing . T ) {
testCases := [ ] testCase {
name : "valid token" ,
identity : "valid" ,
expectedError : "" ,
expectedUserID : validIdentityXRH . Identity . User . UserID ,
} ,
name : "no token" ,
identity : "empty" ,
expectedError : "token is not provided" ,
} ,
name : "invalid token" ,
identity : "bad" ,
expectedError : "contextKeyUser has wrong type" ,
} ,
testServer := server . HTTPServer { }
for _ , tc := range testCases {
t . Run ( tc . name , func ( t * testing . T ) {
req := getRequest ( t , tc . identity )
userID , err := testServer . GetCurrentUserID ( req )
if tc . expectedError == "" {
require . NoError ( t , err )
assert . Equal ( t , tc . expectedUserID , userID )
} else {
require . Error ( t , err )
assert . Contains ( t , err . Error ( ) , tc . expectedError )
} )
func TestGetCurrentOrgID ( t * testing . T ) {
testCases := [ ] testCase {
name : "valid token" ,
identity : "valid" ,
expectedError : "" ,
expectedOrgID : validIdentityXRH . Identity . OrgID ,
} ,
name : "no token" ,
identity : "empty" ,
expectedError : "token is not provided" ,
} ,
name : "invalid token" ,
identity : "bad" ,
expectedError : "contextKeyUser has wrong type" ,
} ,
testServer := server . HTTPServer { }
for _ , tc := range testCases {
t . Run ( tc . name , func ( t * testing . T ) {
req := getRequest ( t , tc . identity )
orgID , err := testServer . GetCurrentOrgID ( req )
if tc . expectedError == "" {
require . NoError ( t , err )
assert . Equal ( t , tc . expectedOrgID , orgID )
} else {
require . Error ( t , err )
assert . Contains ( t , err . Error ( ) , tc . expectedError )
} )
func TestGetCurrentOrgIDUserIDFromToken ( t * testing . T ) {
testCases := [ ] testCase {
name : "valid token" ,
identity : "valid" ,
expectedError : "" ,
expectedOrgID : validIdentityXRH . Identity . OrgID ,
expectedUserID : validIdentityXRH . Identity . User . UserID ,
} ,
name : "no token" ,
identity : "empty" ,
expectedError : "token is not provided" ,
} ,
name : "invalid token" ,
identity : "bad" ,
expectedError : "contextKeyUser has wrong type" ,
} ,
testServer := server . HTTPServer { }
for _ , tc := range testCases {
t . Run ( tc . name , func ( t * testing . T ) {
req := getRequest ( t , tc . identity )
userID , err := testServer . GetCurrentUserID ( req )
if tc . expectedError == "" {
require . NoError ( t , err )
assert . Equal ( t , tc . expectedUserID , userID )
} else {
require . Error ( t , err )
assert . Contains ( t , err . Error ( ) , tc . expectedError )
orgID , err := testServer . GetCurrentOrgID ( req )
if tc . expectedError == "" {
require . NoError ( t , err )
assert . Equal ( t , tc . expectedOrgID , orgID )
} else {
require . Error ( t , err )
assert . Contains ( t , err . Error ( ) , tc . expectedError )
} )
func TestGetAuthTokenXRHHeader ( t * testing . T ) {
handler := http . HandlerFunc ( func ( w http . ResponseWriter , r * http . Request ) {
auth . GetAuthTokenHeader ( r )
} )
request , err := http . NewRequest ( http . MethodGet , "an url" , http . NoBody )
assert . NoError ( t , err )
request . Header . Set ( auth . XRHAuthTokenHeader , "token" )
recorder := httptest . NewRecorder ( )
handler . ServeHTTP ( recorder , request )
Tests for authorization middleware
MockRBACClient is a mock implementation of the RBAC client for testing
type MockRBACClient struct {
authorized bool
enforcing bool
func ( m * MockRBACClient ) IsAuthorized ( token string ) bool {
return m . authorized
func ( m * MockRBACClient ) IsEnforcing ( ) bool {
return m . enforcing
func TestAuthorizationMiddleware ( t * testing . T ) {
