package main_test
Documentation in literate-programming-style is available at:
import (
main "github.com/RedHatInsights/insights-results-aggregator-cleaner"
func init ( ) {
zerolog . SetGlobalLevel ( zerolog . InfoLevel )
func checkCapture ( t * testing . T , err error ) {
if err != nil {
t . Fatal ( "Unable to capture standard output" , err )
TestShowVersion checks the function showVersion
func TestShowVersion ( t * testing . T ) {
const expected = "Insights Results Aggregator Cleaner version 1.0\n"
try to call the tested function and capture its output
output , err := capture . StandardOutput ( func ( ) {
main . ShowVersion ( )
} )
check the captured text
checkCapture ( t , err )
assert . Contains ( t , output , expected )
TestShowAuthors checks the function showAuthors
func TestShowAuthors ( t * testing . T ) {
try to call the tested function and capture its output
output , err := capture . StandardOutput ( func ( ) {
main . ShowAuthors ( )
} )
check the captured text
checkCapture ( t , err )
assert . Contains ( t , output , "Red Hat Inc." )
TestShowConfiguration checks the function ShowConfiguration
func TestShowConfiguration ( t * testing . T ) {
fill in configuration structure
configuration := main . ConfigStruct { }
configuration . Storage = main . StorageConfiguration {
Driver : "postgres" ,
PGUsername : "foo" ,
PGPassword : "bar" ,
PGHost : "baz" ,
PGDBName : "aggregator" ,
PGParams : "" }
configuration . Logging = main . LoggingConfiguration {
Debug : true ,
LogLevel : "" }
configuration . Cleaner = main . CleanerConfiguration {
MaxAge : "3 days" ,
ClusterListFile : "cluster_list.txt" }
try to call the tested function and capture its output
output , err := capture . ErrorOutput ( func ( ) {
zerolog . SetGlobalLevel ( zerolog . InfoLevel )
log . Logger = log . Output ( zerolog . New ( os . Stderr ) )
main . ShowConfiguration ( & configuration )
} )
check the captured text
checkCapture ( t , err )
assert . Contains ( t , output , "Driver" )
assert . Contains ( t , output , "Level" )
assert . Contains ( t , output , "Records max age" )
func TestIsValidUUID ( t * testing . T ) {
type UUID struct {
id string
valid bool
uuids := [ ] UUID {
id : "" ,
valid : false ,
} ,
id : "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" ,
valid : true ,
} ,
id : "5d5892d4-1f74-4ccf-91af-548dfc9767aa" ,
valid : true ,
} ,
id : "xd5892d4-1f74-4ccf-91af-548dfc9767aa" ,
valid : false ,
} ,
id : "5d5892d4-1f74-4cc-f91af-548dfc9767aa" ,
valid : false ,
} ,
for _ , uuid := range uuids {
v := main . IsValidUUID ( uuid . id )
assert . Equal ( t , v , uuid . valid )
TestDoSelectedOperationShowVersion checks the function showVersion called
via doSelectedOperation function
func TestDoSelectedOperationShowVersion ( t * testing . T ) {
const expected = "Insights Results Aggregator Cleaner version 1.0\n"
stub for structures needed to call the tested function
configuration := main . ConfigStruct { }
cliFlags := main . CliFlags {
ShowVersion : true ,
ShowAuthors : false ,
ShowConfiguration : false ,
try to call the tested function and capture its output
output , err := capture . StandardOutput ( func ( ) {
code , err := main . DoSelectedOperation ( & configuration , nil , cliFlags )
assert . Equal ( t , code , main . ExitStatusOK )
assert . Nil ( t , err )
} )
check the captured text
checkCapture ( t , err )
assert . Contains ( t , output , expected )
TestDoSelectedOperationShowAuthors checks the function showAuthors called
via doSelectedOperation function
func TestDoSelectedOperationShowAuthors ( t * testing . T ) {
stub for structures needed to call the tested function
configuration := main . ConfigStruct { }
cliFlags := main . CliFlags {
ShowVersion : false ,
ShowAuthors : true ,
ShowConfiguration : false ,
