Copyright 2021, 2022 Red Hat, Inc
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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package push
Documentation in literate-programming-style is available at:
import (
collectors stores the prometheus collectors that will be pushed to the push gateway
var collectors [ ] prometheus . Collector
UnregisterMetrics unregister all prometheus collectors safe in the collectors variable
func UnregisterMetrics ( ) error {
var errMsg = "cannot unregister metric"
log . Debug ( ) .
Int ( "total" , len ( collectors ) ) .
Int ( "progress" , 0 ) .
Msg ( "Unregistering metrics" )
for i , c := range collectors {
if ok := prometheus . Unregister ( c ) ; ! ok {
log . Warn ( ) . Msg ( errMsg )
return errors . New ( errMsg )
log . Debug ( ) . Msg ( "metric unregistered" )
log . Debug ( ) .
Int ( "total" , len ( collectors ) ) .
Int ( "progress" , i + 1 ) .
Msg ( "Unregistering metrics" )
collectors = [ ] prometheus . Collector { }
return nil
InitMetrics fills the collector variables with some Prometheus metrics and automatically registers them.
func InitMetrics ( initFunctions [ ] func ( ) ( prometheus . Collector , error ) ) ( err error ) {
Reset the collector slice
if len ( collectors ) > 0 {
if err := UnregisterMetrics ( ) ; err != nil {
return err
collectors = [ ] prometheus . Collector { }
for _ , f := range initFunctions {
if coll , err := f ( ) ; err == nil {
collectors = append ( collectors , coll )
} else {
return err
return nil
SendMetrics pushes the metrics to the configured prometheus push gateway
func SendMetrics ( job , gatewayURL , gatewayAuthToken string ) error {
Creates a pusher to the gateway "$PUSHGWURL/metrics/job/$(jobname)
log . Debug ( ) .
Str ( "Job" , job ) .
Str ( "url" , gatewayURL ) .
Msg ( "Pushing metrics" )
pusher := push . New ( gatewayURL , job )
err := pushCollectors ( pusher , gatewayAuthToken , collectors )
if err != nil {
log . Err ( err ) . Msg ( "Couldn't push prometheus metrics" )
return err
log . Info ( ) . Msg ( "Metrics pushed successfully." )
return nil
SendMetricsInLoop pushes the metrics in a loop until context is done
func SendMetricsInLoop ( ctx context . Context , job , gatewayURL , gatewayAuthToken string , timeBetweenPush time . Duration ) {
if timeBetweenPush < time . Second * 1 {
log . Warn ( ) . Msgf ( "You are trying to push the metrics every %f seconds. This may overload the push gateway, so this operation is blocked." , timeBetweenPush . Seconds ( ) )
ticker := time . NewTicker ( timeBetweenPush )
for {
select {
case <- ticker . C :
log . Debug ( ) . Msg ( "Pushing metrics" )
_ = SendMetrics ( job , gatewayURL , gatewayAuthToken )
case <- ctx . Done ( ) :