Copyright 2021, 2022 Red Hat, Inc
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package amsclient_test
import (
jwt ""
utypes ""
const (
organizationsSearchEndpoint = "api/accounts_mgmt/v1/organizations?fields=id%%2Cexternal_id&search=external_id+%%3D+{orgID}"
subscriptionsSearchEndpoint = ( "api/accounts_mgmt/v1/subscriptions?fields=external_cluster_id%%2Cdisplay_name%%2Ccluster_id%%2Cmanaged%%2Cstatus&page={pageNum}&" +
"search=organization_id+is+%%27{orgID}%%27+and+cluster_id+%%21%%3D+%%27%%27&size={pageSize}" )
subscriptionsSearchEndpointWithFilter = ( "api/accounts_mgmt/v1/subscriptions?fields=external_cluster_id%%2Cdisplay_name%%2Ccluster_id%%2Cmanaged%%2Cstatus&page={pageNum}&" +
"search=organization_id+is+%%27{orgID}%%27+and+cluster_id+%%21%%3D+%%27%%27+and+status+in+%%28%%27{status1}%%27%%2C%%27{status2}%%27%%29&size={pageSize}" )
subscriptionsSearchEndpointWithDefaultFilter = ( "api/accounts_mgmt/v1/subscriptions?fields=external_cluster_id%%2Cdisplay_name%%2Ccluster_id%%2Cmanaged%%2Cstatus&page={pageNum}&" +
"search=organization_id+is+%%27{orgID}%%27+and+cluster_id+%%21%%3D+%%27%%27+and+status+not+in+%%28%%27{status1}%%27%%2C%%27{status2}%%27%%2C%%27{status3}%%27%%29&size={pageSize}" )
clusterDetailsSearchEndpoint = ( "api/accounts_mgmt/v1/subscriptions?fields=external_cluster_id%%2Cdisplay_name%%2Ccluster_id%%2Cmanaged%%2Cstatus&page={pageNum}&" +
"search=external_cluster_id+%%3D+%%27{clusterID}%%27&size={pageSize}" )
singleClusterInfoEndpoint = ( "api/accounts_mgmt/v1/subscriptions?fields=external_cluster_id%%2Cdisplay_name%%2Ccluster_id%%2Cmanaged%%2Cstatus&page={pageNum}&" +
"search=organization_id+%%3D+%%27{orgID}%%27+and+external_cluster_id+%%3D+%%27{clusterID}%%27&size={pageSize}" )
var (
Public and private key that will be used to sign and verify tokens in the tests:
jwtPublicKey * rsa . PublicKey
jwtPrivateKey * rsa . PrivateKey
defaultConfig amsclient . Configuration
func init ( ) {
zerolog . SetGlobalLevel ( zerolog . WarnLevel )
var err error
jwtPublicKey , err = jwt . ParseRSAPublicKeyFromPEM ( [ ] byte ( jwtPublicKeyPEM ) )
if err != nil {
panic ( err )
jwtPrivateKey , err = jwt . ParseRSAPrivateKeyFromPEM ( [ ] byte ( jwtPrivateKeyPEM ) )
if err != nil {
panic ( err )
defaultConfig = amsclient . Configuration {
Token : MakeTokenString ( "Bearer" , 5 * time . Minute ) ,
URL : "https://localhost:8080" ,
PageSize : 100 ,
TestClientCreation tests if creating a client works as expected
func TestClientCreationError ( t * testing . T ) {
define a configuration based on default, but without token
config := defaultConfig
Expicitely set all authentication configuration to ""
config . Token = ""
config . ClientID = ""
config . ClientSecret = ""
_ , err := amsclient . NewAMSClient ( config )
assert . NotEqual ( t , nil , err )
func TestClusterForOrganization ( t * testing . T ) {
defer helpers . CleanAfterGock ( t )
c , err := amsclient . NewAMSClientWithTransport ( defaultConfig , gock . DefaultTransport )
helpers . FailOnError ( t , err )
prepare organizations response
helpers . GockExpectAPIRequest ( t , defaultConfig . URL , & helpers . APIRequest {
Method : http . MethodGet ,
Endpoint : organizationsSearchEndpoint ,
EndpointArgs : [ ] interface { } { testdata . ExternalOrgID } ,
} , & helpers . APIResponse {
StatusCode : http . StatusOK ,