testCases := [ ] struct {
name string
xrhHeader types . Token
rbacClient * MockRBACClient
expectedStatus int
} {
name : "valid service account with permissions" ,
xrhHeader : types . Token {
Identity : types . Identity {
AccountNumber : types . UserID ( "1" ) ,
OrgID : 1 ,
User : types . User {
UserID : types . UserID ( "service-account-id" ) ,
} ,
Type : "ServiceAccount" ,
} } ,
rbacClient : & MockRBACClient { authorized : true , enforcing : true } ,
expectedStatus : http . StatusOK ,
} ,
name : "valid service account without permissions" ,
xrhHeader : types . Token {
Identity : types . Identity {
AccountNumber : types . UserID ( "1" ) ,
OrgID : 1 ,
User : types . User {
UserID : types . UserID ( "service-account-id" ) ,
} ,
Type : "ServiceAccount" ,
} } ,
rbacClient : & MockRBACClient { authorized : false , enforcing : true } ,
expectedStatus : http . StatusForbidden ,
} ,
name : "unknown identity type" ,
xrhHeader : types . Token {
Identity : types . Identity {
AccountNumber : types . UserID ( "1" ) ,
OrgID : 1 ,
User : types . User {
UserID : types . UserID ( "user-id" ) ,
} ,
Type : "UnknownType" ,
} } ,
rbacClient : & MockRBACClient { authorized : false , enforcing : true } ,
expectedStatus : http . StatusOK ,
} ,
for _ , tc := range testCases {
t . Run ( tc . name , func ( t * testing . T ) {
jsonData , err := json . Marshal ( tc . xrhHeader )
assert . NoError ( t , err )
token := base64 . StdEncoding . EncodeToString ( jsonData )
req := httptest . NewRequest ( http . MethodGet , "/" , nil )
Placeholder to wrap with Authorization handler
w . WriteHeader ( http . StatusOK )
} )
initValueRBACIdentityType := int64 ( getCounterVecValue ( t , metrics . RBACIdentityType , tc . xrhHeader . Identity . Type ) )
initValueRBACServiceAccountRejected := int64 ( getCounterValue ( t , metrics . RBACServiceAccountRejected ) )
authHandler := testServer . Authorization ( handler , nil )
authHandler . ServeHTTP ( recorder , req )
assert . Equal ( t , tc . expectedStatus , recorder . Code )
assertCounterVecValue ( t , 1 , metrics . RBACIdentityType , tc . xrhHeader . Identity . Type , initValueRBACIdentityType )
if tc . expectedStatus == http . StatusForbidden {
assertCounterValue ( t , 1 , metrics . RBACServiceAccountRejected , initValueRBACServiceAccountRejected )
} else {
assertCounterValue ( t , 0 , metrics . RBACServiceAccountRejected , initValueRBACServiceAccountRejected )
} )
func TestAuthorization_NoAuthURLs ( t * testing . T ) {
Verify that the response is OK and RBAC was not used
assert . Equal ( t , http . StatusOK , rr . Code )
func assertCounterVecValue ( tb testing . TB , expected int64 , counterVec * prometheus . CounterVec , label string , initValue int64 ) {
assert . Equal ( tb , float64 ( initValue + expected ) , getCounterVecValue ( tb , counterVec , label ) )
func assertCounterValue ( tb testing . TB , expected int64 , counter prometheus . Counter , initValue int64 ) {
assert . Equal ( tb , float64 ( expected + initValue ) , getCounterValue ( tb , counter ) )
func getCounterVecValue ( tb testing . TB , counterVec * prometheus . CounterVec , label string ) float64 {
counter , err := counterVec . GetMetricWithLabelValues ( label )
if err != nil {
tb . Errorf ( "Unable to get counter from counterVec %v" , err )
return getCounterValue ( tb , counter )
func getCounterValue ( tb testing . TB , counter prometheus . Counter ) float64 {
pb := & prommodels . Metric { }
err := counter . Write ( pb )
if err != nil {
tb . Errorf ( "Unable to get counter from counter %v" , err )
return pb . GetCounter ( ) . GetValue ( )