Copyright 2020, 2021, 2022 Red Hat, Inc
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package httputils
Documentation in literate-programming-style is available at:
import (
ctypes ""
var (
RuleIDValidator points to a Regexp expression that matches any
string that has alphanumeric characters separated by at least one dot
RuleIDValidator = regexp . MustCompile ( `^[a-zA-Z_0-9.]+$` )
RuleSelectorValidator points to a Regexp expression that matches any
string that has alphanumeric characters separated by at least one dot
(".") before a vertical line ("|"), followed by only characters,
numbers, or underscores ("_")
RuleSelectorValidator = regexp . MustCompile ( `[a-zA-Z_0-9]+\.[a-zA-Z_0-9.]+\|[a-zA-Z_0-9]+$` )
GetRouterParam retrieves parameter from URL like /organization/{org_id}
func GetRouterParam ( request * http . Request , paramName string ) ( string , error ) {
value , found := mux . Vars ( request ) [ paramName ]
if ! found {
return "" , & types . RouterMissingParamError { ParamName : paramName }
return value , nil
GetRouterPositiveIntParam retrieves parameter from URL like /organization/{org_id}
and check it for being valid and positive integer, otherwise returns error
func GetRouterPositiveIntParam ( request * http . Request , paramName string ) ( uint64 , error ) {
value , err := GetRouterParam ( request , paramName )
if err != nil {
return 0 , err
uintValue , err := strconv . ParseUint ( value , 10 , 64 )
if err != nil {
return 0 , & types . RouterParsingError {
ParamName : paramName ,
ParamValue : value ,
ErrString : "unsigned integer expected" ,
if uintValue == 0 {
return 0 , & types . RouterParsingError {
ParamName : paramName ,
ParamValue : value ,
ErrString : "positive value expected" ,
return uintValue , nil
ReadClusterName retrieves cluster name from request
if it's not possible, it writes http error to the writer and returns false
func ReadClusterName ( writer http . ResponseWriter , request * http . Request ) ( ctypes . ClusterName , bool ) {
clusterName , err := GetRouterParam ( request , "cluster" )
if err != nil {
handleClusterNameError ( writer , err )
return "" , false
validatedClusterName , err := ValidateClusterName ( clusterName )
if err != nil {
handleClusterNameError ( writer , err )
return "" , false
return validatedClusterName , true
ReadRuleID retrieves rule id from request's url or writes an error to writer.
The function returns a rule id and a bool indicating if it was successful.
func ReadRuleID ( writer http . ResponseWriter , request * http . Request ) ( ctypes . RuleID , bool ) {
ruleID , err := GetRouterParam ( request , "rule_id" )
if err != nil {
const message = "unable to get rule id"
log . Warn ( ) . Err ( err ) . Msg ( message )
types . HandleServerError ( writer , err )
return ctypes . RuleID ( "0" ) , false
isRuleIDValid := RuleIDValidator . MatchString ( ruleID )
if ! isRuleIDValid {
err = fmt . Errorf ( "invalid rule ID, it must contain only from latin characters, number, underscores or dots" )
log . Warn ( ) . Err ( err )
types . HandleServerError ( writer , & types . RouterParsingError {
ParamName : "rule_id" ,
ParamValue : ruleID ,
ErrString : err . Error ( ) ,
} )
return ctypes . RuleID ( "0" ) , false
return ctypes . RuleID ( ruleID ) , true
ReadErrorKey retrieves error key from request's url or writes an error to writer.
The function returns an error key and a bool indicating if it was successful.
func ReadErrorKey ( writer http . ResponseWriter , request * http . Request ) ( ctypes . ErrorKey , bool ) {
errorKey , err := GetRouterParam ( request , "error_key" )
if err != nil {
const message = "unable to get error_key"
log . Warn ( ) . Err ( err ) . Msg ( message )
types . HandleServerError ( writer , err )
return ctypes . ErrorKey ( "0" ) , false
return ctypes . ErrorKey ( errorKey ) , true
ReadRuleSelector retrieves the rule selector (ruleid|errorkey) from request's
url or writes an error to writer.