Headers : map [ string ] string {
"Content-Type" : "application/json" ,
} ,
Body : helpers . ToJSONString ( testdata . OrganizationResponse ) ,
} )
prepare cluster list request response
helpers . GockExpectAPIRequest ( t , defaultConfig . URL , & helpers . APIRequest {
Method : http . MethodGet ,
Endpoint : subscriptionsSearchEndpoint ,
EndpointArgs : [ ] interface { } { 1 , testdata . InternalOrgID , defaultConfig . PageSize } ,
} , & helpers . APIResponse {
StatusCode : http . StatusOK ,
Headers : map [ string ] string {
"Content-Type" : "application/json" ,
} ,
Body : helpers . ToJSONString ( testdata . SubscriptionsResponse ) ,
} )
second and more requests will be done until the last one returns an empty response (0 sized)
helpers . GockExpectAPIRequest ( t , defaultConfig . URL , & helpers . APIRequest {
Method : http . MethodGet ,
Endpoint : subscriptionsSearchEndpoint ,
EndpointArgs : [ ] interface { } { 2 , testdata . InternalOrgID , defaultConfig . PageSize } ,
} , & helpers . APIResponse {
StatusCode : http . StatusOK ,
Headers : map [ string ] string {
"Content-Type" : "application/json" ,
} ,
Body : helpers . ToJSONString ( testdata . SubscriptionEmptyResponse ) ,
} )
clusterList , err := c . GetClustersForOrganization ( testdata . ExternalOrgID , nil , [ ] string { } )
helpers . FailOnError ( t , err )
assert . Equal ( t , 2 , len ( clusterList ) )
assert . ElementsMatch ( t , testdata . OKClustersForOrganization , clusterList )
func TestClusterForOrganizationWithFiltering ( t * testing . T ) {
defer helpers . CleanAfterGock ( t )
c , err := amsclient . NewAMSClientWithTransport ( defaultConfig , gock . DefaultTransport )
helpers . FailOnError ( t , err )
prepare organizations response
helpers . GockExpectAPIRequest ( t , defaultConfig . URL , & helpers . APIRequest {
Method : http . MethodGet ,
Endpoint : organizationsSearchEndpoint ,
EndpointArgs : [ ] interface { } { testdata . ExternalOrgID } ,
} , & helpers . APIResponse {
StatusCode : http . StatusOK ,
Headers : map [ string ] string {
"Content-Type" : "application/json" ,
} ,
Body : helpers . ToJSONString ( testdata . OrganizationResponse ) ,
} )
prepare cluster list request response
helpers . GockExpectAPIRequest ( t , defaultConfig . URL , & helpers . APIRequest {
Method : http . MethodGet ,
Endpoint : subscriptionsSearchEndpointWithFilter ,
EndpointArgs : [ ] interface { } { 1 , testdata . InternalOrgID , amsclient . StatusArchived , amsclient . StatusDeprovisioned , defaultConfig . PageSize } ,
} , & helpers . APIResponse {
StatusCode : http . StatusOK ,
Headers : map [ string ] string {
"Content-Type" : "application/json" ,
} ,
Body : helpers . ToJSONString ( testdata . SubscriptionsResponse ) ,
} )
second and more requests will be done until the last one returns an empty response (0 sized)
helpers . GockExpectAPIRequest ( t , defaultConfig . URL , & helpers . APIRequest {
Method : http . MethodGet ,
Endpoint : subscriptionsSearchEndpointWithFilter ,
EndpointArgs : [ ] interface { } { 2 , testdata . InternalOrgID , amsclient . StatusArchived , amsclient . StatusDeprovisioned , defaultConfig . PageSize } ,
} , & helpers . APIResponse {
StatusCode : http . StatusOK ,
Headers : map [ string ] string {
"Content-Type" : "application/json" ,
} ,
Body : helpers . ToJSONString ( testdata . SubscriptionEmptyResponse ) ,