try to call the tested function and capture its output
output , err := capture . StandardOutput ( func ( ) {
code , err := main . DoSelectedOperation ( & configuration , nil , cliFlags )
assert . Equal ( t , code , main . ExitStatusOK )
assert . Nil ( t , err )
} )
check the captured text
checkCapture ( t , err )
assert . Contains ( t , output , "Red Hat Inc." )
TestDoSelectedOperationShowConfiguration checks the function
showConfiguration called via doSelectedOperation function
func TestDoSelectedOperationShowConfiguration ( t * testing . T ) {
fill in configuration structure
configuration := main . ConfigStruct { }
cliFlags := main . CliFlags {
ShowVersion : false ,
ShowAuthors : false ,
ShowConfiguration : true ,
try to call the tested function and capture its output
output , err := capture . ErrorOutput ( func ( ) {
zerolog . SetGlobalLevel ( zerolog . InfoLevel )
log . Logger = log . Output ( zerolog . New ( os . Stderr ) )
code , err := main . DoSelectedOperation ( & configuration , nil , cliFlags )
assert . Equal ( t , code , main . ExitStatusOK )
assert . Nil ( t , err )
} )
check the captured text
checkCapture ( t , err )
assert . Contains ( t , output , "Driver" )
assert . Contains ( t , output , "Level" )
assert . Contains ( t , output , "Records max age" )
TestReadClusterList checks the function readClusterList from
cleaner.go using correct cluster list file
func TestReadClusterList ( t * testing . T ) {
cluster list file with 8 clusters in total:
5 correct cluster names
3 incorrect cluster names
clusterList , improperClusterCount , err := main . ReadClusterList ( "tests/cluster_list.txt" , "" )
file is correct - no errors should be thrown
assert . NoError ( t , err )
check returned content
assert . Equal ( t , improperClusterCount , 3 )
assert . Len ( t , clusterList , 5 )
finally check actual cluster names
assert . Contains ( t , clusterList , main . ClusterName ( "5d5892d4-1f74-4ccf-91af-548dfc9767aa" ) )
assert . Contains ( t , clusterList , main . ClusterName ( "55d892d4-1f74-4ccf-91af-548dfc9767aa" ) )
assert . Contains ( t , clusterList , main . ClusterName ( "5d5892d3-1f74-4ccf-91af-548dfc9767bb" ) )
assert . Contains ( t , clusterList , main . ClusterName ( "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" ) )
assert . Contains ( t , clusterList , main . ClusterName ( "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111" ) )
TestReadClusterListNoFile checks the function readClusterList from
cleaner.go in case the cluster list file does not exists
func TestReadClusterListNoFile ( t * testing . T ) {
_ , _ , err := main . ReadClusterListFromFile ( "tests/this_does_not_exists.txt" )
in this case we expect error to be thrown
assert . Error ( t , err )
TestReadClusterListCLICase1 checks the function readClusterList from
cleaner.go using provided CLI arguments
func TestReadClusterListCLICase1 ( t * testing . T ) {
just one cluster name is specified on CLI
input := "5d5892d4-1f74-4ccf-91af-548dfc9767aa"
clusterList , improperClusterCount , err := main . ReadClusterList ( "tests/cluster_list.txt" , input )
input is correct - no errors should be thrown
assert . NoError ( t , err )
check returned content
assert . Equal ( t , improperClusterCount , 0 )
assert . Len ( t , clusterList , 1 )
finally check actual cluster names (only one name expected)
assert . Contains ( t , clusterList , main . ClusterName ( input ) )
TestReadClusterList checks the function readClusterList from
cleaner.go using provided CLI arguments
func TestReadClusterListCLICase2 ( t * testing . T ) {
two cluster names are specified on CLI
input := "5d5892d4-1f74-4ccf-91af-548dfc9767aa,ffffffff-1f74-4ccf-91af-548dfc9767aa"
input is correct - no errors should be thrown
clusterList , improperClusterCount , err := main . ReadClusterList ( "tests/cluster_list.txt" , input )
