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package storage_test
import (
TestNoopStorageEmptyMethods1 calls empty methods that just needs to be
defined in order for NoopStorage to satisfy Storage interface.
func TestNoopStorageEmptyMethods1 ( _ * testing . T ) {
noopStorage := storage . NoopOCPStorage { }
orgID := types . OrgID ( 1 )
clusterName := types . ClusterName ( "" )
_ = noopStorage . Init ( )
_ = noopStorage . Close ( )
_ , _ = noopStorage . ListOfOrgs ( )
_ , _ = noopStorage . ListOfClustersForOrg ( orgID , time . Now ( ) )
_ , _ = noopStorage . ReadOrgIDsForClusters ( [ ] types . ClusterName { clusterName } )
_ , _ = noopStorage . ReportsCount ( )
_ , _ = noopStorage . ReadReportsForClusters ( [ ] types . ClusterName { clusterName } )
_ , _ = noopStorage . DoesClusterExist ( clusterName )
_ , _ , _ , _ , _ = noopStorage . ReadReportForCluster ( orgID , clusterName )
_ , _ = noopStorage . ReadReportInfoForCluster ( orgID , clusterName )
_ , _ = noopStorage . ReadClusterVersionsForClusterList ( orgID , [ ] string { string ( clusterName ) } )
_ , _ , _ = noopStorage . ReadReportForClusterByClusterName ( clusterName )
_ = noopStorage . DeleteReportsForOrg ( orgID )
_ = noopStorage . DeleteReportsForCluster ( clusterName )
_ = noopStorage . MigrateToLatest ( )
_ = noopStorage . GetConnection ( )
noopStorage . PrintRuleDisableDebugInfo ( )
_ = noopStorage . GetDBDriverType ( )
TestNoopStorageEmptyMethods2 calls empty methods that just needs to be
defined in order for NoopStorage to satisfy Storage interface.
func TestNoopStorageEmptyMethods2 ( _ * testing . T ) {
noopStorage := storage . NoopOCPStorage { }
orgID := types . OrgID ( 1 )
clusterName := types . ClusterName ( "" )
ruleID := types . RuleID ( "" )
errorKey := types . ErrorKey ( "" )
userID := types . UserID ( "" )
ruleSelector := types . RuleSelector ( "" )
_ , _ , _ = noopStorage . ReadDisabledRule ( orgID , ruleID , errorKey )
_ = noopStorage . VoteOnRule ( clusterName , ruleID , errorKey , orgID , userID , 0 , "some message" )
_ = noopStorage . AddOrUpdateFeedbackOnRule ( clusterName , ruleID , errorKey , orgID , userID , "" )
_ = noopStorage . AddFeedbackOnRuleDisable ( clusterName , ruleID , errorKey , orgID , userID , "" )
_ , _ = noopStorage . GetUserFeedbackOnRuleDisable ( clusterName , ruleID , errorKey , userID )
_ , _ = noopStorage . GetUserFeedbackOnRule ( clusterName , ruleID , errorKey , userID )
_ , _ = noopStorage . GetRuleByID ( ruleID )
_ , _ = noopStorage . GetOrgIDByClusterID ( clusterName )
_ , _ = noopStorage . ListOfSystemWideDisabledRules ( orgID )
_ , _ = noopStorage . ListOfClustersForOrgSpecificRule ( orgID , ruleSelector , nil )
_ , _ = noopStorage . ListOfClustersForOrgSpecificRule ( orgID , ruleSelector , [ ] string { "a" } )
_ , _ = noopStorage . ReadRecommendationsForClusters ( [ ] string { } , types . OrgID ( 1 ) )
_ , _ = noopStorage . ReadClusterListRecommendations ( [ ] string { } , types . OrgID ( 1 ) )
_ , _ = noopStorage . ListOfDisabledClusters ( orgID , ruleID , errorKey )
_ , _ = noopStorage . ReadSingleRuleTemplateData ( orgID , clusterName , ruleID , errorKey )
TestNoopStorageEmptyMethods3 calls empty methods that just needs to be
defined in order for NoopStorage to satisfy Storage interface.
func TestNoopStorageEmptyMethods3 ( _ * testing . T ) {
noopStorage := storage . NoopOCPStorage { }
orgID := types . OrgID ( 1 )
clusterName := types . ClusterName ( "" )
rule := types . Rule { }
ruleID := types . RuleID ( "" )
ruleErrorKey := types . RuleErrorKey { }
errorKey := types . ErrorKey ( "" )
userID := types . UserID ( "" )
_ = noopStorage . DisableRuleSystemWide ( orgID , ruleID , errorKey , "justification#1" )
_ = noopStorage . EnableRuleSystemWide ( orgID , ruleID , errorKey )
_ = noopStorage . UpdateDisabledRuleJustification ( orgID , ruleID , errorKey , "justification#2" )
_ = noopStorage . WriteReportInfoForCluster ( orgID , clusterName , nil , time . Time { } )
_ = noopStorage . WriteRecommendationsForCluster ( orgID , clusterName , "" , types . Timestamp ( "" ) )
_ = noopStorage . CreateRule ( rule )
_ = noopStorage . DeleteRule ( ruleID )
_ = noopStorage . CreateRuleErrorKey ( ruleErrorKey )
_ = noopStorage . DeleteRuleErrorKey ( ruleID , errorKey )
_ = noopStorage . ToggleRuleForCluster ( clusterName , ruleID , errorKey , orgID , storage . RuleToggle ( 0 ) )
_ = noopStorage . DeleteFromRuleClusterToggle ( clusterName , ruleID )
_ = noopStorage . RateOnRule ( orgID , ruleID , errorKey , types . UserVote ( 1 ) )
_ , _ = noopStorage . GetFromClusterRuleToggle ( clusterName , ruleID )
_ , _ = noopStorage . GetTogglesForRules ( clusterName , nil , orgID )
_ , _ = noopStorage . GetUserFeedbackOnRules ( clusterName , nil , userID )
_ , _ = noopStorage . GetUserDisableFeedbackOnRules ( clusterName , nil , userID )
_ , _ = noopStorage . GetRuleWithContent ( ruleID , errorKey )
_ , _ = noopStorage . ListOfDisabledRules ( orgID )
_ , _ = noopStorage . GetRuleRating ( orgID , types . RuleSelector ( "" ) )
_ , _ = noopStorage . ListOfReasons ( userID )
_ , _ = noopStorage . ListOfDisabledRulesForClusters ( [ ] string { "" } , orgID )
_ = noopStorage . WriteConsumerError ( nil , nil )
_ = noopStorage . WriteReportForCluster ( 0 , "" , "" , [ ] types . ReportItem { } , time . Now ( ) , time . Now ( ) , time . Now ( ) , "" )
_ , _ = noopStorage . ReadReportsForClusters ( [ ] types . ClusterName { } )