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Package content provides API to get rule's content by its rule id and error key .
It takes all the work of caching rules taken from content service
package content
import (
utypes ""
ctypes ""
var (
ruleContentDirectory * ctypes . RuleContentDirectory
ruleContentDirectoryReady = sync . NewCond ( & sync . Mutex { } )
stopUpdateContentLoop = make ( chan struct { } )
rulesWithContentStorage = getEmptyRulesWithContentMap ( )
contentDirectoryTimeout = 5 * time . Second
dotReport = ".report"
type ruleIDAndErrorKey struct {
RuleID ctypes . RuleID
ErrorKey ctypes . ErrorKey
RulesWithContentStorage is a key:value structure to store processed rules.
It's thread safe
type RulesWithContentStorage struct {
rules map [ ctypes . RuleID ] * ctypes . RuleContent
rulesWithContent map [ ruleIDAndErrorKey ] * types . RuleWithContent
recommendationsWithContent map has the same contents as rulesWithContent but the keys
are composite of "rule.module|ERROR_KEY" optimized for Insights Advisor
recommendationsWithContent map [ ctypes . RuleID ] * types . RuleWithContent
internalRuleIDs [ ] ctypes . RuleID
externalRuleIDs [ ] ctypes . RuleID
SetRuleContentDirectory is made for easy testing fake rules etc. from other directories
func SetRuleContentDirectory ( contentDir * ctypes . RuleContentDirectory ) {
ruleContentDirectory = contentDir
GetRuleWithErrorKeyContent returns content for rule with error key
func ( s * RulesWithContentStorage ) GetRuleWithErrorKeyContent (
ruleID ctypes . RuleID , errorKey ctypes . ErrorKey ,
) ( * types . RuleWithContent , bool ) {
res , found := s . rulesWithContent [ ruleIDAndErrorKey {
RuleID : ruleID ,
ErrorKey : errorKey ,
} ]
return res , found
GetContentForRecommendation returns content for rule with error key
func ( s * RulesWithContentStorage ) GetContentForRecommendation (
ruleID ctypes . RuleID ,
) ( * types . RuleWithContent , bool ) {
res , found := s . recommendationsWithContent [ ruleID ]
return res , found
GetAllContentV1 returns content for rule for api v1
func ( s * RulesWithContentStorage ) GetAllContentV1 ( ) [ ] types . RuleContentV1 {
res := make ( [ ] types . RuleContentV1 , 0 , len ( s . rules ) )
for _ , rule := range s . rules {
res = append ( res , RuleContentToV1 ( rule ) )
return res
GetAllContentV2 returns content for api/v2
func ( s * RulesWithContentStorage ) GetAllContentV2 ( ) [ ] types . RuleContentV2 {
res := make ( [ ] types . RuleContentV2 , 0 , len ( s . rules ) )
for _ , rule := range s . rules {
res = append ( res , RuleContentToV2 ( rule ) )
return res
SetRuleWithContent sets content for rule with error key
func ( s * RulesWithContentStorage ) SetRuleWithContent (
ruleID ctypes . RuleID , errorKey ctypes . ErrorKey , ruleWithContent * types . RuleWithContent ,
) {
compositeRuleID , err := generators . GenerateCompositeRuleID ( ctypes . RuleFQDN ( ruleID ) , errorKey )
if err == nil {
s . recommendationsWithContent [ compositeRuleID ] = ruleWithContent
} else {
log . Warn ( ) . Err ( err ) . Msgf ( "Error generating composite rule ID for [%v] and [%v]" , ruleID , errorKey )
s . rulesWithContent [ ruleIDAndErrorKey {
RuleID : ruleID ,
ErrorKey : errorKey ,
} ] = ruleWithContent
if ruleWithContent . Internal {
s . internalRuleIDs = append ( s . internalRuleIDs , compositeRuleID )
} else {
s . externalRuleIDs = append ( s . externalRuleIDs , compositeRuleID )
SetRule sets content for rule
func ( s * RulesWithContentStorage ) SetRule (
ruleID ctypes . RuleID , ruleContent * ctypes . RuleContent ,
) {
s . rules [ ruleID ] = ruleContent
GetRuleIDs gets rule IDs for rules (rule modules)
func ( s * RulesWithContentStorage ) GetRuleIDs ( ) [ ] string {
ruleIDs := make ( [ ] string , 0 , len ( s . rules ) )
for _ , ruleContent := range s . rules {
ruleIDs = append ( ruleIDs , ruleContent . Plugin . PythonModule )
return ruleIDs
GetInternalRuleIDs returns the composite rule IDs ("| format") of internal rules
func ( s * RulesWithContentStorage ) GetInternalRuleIDs ( ) [ ] ctypes . RuleID {
return s . internalRuleIDs
GetExternalRuleIDs returns the composite rule IDs ("| format") of external rules
func ( s * RulesWithContentStorage ) GetExternalRuleIDs ( ) [ ] ctypes . RuleID {
return s . externalRuleIDs
GetExternalRuleSeverities returns a map of external rule IDs and their severity (total risk)
along with a list of unique severities
func ( s * RulesWithContentStorage ) GetExternalRuleSeverities ( ) (
severityMap map [ ctypes . RuleID ] int ,
uniqueSeverities [ ] int ,
) {
severityMap = make ( map [ ctypes . RuleID ] int )