both cluster names are correct
assert . NoError ( t , err )
check returned content
assert . Equal ( t , improperClusterCount , 0 )
assert . Len ( t , clusterList , 2 )
finally check actual cluster names
assert . Contains ( t , clusterList , main . ClusterName ( "5d5892d4-1f74-4ccf-91af-548dfc9767aa" ) )
assert . Contains ( t , clusterList , main . ClusterName ( "ffffffff-1f74-4ccf-91af-548dfc9767aa" ) )
TestReadClusterList checks the function readClusterList from
cleaner.go using provided CLI arguments
func TestReadClusterListCLICase3 ( t * testing . T ) {
input := "5d5892d4-1f74-4ccf-91af-548dfc9767aa,this-is-not-correct"
clusterList , improperClusterCount , err := main . ReadClusterList ( "tests/cluster_list.txt" , input )
just the first cluster name is correct
assert . NoError ( t , err )
check returned content
assert . Equal ( t , improperClusterCount , 1 )
assert . Len ( t , clusterList , 1 )
finally check actual cluster names (just one correct cluster name is expected)
assert . Contains ( t , clusterList , main . ClusterName ( "5d5892d4-1f74-4ccf-91af-548dfc9767aa" ) )
TestReadClusterList checks the function readClusterList from
cleaner.go using provided CLI arguments
func TestReadClusterListCLICase4 ( t * testing . T ) {
input := "this-is-not-correct,this-also-is-not-correct"
clusterList , improperClusterCount , err := main . ReadClusterList ( "tests/cluster_list.txt" , input )
both cluster names are incorrect, but the whole algorithm does not throw an error
assert . NoError ( t , err )
check returned content
assert . Equal ( t , improperClusterCount , 2 )
assert . Len ( t , clusterList , 0 )
TestReadClusterListFromFile checks the function readClusterListFromFile from
cleaner.go using correct cluster list file with 5 correct clusters and 3
incorrect clusters.
func TestReadClusterListFromFile ( t * testing . T ) {
cluster list file with 8 clusters in total:
5 correct cluster names
3 incorrect cluster names
clusterList , improperClusterCount , err := main . ReadClusterListFromFile ( "tests/cluster_list.txt" )
file is correct - no errors should be thrown
assert . NoError ( t , err )
check returned content
assert . Equal ( t , improperClusterCount , 3 )
assert . Len ( t , clusterList , 5 )
finally check actual cluster names
assert . Contains ( t , clusterList , main . ClusterName ( "5d5892d4-1f74-4ccf-91af-548dfc9767aa" ) )
assert . Contains ( t , clusterList , main . ClusterName ( "55d892d4-1f74-4ccf-91af-548dfc9767aa" ) )
assert . Contains ( t , clusterList , main . ClusterName ( "5d5892d3-1f74-4ccf-91af-548dfc9767bb" ) )
assert . Contains ( t , clusterList , main . ClusterName ( "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" ) )
assert . Contains ( t , clusterList , main . ClusterName ( "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111" ) )
TestReadClusterListFromFileNoFile checks the function
readClusterListFromFile from cleaner.go in case the cluster list file does
not exists
func TestReadClusterListFromFileNoFile ( t * testing . T ) {
_ , _ , err := main . ReadClusterListFromFile ( "tests/this_does_not_exists.txt" )
file does not exist -> error should be thrown
assert . Error ( t , err )
TestReadClusterListFromFileEmptyFile checks the function
readClusterListFromFile from cleaner.go in case the special /dev/null file is to be read
func TestReadClusterListFromFileEmptyFile ( t * testing . T ) {
clusterList , improperClusterCount , err := main . ReadClusterListFromFile ( "tests/empty_cluster_list.txt" )
it's empty so no error should be reported
assert . NoError ( t , err )
and the content should be empty
assert . Equal ( t , improperClusterCount , 0 )
assert . Len ( t , clusterList , 0 )
TestReadClusterListFromFileNullFile checks the function
