Simple service that can be used to identify clusters, for which we are
keeping very old data (>30 days) in the database. This means that the
cluster is no longer available or that the customer has disabled the
Insights Operator, either way it means that these data are no longer
relevant to us and should be pruned.
Such clusters can be detected very easily by checking the timestamps stored
(along other information) in the report table in Insights Results
Aggregator database.
Currently this service just displays such clusters (cluster IDs) and do
nothing else - i.e. the results are not deleted by default.
Additionally it is possible to detect and displays clusters where any rule
have been disabled by multiple users at the same time. Such records might
have to be deleted in order to maintain database consistency.
package main
Generated documentation is available at:
Documentation in literate-programming-style is available at:
import (
const (
versionMessage = "Insights Results Aggregator Cleaner version 1.0"
authorsMessage = "Pavel Tisnovsky, Red Hat Inc."
properClusterID = "Proper cluster ID"
notProperClusterID = "Not a proper cluster ID"
improperClusterEntries = "improper cluster entries"
numberOfClustersToDelete = "number of clusters to delete"
clusterListFinished = "Cluster list finished"
inputWithClusterID = "input"
selectingRecordsFromDatabase = "Selecting records from database"
connectionToDBNotEstablished = "Connection to database was not established"
Exit codes
const (
ExitStatusOK means that the tool finished with success
ExitStatusOK = iota
ExitStatusStorageError is returned in case of any storage-related
ExitStatusFillInStorageError is returned in case the fill-in DB
operation failed
ExitStatusPerformCleanupError is returned when DB cleanup operation
failed for any reason
ExitStatusPerformVacuumError is returned when DB vacuuming operation
have failed for any reason
const (
defaultConfigFileName = "config"
showVersion function displays version information.
func showVersion ( ) {
fmt . Println ( versionMessage )
showAuthors function displays information about authors.
func showAuthors ( ) {
fmt . Println ( authorsMessage )
IsValidUUID function checks if provided string contains a correct UUID.
func IsValidUUID ( input string ) bool {
_ , err := uuid . Parse ( input )
return err == nil
readClusterList function reads list of clusters from provided text file or
from CLI argument.
func readClusterList ( filename , clusters string ) ( ClusterList , int , error ) {
if clusters are not specified on command line, read list of clusters
from file
if clusters == "" {
return readClusterListFromFile ( filename )
apparently list of clusters is specified on command line, so let's
use it properly
return readClusterListFromCLIArgument ( clusters )
showConfiguration function displays actual configuration.
func showConfiguration ( config * ConfigStruct ) {
storageConfig := GetStorageConfiguration ( config )
log . Info ( ) .
Str ( "Driver" , storageConfig . Driver ) .
Str ( "DB Name" , storageConfig . PGDBName ) .
Str ( "Username" , storageConfig . PGUsername ) .
Str ( "Host" , storageConfig . PGHost ) .
Int ( "DB Port" , storageConfig . PGPort ) .
Msg ( "Storage configuration" )
loggingConfig := GetLoggingConfiguration ( config )
log . Info ( ) .
Str ( "Level" , loggingConfig . LogLevel ) .
Bool ( "Pretty colored debug logging" , loggingConfig . Debug ) .
Bool ( "Log to cloudwatch" , loggingConfig . LoggingToCloudWatchEnabled ) .
Msg ( "Logging configuration" )
cleanerConfiguration := GetCleanerConfiguration ( config )
log . Info ( ) .
Str ( "Records max age" , cleanerConfiguration . MaxAge ) .
Str ( "Cluster list file" , cleanerConfiguration . ClusterListFile ) .