uniqueMap := make ( map [ int ] interface { } )
for _ , ruleID := range s . externalRuleIDs {
totalRisk := s . recommendationsWithContent [ ruleID ] . TotalRisk
severityMap [ ruleID ] = totalRisk
uniqueMap [ totalRisk ] = nil
for k := range uniqueMap {
uniqueSeverities = append ( uniqueSeverities , k )
GetExternalRulesManagedInfo returns a map of rule IDs and the information whether a rule is managed
(has osd_customer tag) or not
func ( s * RulesWithContentStorage ) GetExternalRulesManagedInfo ( ) ( managedMap map [ ctypes . RuleID ] bool ) {
managedMap = make ( map [ ctypes . RuleID ] bool )
for _ , ruleID := range s . externalRuleIDs {
managedMap [ ruleID ] = s . recommendationsWithContent [ ruleID ] . OSDCustomer
RuleContentDirectoryTimeoutError is used, when the content directory is empty for too long time
type RuleContentDirectoryTimeoutError struct { }
func ( e * RuleContentDirectoryTimeoutError ) Error ( ) string {
return "Content directory cache has been empty for too long time; timeout triggered"
WaitForContentDirectoryToBeReady ensures the rule content directory is safe to read/write
func WaitForContentDirectoryToBeReady ( ) error {
according to the example in the official dock,
lock is required here
if ruleContentDirectory == nil {
ruleContentDirectoryReady . L . Lock ( )
done := make ( chan struct { } )
go func ( ) {
ruleContentDirectoryReady . Wait ( )
close ( done )
} ( )
select {
case <- done :
case <- time . After ( contentDirectoryTimeout ) :
err := & RuleContentDirectoryTimeoutError { }
log . Error ( ) . Err ( err ) . Msg ( "Cannot retrieve content" )
return err
ruleContentDirectoryReady . L . Unlock ( )
return nil
GetRuleWithErrorKeyContent returns content for rule with provided rule id and error key .
Caching is done under the hood, don't worry about it.
func GetRuleWithErrorKeyContent (
ruleID ctypes . RuleID , errorKey ctypes . ErrorKey ,
) ( * types . RuleWithContent , error ) {
to be sure the data is there
err := WaitForContentDirectoryToBeReady ( )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
ruleID = ctypes . RuleID ( strings . TrimSuffix ( string ( ruleID ) , dotReport ) )
res , found := rulesWithContentStorage . GetRuleWithErrorKeyContent ( ruleID , errorKey )
if ! found {
return nil , & utypes . ItemNotFoundError { ItemID : fmt . Sprintf ( "%v/%v" , ruleID , errorKey ) }
return res , nil
GetContentForRecommendation returns content for rule with provided composite rule ID
func GetContentForRecommendation (
ruleID ctypes . RuleID ,
) ( * types . RuleWithContent , error ) {
err := WaitForContentDirectoryToBeReady ( )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
res , found := rulesWithContentStorage . GetContentForRecommendation ( ruleID )
if ! found {
return nil , & utypes . ItemNotFoundError { ItemID : fmt . Sprintf ( "%v" , ruleID ) }
return res , nil
GetRuleContentV1 returns content for rule with provided rule id
Caching is done under the hood, don't worry about it.
func GetRuleContentV1 ( ruleID ctypes . RuleID ) ( * types . RuleContentV1 , error ) {
res , err := getRuleContent ( ruleID )
if err == nil {
resV1 := RuleContentToV1 ( res )
return & resV1 , nil
return nil , err
GetRuleContentV2 provides single rule for api v2
func GetRuleContentV2 ( ruleID ctypes . RuleID ) ( * types . RuleContentV2 , error ) {
res , err := getRuleContent ( ruleID )
if err == nil {
resV2 := RuleContentToV2 ( res )
return & resV2 , nil
return nil , err
func getRuleContent ( ruleID ctypes . RuleID ) ( * ctypes . RuleContent , error ) {
to be sure the data is there
err := WaitForContentDirectoryToBeReady ( )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
ruleID = ctypes . RuleID ( strings . TrimSuffix ( string ( ruleID ) , dotReport ) )
res , found := rulesWithContentStorage . getRuleContent ( ruleID )
if ! found {
return nil , & utypes . ItemNotFoundError { ItemID : ruleID }
return res , nil
func getEmptyRulesWithContentMap ( ) * RulesWithContentStorage {
s := RulesWithContentStorage { }
s . rules = make ( map [ types . RuleID ] * types . RuleContent )
s . rulesWithContent = make ( map [ ruleIDAndErrorKey ] * types . RuleWithContent )
s . recommendationsWithContent = make ( map [ ctypes . RuleID ] * types . RuleWithContent )
s . internalRuleIDs = make ( [ ] ctypes . RuleID , 0 )
s . externalRuleIDs = make ( [ ] ctypes . RuleID , 0 )
return & s
GetRuleIDs returns a list of rule IDs (rule modules)
func GetRuleIDs ( ) ( [ ] string , error ) {
err := WaitForContentDirectoryToBeReady ( )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return rulesWithContentStorage . GetRuleIDs ( ) , nil
