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package s3util
ListNObjectsInBucket returns a slice of the files at an S3 bucket at a given prefix. It starts
listing the files from lastKey and returns up to maxKeys .
func ListNObjectsInBucket ( client s3iface . S3API , bucket , prefix , lastKey , delimiter string , maxKeys int64 ) ( objects [ ] string , isTruncated bool , err error ) {
input := s3 . ListObjectsV2Input {
Bucket : aws . String ( bucket ) ,
Prefix : aws . String ( prefix ) ,
MaxKeys : & maxKeys ,
StartAfter : aws . String ( lastKey ) ,
Delimiter : aws . String ( delimiter ) ,
result , err := client . ListObjectsV2 ( & input )
if err != nil {
return nil , false , err
if delimiter == "" {
objects = sliceObjectsToSliceString ( result . Contents )
} else {
objects = sliceCommonPrefixToSliceString ( result . CommonPrefixes )
return objects , * result . IsTruncated , nil
ListBucket returns a slice of the files at an S3 bucket at a given prefix. It lists the
objects using maxKeys in each iteration, but returns all of the objects, which may be
higher than maxKeys.
func ListBucket ( client s3iface . S3API , bucket , prefix , lastKey string , maxKeys int64 ) ( [ ] string , error ) {
return listWithDelimiter ( client , bucket , prefix , lastKey , "" , maxKeys )
func sliceObjectsToSliceString ( input [ ] * s3 . Object ) ( output [ ] string ) {
for i := range input {
output = append ( output , * input [ i ] . Key )
ListFolders returns the folders stored at prefix in the bucket bucket .
func ListFolders ( client s3iface . S3API , bucket , prefix , lastKey string , maxKeys int64 ) ( [ ] string , error ) {
return listWithDelimiter ( client , bucket , prefix , lastKey , "/" , maxKeys )
func listWithDelimiter ( client s3iface . S3API , bucket , prefix , lastKey , delimiter string , maxKeys int64 ) ( [ ] string , error ) {
output , isTruncated , err := ListNObjectsInBucket ( client , bucket , prefix , lastKey , delimiter , maxKeys )
if err != nil {
return [ ] string { } , err
if isTruncated {
lastKey = output [ len ( output ) - 1 ]
newOutput , err := listWithDelimiter ( client , bucket , prefix , lastKey , delimiter , maxKeys )
if err != nil {
return [ ] string { } , err
output = append ( output , newOutput ... )
return output , nil
func sliceCommonPrefixToSliceString ( input [ ] * s3 . CommonPrefix ) ( output [ ] string ) {
for i := range input {
output = append ( output , * input [ i ] . Prefix )