package auth
import (
types "github.com/RedHatInsights/insights-results-types"
const (
XRHAuthTokenHeader represents the name of the header used in XRH authorization type
nosec G101
XRHAuthTokenHeader = "x-rh-identity"
invalidTokenMessage is the message returned when the authentication token is malformed.
nosec G101
invalidTokenMessage = "Malformed authentication token"
missingTokenMessage is the message returned when the authentication token is missing.
nosec G101
missingTokenMessage = "Missing auth token"
DecodeTokenFromHeader decodes the authentication token from the HTTP request header.
It returns a pointer to a Token and an error if the token is missing or malformed.
func DecodeTokenFromHeader ( w http . ResponseWriter , r * http . Request , authType string ) ( * types . Token , error ) {
Try to read the authentication header from the HTTP request (if provided by the client).
token := GetAuthTokenHeader ( r )
if token == "" {
return nil , & AuthenticationError { ErrString : missingTokenMessage }
Decode the authentication token to a JSON string.
decoded , err := base64 . StdEncoding . DecodeString ( token )
If the token is malformed, return HTTP code 403 to the client.
if err != nil {
log . Error ( ) . Err ( err ) . Msg ( invalidTokenMessage )
return nil , & AuthenticationError { ErrString : invalidTokenMessage }
tk := & types . Token { }
if authType == "xrh" {
If the authentication type is xrh (x-rh-identity header).
err = json . Unmarshal ( decoded , tk )
if err != nil {
log . Error ( ) . Err ( err ) . Msg ( invalidTokenMessage )
return nil , & AuthenticationError { ErrString : invalidTokenMessage }
} else {
err := errors . New ( "unknown auth type" )
log . Error ( ) . Err ( err ) . Send ( )
return nil , err
return tk , nil
GetAuthToken retrieves the authentication token from the request context.
It returns a pointer to an Identity and an error if the token is not
provided or has the wrong type.
func GetAuthToken ( request * http . Request ) ( * types . Identity , error ) {
i := request . Context ( ) . Value ( types . ContextKeyUser )
if i == nil {
return nil , & AuthenticationError { ErrString : "token is not provided" }
identity , ok := i . ( types . Identity )
if ! ok {
return nil , & AuthenticationError { ErrString : "contextKeyUser has wrong type" }
return & identity , nil
GetAuthTokenHeader retrieves the authentication token from the HTTP request header.
It returns the token as a string, or an empty string if the token is missing.
func GetAuthTokenHeader ( r * http . Request ) string {
var tokenHeader string
log . Debug ( ) . Msg ( "Retrieving x-rh-identity token" )
Grab the token from the header
tokenHeader = r . Header . Get ( XRHAuthTokenHeader )
log . Debug ( ) . Int ( "Length" , len ( tokenHeader ) ) . Msg ( "Token retrieved" )
if tokenHeader == "" {
log . Error ( ) . Msg ( missingTokenMessage )
return ""
return tokenHeader