GetInternalRuleIDs returns a list of composite rule IDs ("| format") of internal rules
func GetInternalRuleIDs ( ) ( [ ] ctypes . RuleID , error ) {
err := WaitForContentDirectoryToBeReady ( )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return rulesWithContentStorage . GetInternalRuleIDs ( ) , nil
GetExternalRuleIDs returns a list of composite rule IDs ("| format") of external rules
func GetExternalRuleIDs ( ) ( [ ] ctypes . RuleID , error ) {
err := WaitForContentDirectoryToBeReady ( )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return rulesWithContentStorage . GetExternalRuleIDs ( ) , nil
GetExternalRuleSeverities returns a map of rule IDs and their severity (total risk),
along with a list of unique severities
func GetExternalRuleSeverities ( ) (
map [ ctypes . RuleID ] int ,
[ ] int ,
error ,
) {
err := WaitForContentDirectoryToBeReady ( )
if err != nil {
return nil , nil , err
severityMap , uniqueSeverities := rulesWithContentStorage . GetExternalRuleSeverities ( )
return severityMap , uniqueSeverities , nil
GetExternalRulesManagedInfo returns a map of rule IDs and the information whether a rule is managed
(has osd_customer tag) or not
func GetExternalRulesManagedInfo ( ) (
map [ ctypes . RuleID ] bool , error ,
) {
err := WaitForContentDirectoryToBeReady ( )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
managedMap := rulesWithContentStorage . GetExternalRulesManagedInfo ( )
return managedMap , nil
GetAllContentV1 returns content for all the loaded rules.
func GetAllContentV1 ( ) ( [ ] types . RuleContentV1 , error ) {
to be sure the data is there
err := WaitForContentDirectoryToBeReady ( )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return rulesWithContentStorage . GetAllContentV1 ( ) , nil
GetAllContentV2 returns content for api v2
func GetAllContentV2 ( ) ( [ ] types . RuleContentV2 , error ) {
to be sure the data is there
err := WaitForContentDirectoryToBeReady ( )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return rulesWithContentStorage . GetAllContentV2 ( ) , nil
RunUpdateContentLoop runs loop which updates rules content by ticker
func RunUpdateContentLoop ( servicesConf services . Configuration ) {
ticker := time . NewTicker ( servicesConf . GroupsPollingTime )
for {
UpdateContent ( servicesConf )
select {
case <- ticker . C :
case <- stopUpdateContentLoop :
SetContentDirectoryTimeout sets the maximum duration for which
the smart proxy waits if the content directory is empty
func SetContentDirectoryTimeout ( timeout time . Duration ) {
contentDirectoryTimeout = timeout
StopUpdateContentLoop stops the loop
func StopUpdateContentLoop ( ) {
stopUpdateContentLoop <- struct { } { }
UpdateContent function updates rule content
func UpdateContent ( servicesConf services . Configuration ) {
var err error
contentServiceDirectory , err := services . GetContent ( servicesConf )
if err != nil {
log . Error ( ) . Err ( err ) . Msg ( "Error retrieving static content" )
SetRuleContentDirectory ( contentServiceDirectory )
err = WaitForContentDirectoryToBeReady ( )
if err != nil {
LoadRuleContent ( ruleContentDirectory )
FetchRuleContent - fetching content for particular rule
Return values:
- Structure with rules and content
- return true if the rule has been filtered by OSDElegible field. False otherwise
- return error if the one occurred during retrieval
func FetchRuleContent ( rule * ctypes . RuleOnReport , OSDEligible bool ) (
ruleWithContentResponse * types . RuleWithContentResponse ,
osdFiltered bool ,
err error ,
) {
ruleID := rule . Module
errorKey := rule . ErrorKey
ruleWithContentResponse = nil
osdFiltered = false
ruleWithContent , err := GetRuleWithErrorKeyContent ( ruleID , errorKey )
if err != nil {
log . Warn ( ) . Err ( err ) . Msgf (
"unable to get content for rule with id %v and error key %v" , ruleID , errorKey ,
if OSDEligible && ! ruleWithContent . OSDCustomer {
osdFiltered = true
ruleWithContentResponse = & types . RuleWithContentResponse {
CreatedAt : ruleWithContent . PublishDate . UTC ( ) . Format ( time . RFC3339 ) ,
Description : ruleWithContent . Description ,
ErrorKey : errorKey ,
Generic : ruleWithContent . Generic ,
Reason : ruleWithContent . Reason ,
Resolution : ruleWithContent . Resolution ,
MoreInfo : ruleWithContent . MoreInfo ,
TotalRisk : ruleWithContent . TotalRisk ,
RuleID : ruleID ,
TemplateData : rule . TemplateData ,
Tags : ruleWithContent . Tags ,
UserVote : rule . UserVote ,
Disabled : rule . Disabled ,
DisableFeedback : rule . DisableFeedback ,
DisabledAt : rule . DisabledAt ,
Internal : ruleWithContent . Internal ,