package auth
import (
type RBACClient interface {
IsAuthorized ( token string ) bool
IsEnforcing ( ) bool
type rbacClientImpl struct {
uri string
host string
client * http . Client
enforceAuth bool
NewRBACClient create an RBACClient from the configuration
func NewRBACClient ( conf * RBACConfig ) ( RBACClient , error ) {
url , host , err := constructRBACURL ( conf )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
client := & http . Client { }
return & rbacClientImpl {
url ,
host ,
client ,
conf . EnforceAuth ,
} , nil
IsEnforcing returns wether requests should be denied if the requester does not
have the correct permissions.
func ( rc * rbacClientImpl ) IsEnforcing ( ) bool {
return rc . enforceAuth
IsAuthorized checks if an account has the correct permissions to access our resources
func ( rc * rbacClientImpl ) IsAuthorized ( token string ) bool {
permissions := rc . getPermissions ( token )
log . Debug ( ) . Interface ( "permissions" , permissions ) . Msg ( "Account ocp-advisor permissions" )
return permissions != nil
func ( rc * rbacClientImpl ) getPermissions ( identityToken string ) map [ string ] [ ] string {
acls := rc . requestAccess ( rc . uri , identityToken )
if len ( acls ) > 0 {
log . Debug ( ) . Interface ( "acls" , acls ) . Msg ( "Account all permissions" )
permissions := aggregatePermissions ( acls )
if len ( permissions ) > 0 {
as we just need a read permission, we accept any > 0 here
log . Info ( ) . Any ( "RBAC openshift permissions" , permissions ) . Send ( )
return permissions
return nil
log . Debug ( ) . Msg ( "Account has no ACLs" )
return nil
requestAccess handles the call(s) to RBAC taking into account that the response
is paginated
func ( rc * rbacClientImpl ) requestAccess ( url , identityToken string ) [ ] types . RbacData {
TODO Change return to (rbacData, err) and forward error?
req , err := http . NewRequest ( http . MethodGet , url , nil )
if err != nil {
log . Error ( ) . Err ( err ) . Msg ( "Failed to create RBAC request" )
return nil
Forward the x-rh-identity header directly
req . Header . Set ( XRHAuthTokenHeader , identityToken )
resp , err := rc . client . Do ( req )
if err != nil {
log . Error ( ) . Err ( err ) . Msg ( "Failed to call RBAC API" )
return nil
if resp . StatusCode != http . StatusOK {
log . Error ( ) . Msgf ( "RBAC API returned non-200 status: %d" , resp . StatusCode )
return nil
defer func ( ) {
if err := resp . Body . Close ( ) ; err != nil {
log . Error ( ) . Err ( err ) . Msg ( "Error closing response body" )
} ( )
body , _ := io . ReadAll ( resp . Body )
response := types . RbacResponse { }
if err := json . Unmarshal ( body , & response ) ; err != nil {
log . Err ( err ) . Str ( "URL" , url ) . Msg ( "Unable to unmarshal response from RBAC server" )
if response . Meta . Count == 0 {
TODO: Debug level, not info, but for now we need it
log . Info ( ) . Msg ( "No RBAC data for this user" )
return nil
access := [ ] types . RbacData { }
access = append ( access , response . Data ... )
if response . Links . Next != "" {
next_url := fmt . Sprintf ( "%s%s" , rc . host , response . Links . Next )
access = append ( access , rc . requestAccess ( next_url , identityToken ) ... )
return access
aggregatePermissions loop over all the permissions/roles/alcs of the user returned
from RBAC and creates and return the map of permissions where key is
resourceType (recommendation-results) and the values are the
slice of resources (cluster names, node names, project names).
We are interested in this ACLs: https://github.com/RedHatInsights/rbac-config/blob/master/configs/prod/permissions/ocp-advisor.json
func aggregatePermissions ( acls [ ] types . RbacData ) map [ string ] [ ] string {
permissions := map [ string ] [ ] string { }
for _ , acl := range acls {
splits := strings . Split ( acl . Permission , ":" )
if len ( splits ) < 3 {
log . Warn ( ) . Str ( "ACL" , acl . Permission ) . Msg ( "Unexpected RBAC response" )
if splits [ 0 ] != "ocp-advisor" {
check the ACL is for ocp-advisor, not for other APIs
resourceType := splits [ 1 ]
verb := splits [ 2 ]
ignore other kind of permissions, we just want recommendation-results
if strings . Contains ( resourceType , "recommendation-results" ) {
if _ , ok := permissions [ resourceType ] ; ! ok {
add the resource type to the permissions map if not already
there so that we can then add the permission verb
permissions [ resourceType ] = [ ] string { }
permissions [ resourceType ] = append ( permissions [ resourceType ] , verb )
} else if resourceType == "*" {
permissions [ "*" ] = [ ] string { }
return permissions