readClusterListFromFile from cleaner.go in case the special /dev/null file is to be read
func TestReadClusterListFromFileNullFile ( t * testing . T ) {
clusterList , improperClusterCount , err := main . ReadClusterListFromFile ( "/dev/null" )
it's empty so no error should be reported
assert . NoError ( t , err )
and the content should be empty
assert . Equal ( t , improperClusterCount , 0 )
assert . Len ( t , clusterList , 0 )
TestReadClusterListFromCLIArgumentEmptyInput check the function
readClusterListFromCLIArgument from cleaner.go
func TestReadClusterListFromCLIArgumentEmptyInput ( t * testing . T ) {
clusterList , improperClusterCount , err := main . ReadClusterListFromCLIArgument ( "" )
it's empty so no error should be reported
assert . NoError ( t , err )
check returned content
assert . Equal ( t , improperClusterCount , 1 )
assert . Len ( t , clusterList , 0 )
TestReadClusterListFromCLIArgumentOneCluster check the function
readClusterListFromCLIArgument from cleaner.go
func TestReadClusterListFromCLIArgumentOneCluster ( t * testing . T ) {
only one (correct) cluster
input := "5d5892d4-1f74-4ccf-91af-548dfc9767aa"
clusterList , improperClusterCount , err := main . ReadClusterListFromCLIArgument ( input )
input is correct -> no error should be thrown
assert . NoError ( t , err )
check returned content
assert . Equal ( t , improperClusterCount , 0 )
assert . Len ( t , clusterList , 1 )
finally check actual cluster names (just one cluster name is expected)
assert . Contains ( t , clusterList , main . ClusterName ( "5d5892d4-1f74-4ccf-91af-548dfc9767aa" ) )
TestReadClusterListFromCLIArgumentOneIncorrectCluster check the function
readClusterListFromCLIArgument from cleaner.go
func TestReadClusterListFromCLIArgumentOneIncorrectCluster ( t * testing . T ) {
only one (incorrect) cluster
input := "foo-bar-baz"
clusterList , improperClusterCount , err := main . ReadClusterListFromCLIArgument ( input )
assert . NoError ( t , err )
check returned content
assert . Equal ( t , improperClusterCount , 1 )
assert . Len ( t , clusterList , 0 )
TestReadClusterListFromCLIArgumentTwoClusters check the function
readClusterListFromCLIArgument from cleaner.go
func TestReadClusterListFromCLIArgumentTwoClusters ( t * testing . T ) {
both clusters are correct
input := "5d5892d4-1f74-4ccf-91af-548dfc9767aa,5d5892d4-1f74-4ccf-91af-548dfc9767bb"
clusterList , improperClusterCount , err := main . ReadClusterListFromCLIArgument ( input )
input is correct -> no error should be thrown
assert . NoError ( t , err )
check returned content
assert . Equal ( t , improperClusterCount , 0 )
assert . Len ( t , clusterList , 2 )
finally check actual cluster names (just one correct cluster name is expected)
assert . Contains ( t , clusterList , main . ClusterName ( "5d5892d4-1f74-4ccf-91af-548dfc9767aa" ) )
assert . Contains ( t , clusterList , main . ClusterName ( "5d5892d4-1f74-4ccf-91af-548dfc9767bb" ) )
TestReadClusterListFromCLIArgumentImproperCluster check the function
readClusterListFromCLIArgument from cleaner.go
func TestReadClusterListFromCLIArgumentImproperCluster ( t * testing . T ) {
first cluster is correct, second one incorrect
input := "5d5892d4-1f74-4ccf-91af-548dfc9767aa,foo-bar-baz"
clusterList , improperClusterCount , err := main . ReadClusterListFromCLIArgument ( input )
no error should be thrown
assert . NoError ( t , err )
check returned content
assert . Equal ( t , improperClusterCount , 1 )
assert . Len ( t , clusterList , 1 )
finally check actual cluster names (just one correct cluster name is expected)
assert . Contains ( t , clusterList , main . ClusterName ( "5d5892d4-1f74-4ccf-91af-548dfc9767aa" ) )
TestPrintSummaryTableBasicCase check the behaviour of function
PrintSummaryTable for summary with zero changes made in database.