} )
clusterList , err := c . GetClustersForOrganization (
testdata . ExternalOrgID ,
[ ] string { amsclient . StatusArchived , amsclient . StatusDeprovisioned } ,
[ ] string { } ,
helpers . FailOnError ( t , err )
assert . Equal ( t , 2 , len ( clusterList ) )
assert . ElementsMatch ( t , testdata . OKClustersForOrganization , clusterList )
func TestClusterForOrganizationWithDefaultFiltering ( t * testing . T ) {
defer helpers . CleanAfterGock ( t )
c , err := amsclient . NewAMSClientWithTransport ( defaultConfig , gock . DefaultTransport )
helpers . FailOnError ( t , err )
prepare organizations response
helpers . GockExpectAPIRequest ( t , defaultConfig . URL , & helpers . APIRequest {
Method : http . MethodGet ,
Endpoint : organizationsSearchEndpoint ,
EndpointArgs : [ ] interface { } { testdata . ExternalOrgID } ,
} , & helpers . APIResponse {
StatusCode : http . StatusOK ,
Headers : map [ string ] string {
"Content-Type" : "application/json" ,
} ,
Body : helpers . ToJSONString ( testdata . OrganizationResponse ) ,
} )
prepare cluster list request response
helpers . GockExpectAPIRequest ( t , defaultConfig . URL , & helpers . APIRequest {
Method : http . MethodGet ,
Endpoint : subscriptionsSearchEndpointWithDefaultFilter ,
EndpointArgs : [ ] interface { } {
1 , testdata . InternalOrgID ,
amsclient . StatusArchived , amsclient . StatusDeprovisioned , amsclient . StatusReserved ,
defaultConfig . PageSize ,
} ,
} , & helpers . APIResponse {
StatusCode : http . StatusOK ,
Headers : map [ string ] string {
"Content-Type" : "application/json" ,
} ,
Body : helpers . ToJSONString ( testdata . SubscriptionsResponse ) ,
} )
second and more requests will be done until the last one returns an empty response (0 sized)
helpers . GockExpectAPIRequest ( t , defaultConfig . URL , & helpers . APIRequest {
Method : http . MethodGet ,
Endpoint : subscriptionsSearchEndpointWithDefaultFilter ,
EndpointArgs : [ ] interface { } {
2 , testdata . InternalOrgID ,
amsclient . StatusArchived , amsclient . StatusDeprovisioned , amsclient . StatusReserved ,
defaultConfig . PageSize ,
} ,
} , & helpers . APIResponse {
StatusCode : http . StatusOK ,
Headers : map [ string ] string {
"Content-Type" : "application/json" ,
} ,
Body : helpers . ToJSONString ( testdata . SubscriptionEmptyResponse ) ,
} )
clusterList , err := c . GetClustersForOrganization (
testdata . ExternalOrgID ,
nil ,
nil ,
helpers . FailOnError ( t , err )
assert . Equal ( t , 2 , len ( clusterList ) )
assert . ElementsMatch ( t , testdata . OKClustersForOrganization , clusterList )
func TestClusterForOrganizationWithEmptyClusterIDs ( t * testing . T ) {
defer helpers . CleanAfterGock ( t )
c , err := amsclient . NewAMSClientWithTransport ( defaultConfig , gock . DefaultTransport )
helpers . FailOnError ( t , err )
prepare organizations response
helpers . GockExpectAPIRequest ( t , defaultConfig . URL , & helpers . APIRequest {
Method : http . MethodGet ,
Endpoint : organizationsSearchEndpoint ,
EndpointArgs : [ ] interface { } { testdata . ExternalOrgID } ,
} , & helpers . APIResponse {
StatusCode : http . StatusOK ,
Headers : map [ string ] string {
"Content-Type" : "application/json" ,
} ,
Body : helpers . ToJSONString ( testdata . OrganizationResponse ) ,
} )
prepare cluster list request response. Response has 2 invalid clusters and 1 valid one