Msg ( "Cleaner configuration" )
readClusterListFromCLIArgument reads list of clusters from CLI argument
func readClusterListFromCLIArgument ( clusters string ) ( ClusterList , int , error ) {
log . Debug ( ) . Msg ( "Cluster list read from CLI argument" )
improperClusterCounter := 0
var clusterList = make ( [ ] ClusterName , 0 )
v := strings . Split ( clusters , "," )
for _ , cluster := range v {
cluster := strings . Trim ( cluster , " " )
check if line contains proper cluster ID (as UUID)
if IsValidUUID ( cluster ) {
clusterList = append ( clusterList , ClusterName ( cluster ) )
log . Info ( ) . Str ( inputWithClusterID , cluster ) . Msg ( properClusterID )
} else {
log . Error ( ) . Str ( inputWithClusterID , cluster ) . Msg ( notProperClusterID )
improperClusterCounter ++
log . Info ( ) . Int ( numberOfClustersToDelete , len ( clusterList ) ) . Msg ( clusterListFinished )
log . Info ( ) . Int ( improperClusterEntries , improperClusterCounter ) . Msg ( clusterListFinished )
return clusterList , improperClusterCounter , nil
readClusterListFromFile function reads list of clusters from provided text
func readClusterListFromFile ( filename string ) ( ClusterList , int , error ) {
log . Debug ( ) . Msg ( "Cluster list read from file" )
improperClusterCounter := 0
var clusterList = make ( [ ] ClusterName , 0 )
disable "G304 (CWE-22): Potential file inclusion via variable"
file , err := os . Open ( filename )
if err != nil {
return nil , improperClusterCounter , err
start reading from the file with a reader
reader := bufio . NewReader ( file )
var line string
for {
line , err = reader . ReadString ( '\n' )
if err != nil {
line = strings . Trim ( line , "\n" )
check if line contains proper cluster ID (as UUID)
if IsValidUUID ( line ) {
clusterList = append ( clusterList , ClusterName ( line ) )
log . Info ( ) . Str ( inputWithClusterID , line ) . Msg ( properClusterID )
} else {
log . Error ( ) . Str ( inputWithClusterID , line ) . Msg ( notProperClusterID )
improperClusterCounter ++
log . Info ( ) . Int ( numberOfClustersToDelete , len ( clusterList ) ) . Msg ( clusterListFinished )
log . Info ( ) . Int ( improperClusterEntries , improperClusterCounter ) . Msg ( clusterListFinished )
close file and catch any I/O error
err = file . Close ( )
if err != nil {
if error is detected during file close, we need to inform
caller about it
log . Err ( err ) . Msg ( "File close failed" )
return clusterList , improperClusterCounter , err
return clusterList , improperClusterCounter , nil
PrintSummaryTable function displays a table with summary information about
cleanup step.
func PrintSummaryTable ( summary Summary ) {
table := tablewriter . NewWriter ( os . Stdout )
table . SetColWidth ( 60 )
table header
table . SetHeader ( [ ] string { "Summary" , "Count" } )
table . Append ( [ ] string { "Proper cluster entries" ,
strconv . Itoa ( summary . ProperClusterEntries ) } )
table . Append ( [ ] string { "Improper cluster entries" ,
strconv . Itoa ( summary . ImproperClusterEntries ) } )
table . Append ( [ ] string { "" , "" } )
totalDeletions := 0
prepare rows with info about deletions
for tableName , deletions := range summary . DeletionsForTable {
totalDeletions += deletions
table . Append ( [ ] string { "Deletions from table '" + tableName + "'" ,
strconv . Itoa ( deletions ) } )
table footer
table . SetFooter ( [ ] string { "Total deletions" ,
strconv . Itoa ( totalDeletions ) } )
display the whole table
table . Render ( )
vacuumDB function starts the database vacuuming operation
func vacuumDB ( connection * sql . DB ) ( int , error ) {
connection might be nil when DB init does not finish correctly
if connection == nil {
log . Error ( ) . Msg ( connectionToDBNotEstablished )
return ExitStatusPerformVacuumError , errors . New ( connectionToDBNotEstablished )
err := performVacuumDB ( connection )
if err != nil {
log . Err ( err ) . Msg ( "Performing vacuuming database" )
return ExitStatusPerformVacuumError , err
return ExitStatusOK , nil
cleanup function starts the cleanup operation
func cleanup ( configuration * ConfigStruct , connection * sql . DB , cliFlags CliFlags ) ( int , error ) {
cleanup operation
clusterList , improperClusterCounter , err := readClusterList (
configuration . Cleaner . ClusterListFile ,
cliFlags . Clusters )
if err != nil {
log . Err ( err ) . Msg ( "Read cluster list" )
return ExitStatusPerformCleanupError , err
deletionsForTable , err := performCleanupInDB ( connection , clusterList )
if err != nil {
log . Err ( err ) . Msg ( "Performing cleanup" )
return ExitStatusPerformCleanupError , err
if cliFlags . PrintSummaryTable {
var summary Summary
summary . ProperClusterEntries = len ( clusterList )