func TestPrintSummaryTableBasicCase ( t * testing . T ) {
const expected = `+--------------------------+-------+
| Proper cluster entries | 0 |
| Improper cluster entries | 0 |
| | |
try to call the tested function and capture its output
output , err := capture . StandardOutput ( func ( ) {
summary := main . Summary {
ProperClusterEntries : 0 ,
ImproperClusterEntries : 0 ,
DeletionsForTable : make ( map [ string ] int ) ,
main . PrintSummaryTable ( summary )
} )
check the captured text
checkCapture ( t , err )
check if captured text contains expected summary table
assert . Contains ( t , output , expected )
TestPrintSummaryTableProperClusterEntries check the behaviour of function
PrintSummaryTable for summary with non zero changes made in database.
func TestPrintSummaryTableProperClusterEntries ( t * testing . T ) {
const expected = `+--------------------------+-------+
| Proper cluster entries | 42 |
| Improper cluster entries | 0 |
| | |
try to call the tested function and capture its output
output , err := capture . StandardOutput ( func ( ) {
summary := main . Summary {
ProperClusterEntries : 42 ,
ImproperClusterEntries : 0 ,
DeletionsForTable : make ( map [ string ] int ) ,
main . PrintSummaryTable ( summary )
} )
check the captured text
checkCapture ( t , err )
check if captured text contains expected summary table
assert . Contains ( t , output , expected )
TestPrintSummaryTableImproperClusterEntries check the behaviour of function
PrintSummaryTable for summary with non zero changes made in database.
func TestPrintSummaryTableImproperClusterEntries ( t * testing . T ) {
const expected = `+--------------------------+-------+
| Proper cluster entries | 0 |
| Improper cluster entries | 42 |
| | |
try to call the tested function and capture its output
output , err := capture . StandardOutput ( func ( ) {
summary := main . Summary {
ProperClusterEntries : 0 ,
ImproperClusterEntries : 42 ,
DeletionsForTable : make ( map [ string ] int ) ,
main . PrintSummaryTable ( summary )
} )
check the captured text
checkCapture ( t , err )
check if captured text contains expected summary table
assert . Contains ( t , output , expected )
TestPrintSummaryTableOneTableDeletion check the behaviour of function
PrintSummaryTable for summary with one deletion in one table.
func TestPrintSummaryTableOneTableDeletion ( t * testing . T ) {
const expected = `+--------------------------------+-------+
| Proper cluster entries | 0 |
| Improper cluster entries | 0 |
| | |
| Deletions from table 'TABLE_X' | 1 |
deletions := map [ string ] int {
"TABLE_X" : 1 ,
try to call the tested function and capture its output
output , err := capture . StandardOutput ( func ( ) {
summary := main . Summary {
ProperClusterEntries : 0 ,
ImproperClusterEntries : 0 ,
DeletionsForTable : deletions ,
main . PrintSummaryTable ( summary )
} )
check the captured text
checkCapture ( t , err )
check if captured text contains expected summary table
assert . Contains ( t , output , expected )
TestPrintSummaryTableTwoTablesDeletions check the behaviour of function
PrintSummaryTable for summary with multiple deletions in two tables.