The function returns the selector and a bool indicating if it was successful.
func ReadRuleSelector ( writer http . ResponseWriter , request * http . Request ) ( ctypes . RuleSelector , bool ) {
ruleSelector , err := GetRouterParam ( request , "rule_selector" )
if err != nil {
const message = "Unable to get rule selector from request"
log . Warn ( ) . Err ( err ) . Msg ( message )
types . HandleServerError ( writer , err )
return "" , false
isRuleSelectorValid := RuleSelectorValidator . MatchString ( ruleSelector )
if ! isRuleSelectorValid {
errMsg := "Param rule_selector is not a valid rule selector (plugin_name|error_key)"
log . Warn ( ) . Msg ( errMsg )
types . HandleServerError ( writer , & types . RouterParsingError {
ParamName : "rule_selector" ,
ParamValue : ruleSelector ,
ErrString : errMsg ,
} )
return "" , false
return ctypes . RuleSelector ( ruleSelector ) , true
ReadAndTrimRuleSelector retrieves the rule selector (ruleid|errorkey) from request's
url or writes an error to writer.
The function returns the selector WITHOUT '.report' and a bool indicating if retrieval was successful.
func ReadAndTrimRuleSelector ( writer http . ResponseWriter , request * http . Request ) ( ctypes . RuleSelector , bool ) {
selector , success := ReadRuleSelector ( writer , request )
if ! success {
return "" , false
return ctypes . RuleSelector ( strings . ReplaceAll ( string ( selector ) , ".report|" , "|" ) ) , success
ReadOrganizationID retrieves organization id from request
if it's not possible, it writes http error to the writer and returns false
func ReadOrganizationID ( writer http . ResponseWriter , request * http . Request , auth bool ) ( ctypes . OrgID , bool ) {
organizationID , err := GetRouterPositiveIntParam ( request , "organization" )
if err != nil {
HandleOrgIDError ( writer , err )
return 0 , false
orgID , err := types . Uint64ToUint32 ( organizationID )
if err != nil {
HandleOrgIDError ( writer , err )
return 0 , false
successful := CheckPermissions ( writer , request , ctypes . OrgID ( orgID ) , auth )
return ctypes . OrgID ( orgID ) , successful
ReadClusterNames does the same as readClusterName , except for multiple clusters.
func ReadClusterNames ( writer http . ResponseWriter , request * http . Request ) ( [ ] ctypes . ClusterName , bool ) {
clusterNamesParam , err := GetRouterParam ( request , "clusters" )
if err != nil {
message := fmt . Sprintf ( "Cluster names are not provided %v" , err . Error ( ) )
log . Warn ( ) . Msg ( message )
types . HandleServerError ( writer , err )
return [ ] ctypes . ClusterName { } , false
clusterNamesConverted := make ( [ ] ctypes . ClusterName , 0 )
for _ , clusterName := range SplitRequestParamArray ( clusterNamesParam ) {
convertedName , err := ValidateClusterName ( clusterName )
if err != nil {
types . HandleServerError ( writer , err )
return [ ] ctypes . ClusterName { } , false
clusterNamesConverted = append ( clusterNamesConverted , convertedName )
return clusterNamesConverted , true
parseAndValidateOrgID parses and validates a single organization ID string.
func parseAndValidateOrgID ( writer http . ResponseWriter , orgStr string ) ( ctypes . OrgID , bool ) {
v , err := strconv . ParseUint ( orgStr , 10 , 64 )
if err != nil {
handleOrgIDParsingError ( writer , orgStr , "integer array expected" )
return 0 , false
orgInt , err := types . Uint64ToUint32 ( v )
if err != nil {
handleOrgIDParsingError ( writer , orgStr , "integer array expected" )
return 0 , false
return ctypes . OrgID ( orgInt ) , true
handleOrgIDParsingError handles the error for parsing organization IDs.
func handleOrgIDParsingError ( writer http . ResponseWriter , orgStr , errString string ) {
types . HandleServerError ( writer , & types . RouterParsingError {
ParamName : "organizations" ,
ParamValue : orgStr ,
ErrString : errString ,
} )
ReadOrganizationIDs does the same as readOrganizationID , except for multiple organizations.
