Package responses contains handlers for HTTP response.
package responses
Documentation in literate-programming-style is available at:
import (
const (
contentType = "Content-Type"
appJSON = "application/json; charset=utf-8"
setDefaultContentType is a helper function to set the Content-Type header
func setDefaultContentType ( w http . ResponseWriter ) {
w . Header ( ) . Set ( contentType , appJSON )
BuildResponse builds response for RestAPI request
func BuildResponse ( status string ) map [ string ] interface { } {
return map [ string ] interface { } { "status" : status }
BuildOkResponse builds simple "ok" response
func BuildOkResponse ( ) map [ string ] interface { } {
return map [ string ] interface { } { "status" : "ok" }
BuildOkResponseWithData builds response with status "ok" and data
func BuildOkResponseWithData ( dataName string , data interface { } ) map [ string ] interface { } {
resp := map [ string ] interface { } { "status" : "ok" }
resp [ dataName ] = data
return resp
Send sends HTTP response with a provided statusCode
data can be either string or map[string]interface{}
if data is string it will send response like this:
{"status": data} which is helpful for explaining error to the client
Returned error value is based on error returned from json.Encoder
func Send ( statusCode int , w http . ResponseWriter , data interface { } ) error {
setDefaultContentType ( w )
w . WriteHeader ( statusCode )
if data == nil {
return nil
if status , ok := data . ( string ) ; ok {
return json . NewEncoder ( w ) . Encode ( BuildResponse ( status ) )
} else if rawData , ok := data . ( [ ] byte ) ; ok {
_ , err := w . Write ( rawData )
return err
return json . NewEncoder ( w ) . Encode ( data )
SendOK returns JSON response with status OK 200
func SendOK ( w http . ResponseWriter , data map [ string ] interface { } ) error {
return Send ( http . StatusOK , w , data )
SendCreated returns response with status Created 201
func SendCreated ( w http . ResponseWriter , data map [ string ] interface { } ) error {
return Send ( http . StatusCreated , w , data )
SendAccepted returns response with status Accepted 202
func SendAccepted ( w http . ResponseWriter , data map [ string ] interface { } ) error {
return Send ( http . StatusAccepted , w , data )
SendNoContent returns error response with status SendNoContent 204
func SendNoContent ( w http . ResponseWriter ) error {
return Send ( http . StatusNoContent , w , nil )
SendBadRequest returns error response with status Bad Request 400
func SendBadRequest ( w http . ResponseWriter , errorMessage string ) error {
return Send ( http . StatusBadRequest , w , errorMessage )
SendUnauthorized returns error response for unauthorized access with status Unauthorized 401
func SendUnauthorized ( w http . ResponseWriter , errorMessage string ) error {
return Send ( http . StatusUnauthorized , w , errorMessage )
SendForbidden returns response with status Forbidden 403
func SendForbidden ( w http . ResponseWriter , errorMessage string ) error {
return Send ( http . StatusForbidden , w , errorMessage )
SendNotFound returns response with status Not Found 404
func SendNotFound ( w http . ResponseWriter , errorMessage string ) error {
return Send ( http . StatusNotFound , w , errorMessage )
SendInternalServerError returns response with status Internal Server Error 500
func SendInternalServerError ( w http . ResponseWriter , errorMessage string ) error {
return Send ( http . StatusInternalServerError , w , errorMessage )
SendServiceUnavailable returns response with status Service Unavailable 503
func SendServiceUnavailable ( w http . ResponseWriter , errorMessage string ) error {
return Send ( http . StatusServiceUnavailable , w , errorMessage )