helpers . GockExpectAPIRequest ( t , defaultConfig . URL , & helpers . APIRequest {
Method : http . MethodGet ,
Endpoint : subscriptionsSearchEndpointWithDefaultFilter ,
EndpointArgs : [ ] interface { } {
1 , testdata . InternalOrgID ,
amsclient . StatusArchived , amsclient . StatusDeprovisioned , amsclient . StatusReserved ,
defaultConfig . PageSize ,
} ,
} , & helpers . APIResponse {
StatusCode : http . StatusOK ,
Headers : map [ string ] string {
"Content-Type" : "application/json" ,
} ,
Body : helpers . ToJSONString ( testdata . SubscriptionsResponseEmptyClusterIDs ) ,
} )
second and more requests will be done until the last one returns an empty response (0 sized)
helpers . GockExpectAPIRequest ( t , defaultConfig . URL , & helpers . APIRequest {
Method : http . MethodGet ,
Endpoint : subscriptionsSearchEndpointWithDefaultFilter ,
EndpointArgs : [ ] interface { } {
2 , testdata . InternalOrgID ,
amsclient . StatusArchived , amsclient . StatusDeprovisioned , amsclient . StatusReserved ,
defaultConfig . PageSize ,
} ,
} , & helpers . APIResponse {
StatusCode : http . StatusOK ,
Headers : map [ string ] string {
"Content-Type" : "application/json" ,
} ,
Body : helpers . ToJSONString ( testdata . SubscriptionEmptyResponse ) ,
} )
clusterList , err := c . GetClustersForOrganization (
testdata . ExternalOrgID ,
nil ,
nil ,
helpers . FailOnError ( t , err )
we expect 2 out of 3 clusters to be excluded because they don't have external cluster ID
assert . Equal ( t , 1 , len ( clusterList ) )
cluster 1 is managed (has managed attribute set in AMS response)
assert . Equal ( t , true , clusterList [ 0 ] . Managed )
TestClusterForOrganizationCCXDEV8829Reproducer reproducer for
func TestClusterForOrganizationCCXDEV_8829_Reproducer ( t * testing . T ) {
defer helpers . CleanAfterGock ( t )
c , err := amsclient . NewAMSClientWithTransport ( defaultConfig , gock . DefaultTransport )
helpers . FailOnError ( t , err )
prepare organizations response
helpers . GockExpectAPIRequest ( t , defaultConfig . URL , & helpers . APIRequest {
Method : http . MethodGet ,
Endpoint : organizationsSearchEndpoint ,
EndpointArgs : [ ] interface { } { testdata . ExternalOrgID } ,
} , & helpers . APIResponse {
StatusCode : http . StatusOK ,
Headers : map [ string ] string {
"Content-Type" : "application/json" ,
} ,
Body : helpers . ToJSONString ( testdata . OrganizationResponse ) ,
} )
prepare cluster list request response. Response has 2 invalid clusters and 1 valid one
helpers . GockExpectAPIRequest ( t , defaultConfig . URL , & helpers . APIRequest {
Method : http . MethodGet ,
Endpoint : subscriptionsSearchEndpointWithDefaultFilter ,
EndpointArgs : [ ] interface { } {
1 , testdata . InternalOrgID ,
amsclient . StatusArchived , amsclient . StatusDeprovisioned , amsclient . StatusReserved ,
defaultConfig . PageSize ,
} ,
} , & helpers . APIResponse {
StatusCode : http . StatusOK ,
Headers : map [ string ] string {
"Content-Type" : "application/json" ,
} ,
Body : helpers . ToJSONString ( testdata . SubscriptionsResponseInvalidUUID ) ,
} )
second and more requests will be done until the last one returns an empty response (0 sized)
helpers . GockExpectAPIRequest ( t , defaultConfig . URL , & helpers . APIRequest {
Method : http . MethodGet ,