func TestPrintSummaryTableTwoTablesDeletions ( t * testing . T ) {
we work with map and there is no guarantees which order will be choosen in runtime
const expected1 = `+--------------------------------+-------+
| Proper cluster entries | 0 |
| Improper cluster entries | 0 |
| | |
| Deletions from table 'TABLE_X' | 1 |
| Deletions from table 'TABLE_Y' | 2 |
const expected2 = `+--------------------------------+-------+
| Proper cluster entries | 0 |
| Improper cluster entries | 0 |
| | |
| Deletions from table 'TABLE_Y' | 2 |
| Deletions from table 'TABLE_X' | 1 |
deletions := map [ string ] int {
"TABLE_X" : 1 ,
"TABLE_Y" : 2 ,
try to call the tested function and capture its output
output , err := capture . StandardOutput ( func ( ) {
summary := main . Summary {
ProperClusterEntries : 0 ,
ImproperClusterEntries : 0 ,
DeletionsForTable : deletions ,
main . PrintSummaryTable ( summary )
} )
check the captured text
checkCapture ( t , err )
check if captured text contains expected summary table
again: we work with map and there is no guarantees which order will
be choosen in runtime
if output != expected1 && output != expected2 {
t . Error ( "Unexpected output" , output )
TestVacuumDBPositiveCase check the function vacuumDB when the DB
operation pass without any error
func TestVacuumDBPositiveCase ( t * testing . T ) {
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock , err := sqlmock . New ( )
assert . NoError ( t , err , "error creating SQL mock" )
expectedVacuum := "VACUUM VERBOSE;"
mock . ExpectExec ( expectedVacuum ) . WillReturnResult ( sqlmock . NewResult ( 1 , 1 ) )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
call the tested function
status , err := main . VacuumDB ( connection )
assert . NoError ( t , err , "error not expected while calling tested function" )
check the status
assert . Equal ( t , status , main . ExitStatusOK )
check if DB can be closed successfully
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check all DB expectactions happened correctly
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestVacuumDBNegativeCase check the function vacuumDB when the DB
operation pass with an error
func TestVacuumDBNegativeCase ( t * testing . T ) {
error to be thrown
mockedError := errors . New ( "mocked error" )
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock , err := sqlmock . New ( )
assert . NoError ( t , err , "error creating SQL mock" )
expectedVacuum := "VACUUM VERBOSE;"
mock . ExpectExec ( expectedVacuum ) . WillReturnError ( mockedError )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
call the tested function
status , err := main . VacuumDB ( connection )
error is expected
assert . Error ( t , err , "error is expected while calling main.vacuumDB" )
check the status
assert . Equal ( t , status , main . ExitStatusPerformVacuumError )
check if DB can be closed successfully
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check all DB expectactions happened correctly
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestVacuumDBNoConnection check the function vacuumDB when the
connection to DB is not established
func TestVacuumDBNoConnection ( t * testing . T ) {
call the tested function
status , err := main . VacuumDB ( nil )
error is expected
assert . Error ( t , err , "error is expected while calling main.vacuumDB" )
check the status
assert . Equal ( t , status , main . ExitStatusPerformVacuumError )
TestCleanupNoConnection check the function cleanup when the
connection to DB is not established
func TestCleanupNoConnection ( t * testing . T ) {
stub for structures needed to call the tested function
configuration := main . ConfigStruct { }
configuration . Cleaner = main . CleanerConfiguration {
ClusterListFile : "tests/cluster_list.txt" ,
cliFlags := main . CliFlags {
ShowVersion : false ,
ShowAuthors : false ,
ShowConfiguration : false ,
call the tested function
status , err := main . Cleanup ( & configuration , nil , cliFlags )
error is expected
assert . Error ( t , err , "error is expected while calling main.cleanup" )
check the status
assert . Equal ( t , status , main . ExitStatusPerformCleanupError )
TestDetectMultipleRuleDisable check the function detectMultipleRuleDisable when the
connection to DB is not established
func TestDetectMultipleRuleDisable ( t * testing . T ) {
stub for CLI flags needed to call the tested function
cliFlags := main . CliFlags { }
call the tested function with null connection
status , err := main . DetectMultipleRuleDisable ( nil , cliFlags )
error is expected
assert . Error ( t , err , "error is expected while calling main.cleanup" )
check the status
assert . Equal ( t , status , main . ExitStatusStorageError )