summary . ImproperClusterEntries = improperClusterCounter
summary . DeletionsForTable = deletionsForTable
PrintSummaryTable ( summary )
return ExitStatusOK , nil
detectMultipleRuleDisable function detects clusters that have the same
rule(s) disabled by different users
func detectMultipleRuleDisable ( connection * sql . DB , cliFlags CliFlags ) ( int , error ) {
connection might be nil when DB init does not finish correctly
if connection == nil {
log . Error ( ) . Msg ( connectionToDBNotEstablished )
return ExitStatusStorageError , errors . New ( connectionToDBNotEstablished )
err := displayMultipleRuleDisable ( connection , cliFlags . Output )
if err != nil {
log . Err ( err ) . Msg ( selectingRecordsFromDatabase )
return ExitStatusStorageError , err
everything seems to be fine
return ExitStatusOK , nil
fillInDatabase function fills-in database by test data
func fillInDatabase ( connection * sql . DB ) ( int , error ) {
err := fillInDatabaseByTestData ( connection )
if err != nil {
log . Err ( err ) . Msg ( "Fill-in database by test data" )
return ExitStatusFillInStorageError , err
everything seems to be fine
return ExitStatusOK , nil
displayOldRecords function displays old records in database
func displayOldRecords ( configuration * ConfigStruct , connection * sql . DB , cliFlags CliFlags ) ( int , error ) {
err := displayAllOldRecords ( connection ,
configuration . Cleaner . MaxAge , cliFlags . Output )
if err != nil {
log . Err ( err ) . Msg ( selectingRecordsFromDatabase )
return ExitStatusStorageError , err
everything seems to be fine
return ExitStatusOK , nil
doSelectedOperation function performs selected operation: check data
retention, cleanup selected data, or fill-id database by test data
func doSelectedOperation ( configuration * ConfigStruct , connection * sql . DB , cliFlags CliFlags ) ( int , error ) {
switch {
case cliFlags . ShowVersion :
showVersion ( )
return ExitStatusOK , nil
case cliFlags . ShowAuthors :
showAuthors ( )
return ExitStatusOK , nil
case cliFlags . ShowConfiguration :
showConfiguration ( configuration )
return ExitStatusOK , nil
case cliFlags . VacuumDatabase :
return vacuumDB ( connection )
case cliFlags . PerformCleanup :
return cleanup ( configuration , connection , cliFlags )
case cliFlags . DetectMultipleRuleDisable :
return detectMultipleRuleDisable ( connection , cliFlags )
case cliFlags . FillInDatabase :
return fillInDatabase ( connection )
default :
return displayOldRecords ( configuration , connection , cliFlags )
we should not end there
func main ( ) {
command line flags
var cliFlags CliFlags
define and parse all command line options
flag . BoolVar ( & cliFlags . PerformCleanup , "cleanup" , false , "perform database cleanup" )
flag . BoolVar ( & cliFlags . PrintSummaryTable , "summary" , false , "print summary table after cleanup" )
flag . BoolVar ( & cliFlags . DetectMultipleRuleDisable , "multiple-rule-disable" , false , "list clusters with the same rule(s) disabled by different users" )
flag . BoolVar ( & cliFlags . FillInDatabase , "fill-in-db" , false , "fill-in database by test data" )
flag . BoolVar ( & cliFlags . ShowConfiguration , "show-configuration" , false , "show configuration" )
flag . BoolVar ( & cliFlags . ShowVersion , "version" , false , "show cleaner version" )
flag . BoolVar ( & cliFlags . ShowAuthors , "authors" , false , "show authors" )
flag . BoolVar ( & cliFlags . VacuumDatabase , "vacuum" , false , "vacuum database" )
flag . StringVar ( & cliFlags . MaxAge , "max-age" , "" , "max age for displaying old records" )
flag . StringVar ( & cliFlags . Clusters , "clusters" , "" , "list of clusters to cleanup" )
flag . StringVar ( & cliFlags . Output , "output" , "" , "filename for old cluster listing" )
parse all command line flags
flag . Parse ( )
config has exactly the same structure as *.toml file
config , err := LoadConfiguration ( configFileEnvVariableName , defaultConfigFileName )
if err != nil {
log . Err ( err ) . Msg ( "Load configuration" )
if config . Logging . Debug {
log . Logger = log . Output ( zerolog . ConsoleWriter { Out : os . Stderr } )
log . Debug ( ) . Msg ( "Started" )
override default value read from configuration file
if cliFlags . MaxAge != "" {
config . Cleaner . MaxAge = cliFlags . MaxAge
initialize connection to database
connection , err := initDatabaseConnection ( & config . Storage )
if err != nil {
log . Err ( err ) . Msg ( "Connection to database not established" )
perform selected operation
exitStatus , err := doSelectedOperation ( & config , connection , cliFlags )
if err != nil {
log . Err ( err ) . Msg ( "Operation failed" )
os . Exit ( exitStatus )
log . Debug ( ) . Msg ( "Finished" )
os . Exit ( ExitStatusOK )