Endpoint : subscriptionsSearchEndpointWithDefaultFilter ,
EndpointArgs : [ ] interface { } {
2 , testdata . InternalOrgID ,
amsclient . StatusArchived , amsclient . StatusDeprovisioned , amsclient . StatusReserved ,
defaultConfig . PageSize ,
} ,
} , & helpers . APIResponse {
StatusCode : http . StatusOK ,
Headers : map [ string ] string {
"Content-Type" : "application/json" ,
} ,
Body : helpers . ToJSONString ( testdata . SubscriptionEmptyResponse ) ,
} )
clusterList , err := c . GetClustersForOrganization (
testdata . ExternalOrgID ,
nil ,
nil ,
helpers . FailOnError ( t , err )
we expect 1 cluster to be excluded because it has invalid UUID
assert . Equal ( t , 1 , len ( clusterList ) )
remaining cluster has the correct UUID
assert . Equal ( t , types . ClusterName ( testdata . ClusterName1 ) , clusterList [ 0 ] . ID )
TestClusterForOrganizationCCXDEV11659Reproducer reproducer for
AMS API can sometimes return duplicated clusters, we must filter the duplicates out.
func TestClusterForOrganizationCCXDEV_11659_Reproducer ( t * testing . T ) {
defer helpers . CleanAfterGock ( t )
c , err := amsclient . NewAMSClientWithTransport ( defaultConfig , gock . DefaultTransport )
helpers . FailOnError ( t , err )
prepare organizations response
helpers . GockExpectAPIRequest ( t , defaultConfig . URL , & helpers . APIRequest {
Method : http . MethodGet ,
Endpoint : organizationsSearchEndpoint ,
EndpointArgs : [ ] interface { } { testdata . ExternalOrgID } ,
} , & helpers . APIResponse {
StatusCode : http . StatusOK ,
Headers : map [ string ] string {
"Content-Type" : "application/json" ,
} ,
Body : helpers . ToJSONString ( testdata . OrganizationResponse ) ,
} )
prepare cluster list response. Response has 4 valid clusters, but 2 of them are duplicate.
helpers . GockExpectAPIRequest ( t , defaultConfig . URL , & helpers . APIRequest {
Method : http . MethodGet ,
Endpoint : subscriptionsSearchEndpointWithDefaultFilter ,
EndpointArgs : [ ] interface { } {
1 , testdata . InternalOrgID ,
amsclient . StatusArchived , amsclient . StatusDeprovisioned , amsclient . StatusReserved ,
defaultConfig . PageSize ,
} ,
} , & helpers . APIResponse {
StatusCode : http . StatusOK ,
Headers : map [ string ] string {
"Content-Type" : "application/json" ,
} ,
Body : helpers . ToJSONString ( testdata . SubscriptionsResponseDuplicateRecords ) ,
} )
second and more requests will be done until the last one returns an empty response (0 sized)
helpers . GockExpectAPIRequest ( t , defaultConfig . URL , & helpers . APIRequest {
Method : http . MethodGet ,
Endpoint : subscriptionsSearchEndpointWithDefaultFilter ,
EndpointArgs : [ ] interface { } {
2 , testdata . InternalOrgID ,
amsclient . StatusArchived , amsclient . StatusDeprovisioned , amsclient . StatusReserved ,
defaultConfig . PageSize ,
} ,
} , & helpers . APIResponse {
StatusCode : http . StatusOK ,
Headers : map [ string ] string {
"Content-Type" : "application/json" ,
} ,
Body : helpers . ToJSONString ( testdata . SubscriptionEmptyResponse ) ,
} )
clusterList , err := c . GetClustersForOrganization (
testdata . ExternalOrgID ,
nil ,
nil ,
helpers . FailOnError ( t , err )
we expect 2 cluster to be excluded because they are duplicate
assert . Equal ( t , 2 , len ( clusterList ) )
remaining clusters have the correct UUIDs
assert . ElementsMatch ( t ,