func ReadOrganizationIDs ( writer http . ResponseWriter , request * http . Request ) ( [ ] ctypes . OrgID , bool ) {
organizationsParam , err := GetRouterParam ( request , "organizations" )
if err != nil {
HandleOrgIDError ( writer , err )
return [ ] ctypes . OrgID { } , false
organizationsConverted := make ( [ ] ctypes . OrgID , 0 )
for _ , orgStr := range SplitRequestParamArray ( organizationsParam ) {
orgID , ok := parseAndValidateOrgID ( writer , orgStr )
if ! ok {
return [ ] ctypes . OrgID { } , false
organizationsConverted = append ( organizationsConverted , orgID )
return organizationsConverted , true
HandleOrgIDError logs org id error and writes corresponding http response
func HandleOrgIDError ( writer http . ResponseWriter , err error ) {
log . Warn ( ) . Err ( err ) . Msg ( "error getting organization ID from request" )
types . HandleServerError ( writer , err )
CheckPermissions checks whether user with a provided token(from request) can access current organization
and handled the error on negative result by logging the error and writing a corresponding http response
func CheckPermissions ( writer http . ResponseWriter , request * http . Request , orgID ctypes . OrgID , auth bool ) bool {
identityContext := request . Context ( ) . Value ( ctypes . ContextKeyUser )
if identityContext != nil && auth {
identity := identityContext . ( ctypes . Identity )
if identity . OrgID != orgID {
message := fmt . Sprintf ( "you have no permissions to get or change info about the organization " +
"with ID %d; you can access info about organization with ID %d" , orgID , identity . OrgID )
log . Warn ( ) . Msg ( message )
types . HandleServerError ( writer , & types . ForbiddenError { ErrString : message } )
return false
return true
ValidateClusterName checks that the cluster name is a valid UUID.
Converted cluster name is returned if everything is okay, otherwise an error is returned.
func ValidateClusterName ( clusterName string ) ( ctypes . ClusterName , error ) {
if _ , err := uuid . Parse ( clusterName ) ; err != nil {
message := fmt . Sprintf ( "invalid cluster name: '%s'. Error: %s" , clusterName , err . Error ( ) )
log . Warn ( ) . Err ( err ) . Msg ( message )
return "" , & types . RouterParsingError {
ParamName : "cluster" ,
ParamValue : clusterName ,
ErrString : err . Error ( ) ,
return ctypes . ClusterName ( clusterName ) , nil
func handleClusterNameError ( writer http . ResponseWriter , err error ) {
log . Warn ( ) . Msg ( err . Error ( ) )
query parameter 'cluster' can't be found in request, which might be caused by issue in Gorilla mux
(not on client side), but let's assume it won't :)
types . HandleServerError ( writer , err )
SplitRequestParamArray takes a single HTTP request parameter and splits it
into a slice of strings. This assumes that the parameter is a comma-separated array.
func SplitRequestParamArray ( arrayParam string ) [ ] string {
return strings . Split ( arrayParam , "," )
ReadClusterListFromPath retrieves list of clusters from request's path
if it's not possible, it writes http error to the writer and returns false
func ReadClusterListFromPath ( writer http . ResponseWriter , request * http . Request ) ( [ ] string , bool ) {
rawClusterList , err := GetRouterParam ( request , "cluster_list" )
if err != nil {
types . HandleServerError ( writer , err )
return [ ] string { } , false
basic check that should not happen in reality (because of Gorilla mux checks)
if rawClusterList == "" {
types . HandleServerError ( writer , errors . New ( "cluster list is empty" ) )
return [ ] string { } , false
split the list into items
clusterList := strings . Split ( rawClusterList , "," )
everything seems ok -> return list of clusters
return clusterList , true
ReadClusterListFromBody retrieves list of clusters from request's body
if it's not possible, it writes http error to the writer and returns false
func ReadClusterListFromBody ( writer http . ResponseWriter , request * http . Request ) ( [ ] string , bool ) {
var clusterList ctypes . ClusterListInRequest
check if there's any body provided in the request sent by client
if request . ContentLength <= 0 {
err := & types . NoBodyError { }
types . HandleServerError ( writer , err )
return [ ] string { } , false
try to read cluster list from request parameter
err := json . NewDecoder ( request . Body ) . Decode ( & clusterList )
if err != nil {
types . HandleServerError ( writer , err )
return [ ] string { } , false
everything seems ok -> return list of clusters
return clusterList . Clusters , true