package migrations
Documentation in literate-programming-style is available at:
import (
const (
pgDuplicateTableErrorCode = "42P07"
pgUndefinedTableErrorCode = "42P01"
pgForeignKeyViolationErrorCode = "23503"
type (
ValidationError validation error, for example when string is longer then expected
ValidationError = types . ValidationError
ItemNotFoundError shows that item with id ItemID wasn't found in the storage
ItemNotFoundError = types . ItemNotFoundError
ErrOldReport is an error returned if a more recent already
exists on the storage while attempting to write a report for a cluster.
var ErrOldReport = types . ErrOldReport
TableNotFoundError table not found error
type TableNotFoundError struct {
tableName string
Error returns error string
func ( err * TableNotFoundError ) Error ( ) string {
return fmt . Sprintf ( "no such table: %v" , err . tableName )
TableAlreadyExistsError represents table already exists error
type TableAlreadyExistsError struct {
tableName string
Error returns error string
func ( err * TableAlreadyExistsError ) Error ( ) string {
return fmt . Sprintf ( "table %v already exists" , err . tableName )
ForeignKeyError something violates foreign key error
tableName and foreignKeyName can be empty for DBs not supporting it (SQLite)
type ForeignKeyError struct {
TableName string
ForeignKeyName string
Details can reveal you information about specific item violating fk
Details string
Error returns error string
func ( err * ForeignKeyError ) Error ( ) string {
return fmt . Sprintf (
`operation violates foreign key "%v" on table "%v"` , err . ForeignKeyName , err . TableName ,
ConvertDBError converts sql errors to those defined in this package
func ConvertDBError ( err error , itemID interface { } ) error {
if err == nil {
return nil
if err == sql . ErrNoRows {
if itemIDArray , ok := itemID . ( [ ] interface { } ) ; ok {
var strArray [ ] string
for _ , item := range itemIDArray {
strArray = append ( strArray , fmt . Sprint ( item ) )
itemID = strings . Join ( strArray , "/" )
return & ItemNotFoundError { ItemID : itemID }
err = convertPostgresError ( err )
err = convertSQLiteError ( err )
return err
func convertPostgresError ( err error ) error {
pqError , ok := err . ( * pq . Error )
if ! ok {
return err
see https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/errcodes-appendix.html to get the magic happening below
switch pqError . Code {
case pgDuplicateTableErrorCode :
return & TableAlreadyExistsError {
tableName : regexGetFirstMatchOrLogError ( `relation "(.+)" already exists` , pqError . Message ) ,
case pgUndefinedTableErrorCode :
return & TableNotFoundError {
tableName : regexGetNthMatchOrLogError ( `(table|relation) "(.+)" does not exist` , 2 , pqError . Message ) ,
case pgForeignKeyViolationErrorCode :
for some reason field Table is filled not in all errors
return & ForeignKeyError {
TableName : pqError . Table ,
ForeignKeyName : pqError . Constraint ,
Details : pqError . Detail ,
return err
func convertSQLiteError ( err error ) error {
sqlite3Error , ok := err . ( sqlite3 . Error )
if ! ok {
return err
errString := sqlite3Error . Error ( )
if errString == "FOREIGN KEY constraint failed" {
return & ForeignKeyError { }
if match , err := regexGetFirstMatch ( `no such table: (.+)` , errString ) ; err == nil {
return & TableNotFoundError {
tableName : match ,
if match , err := regexGetFirstMatch ( `table (.+) already exists` , errString ) ; err == nil {
return & TableAlreadyExistsError {
tableName : match ,
return err
func regexGetFirstMatch ( regexStr , str string ) ( string , error ) {
return regexGetNthMatch ( regexStr , 1 , str )
func regexGetNthMatch ( regexStr string , nMatch uint , str string ) ( string , error ) {
regex := regexp . MustCompile ( regexStr )
if ! regex . MatchString ( str ) {
return "" , errors . New ( "regex doesn't match string" )
matches := regex . FindStringSubmatch ( str )
if uint ( len ( matches ) ) < nMatch + 1 {
return "" , errors . New ( "regexGetNthMatch unable to find match" )
return matches [ nMatch ] , nil
func regexGetFirstMatchOrLogError ( regexStr , str string ) string {
return regexGetNthMatchOrLogError ( regexStr , 1 , str )
func regexGetNthMatchOrLogError ( regexStr string , nMatch uint , str string ) string {
match , err := regexGetNthMatch ( regexStr , nMatch , str )
if err != nil {
log . Error ( ) .
Str ( "regex" , regexStr ) .
Str ( "str" , str ) .
Msgf ( "unable to get first match from string '%v' with regex '%v'" , str , regexStr )
return ""
return match