[ ] types . ClusterName { clusterList [ 0 ] . ID , clusterList [ 1 ] . ID } ,
[ ] types . ClusterName { testdata . ClusterName1 , testdata . ClusterName2 } ,
assert . Equal ( t , types . ClusterName ( testdata . ClusterName1 ) , clusterList [ 0 ] . ID )
func TestGetClustersForOrganizationOnError ( t * testing . T ) {
client , err := amsclient . NewAMSClient ( defaultConfig )
helpers . FailOnError ( t , err )
clusters , err := client . GetClustersForOrganization ( testdata . ExternalOrgID , nil , nil )
if err == nil {
t . Fail ( )
assert . Equal ( t , 0 , len ( clusters ) )
func TestGetClusterDetailsFromExternalClusterId ( t * testing . T ) {
defer helpers . CleanAfterGock ( t )
c , err := amsclient . NewAMSClientWithTransport ( defaultConfig , gock . DefaultTransport )
helpers . FailOnError ( t , err )
prepare subscription filtered by externalclusterid response
helpers . GockExpectAPIRequest ( t , defaultConfig . URL , & helpers . APIRequest {
Method : http . MethodGet ,
Endpoint : clusterDetailsSearchEndpoint ,
EndpointArgs : [ ] interface { } { 1 , testdata . ClusterName1 , defaultConfig . PageSize } ,
} , & helpers . APIResponse {
StatusCode : http . StatusOK ,
Headers : map [ string ] string {
"Content-Type" : "application/json" ,
} ,
Body : helpers . ToJSONString ( testdata . SubscriptionsResponse ) ,
} )
second request will get an empty response (0 sized), so no more requests will be made
helpers . GockExpectAPIRequest ( t , defaultConfig . URL , & helpers . APIRequest {
Method : http . MethodGet ,
Endpoint : clusterDetailsSearchEndpoint ,
EndpointArgs : [ ] interface { } { 2 , testdata . ClusterName1 , defaultConfig . PageSize } ,
} , & helpers . APIResponse {
StatusCode : http . StatusOK ,
Headers : map [ string ] string {
"Content-Type" : "application/json" ,
} ,
Body : helpers . ToJSONString ( testdata . SubscriptionEmptyResponse ) ,
} )
clusterInfo := c . GetClusterDetailsFromExternalClusterID (
testdata . ClusterName1 ,
cluster 1 is managed (has managed attribute set in AMS response)
assert . Equal ( t , clusterInfo , types . ClusterInfo {
ID : testdata . ClusterName1 ,
DisplayName : testdata . ClusterDisplayName1 ,
Managed : true ,
Status : testdata . ActiveStatus ,
} )
func TestGetClusterDetailsUnknownExternalClusterId ( t * testing . T ) {
defer helpers . CleanAfterGock ( t )
c , err := amsclient . NewAMSClientWithTransport ( defaultConfig , gock . DefaultTransport )
helpers . FailOnError ( t , err )
prepare subscription filtered by externalclusterid response
helpers . GockExpectAPIRequest ( t , defaultConfig . URL , & helpers . APIRequest {
Method : http . MethodGet ,
Endpoint : clusterDetailsSearchEndpoint ,
EndpointArgs : [ ] interface { } { 1 , testdata . ClusterName1 , defaultConfig . PageSize } ,
} , & helpers . APIResponse {
StatusCode : http . StatusOK ,
Headers : map [ string ] string {
"Content-Type" : "application/json" ,
} ,
Body : helpers . ToJSONString ( testdata . SubscriptionEmptyResponse ) ,
} )
clusterListInfo := c . GetClusterDetailsFromExternalClusterID (
testdata . ClusterName1 ,
assert . Equal ( t , clusterListInfo , types . ClusterInfo { } )
func TestGetSingleClusterInfoForOrganizationNotFound ( t * testing . T ) {
defer helpers . CleanAfterGock ( t )
c , err := amsclient . NewAMSClientWithTransport ( defaultConfig , gock . DefaultTransport )
helpers . FailOnError ( t , err )
prepare organizations response
helpers . GockExpectAPIRequest ( t , defaultConfig . URL , & helpers . APIRequest {
Method : http . MethodGet ,
Endpoint : organizationsSearchEndpoint ,
EndpointArgs : [ ] interface { } { testdata . ExternalOrgID } ,
} , & helpers . APIResponse {
StatusCode : http . StatusOK ,
Headers : map [ string ] string {
"Content-Type" : "application/json" ,
} ,
Body : helpers . ToJSONString ( testdata . OrganizationResponse ) ,
} )
prepare empty response
helpers . GockExpectAPIRequest ( t , defaultConfig . URL , & helpers . APIRequest {
Method : http . MethodGet ,
Endpoint : singleClusterInfoEndpoint ,
EndpointArgs : [ ] interface { } { 1 , testdata . InternalOrgID , testdata . ClusterName1 , defaultConfig . PageSize } ,
} , & helpers . APIResponse {
StatusCode : http . StatusOK ,
Headers : map [ string ] string {
"Content-Type" : "application/json" ,
} ,
Body : helpers . ToJSONString ( testdata . SubscriptionEmptyResponse ) ,
} )
clusterInfo , err := c . GetSingleClusterInfoForOrganization (
testdata . ExternalOrgID ,
testdata . ClusterName1 ,
assert . Equal ( t , clusterInfo , types . ClusterInfo { } )
assert . IsType ( t , err , & utypes . ItemNotFoundError { } )
func TestGetSingleClusterInfoForOrganization ( t * testing . T ) {
defer helpers . CleanAfterGock ( t )
c , err := amsclient . NewAMSClientWithTransport ( defaultConfig , gock . DefaultTransport )
helpers . FailOnError ( t , err )
prepare organizations response
helpers . GockExpectAPIRequest ( t , defaultConfig . URL , & helpers . APIRequest {
Method : http . MethodGet ,
Endpoint : organizationsSearchEndpoint ,
EndpointArgs : [ ] interface { } { testdata . ExternalOrgID } ,
} , & helpers . APIResponse {
StatusCode : http . StatusOK ,
Headers : map [ string ] string {
"Content-Type" : "application/json" ,
} ,
Body : helpers . ToJSONString ( testdata . OrganizationResponse ) ,
} )
helpers . GockExpectAPIRequest ( t , defaultConfig . URL , & helpers . APIRequest {
Method : http . MethodGet ,
Endpoint : singleClusterInfoEndpoint ,
EndpointArgs : [ ] interface { } { 1 , testdata . InternalOrgID , testdata . ClusterName1 , defaultConfig . PageSize } ,
} , & helpers . APIResponse {
StatusCode : http . StatusOK ,
Headers : map [ string ] string {
"Content-Type" : "application/json" ,
} ,
Body : helpers . ToJSONString ( testdata . SubscriptionsResponse ) ,
} )
second request will get an empty response (0 sized), so no more requests will be made
helpers . GockExpectAPIRequest ( t , defaultConfig . URL , & helpers . APIRequest {
Method : http . MethodGet ,
Endpoint : singleClusterInfoEndpoint ,
EndpointArgs : [ ] interface { } { 2 , testdata . InternalOrgID , testdata . ClusterName1 , defaultConfig . PageSize } ,
} , & helpers . APIResponse {
StatusCode : http . StatusOK ,
Headers : map [ string ] string {
"Content-Type" : "application/json" ,
} ,
Body : helpers . ToJSONString ( testdata . SubscriptionEmptyResponse ) ,
} )
clusterInfo , err := c . GetSingleClusterInfoForOrganization (
testdata . ExternalOrgID ,
testdata . ClusterName1 ,
helpers . FailOnError ( t , err )
assert . Equal ( t , clusterInfo . DisplayName , testdata . ClusterDisplayName1 )
assert . Equal ( t , clusterInfo . Managed , true )
assert . Equal ( t , clusterInfo . Status , testdata . ActiveStatus )