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Package httputils contains HTTP-related utility functions.
package httputils
Documentation in literate-programming-style is available at:
import (
MakeURLToEndpoint creates URL to endpoint, use constants from file endpoints.go
func MakeURLToEndpoint ( apiPrefix , endpoint string , args ... interface { } ) string {
endpoint = ReplaceParamsInEndpointAndTrimLeftSlash ( endpoint , "%v" )
if apiPrefix != "/" && len ( endpoint ) > 0 {
apiPrefix = strings . TrimRight ( apiPrefix , "/" )
nonParsedURL := apiPrefix
endpointWithArgs := fmt . Sprintf ( endpoint , args ... )
if len ( endpointWithArgs ) > 0 {
nonParsedURL += "/" + endpointWithArgs
resultingURL , err := url . Parse ( nonParsedURL )
if err != nil {
return nonParsedURL
return resultingURL . String ( )
ReplaceParamsInEndpointAndTrimLeftSlash replaces params in endpoint and trims left slash
func ReplaceParamsInEndpointAndTrimLeftSlash ( endpoint , replacer string ) string {
re := regexp . MustCompile ( `\{[a-zA-Z_0-9]+\}` )
endpoint = re . ReplaceAllString ( endpoint , replacer )
endpoint = strings . TrimLeft ( endpoint , "/" )
return endpoint
MakeURLToEndpointMapString creates URL to endpoint using arguments in map in string format, use constants from file endpoints.go
func MakeURLToEndpointMapString ( apiPrefix , endpoint string , args map [ string ] string ) string {
newArgs := make ( map [ string ] interface { } )
for key , val := range args {
newArgs [ key ] = val
return MakeURLToEndpointMap ( apiPrefix , endpoint , newArgs )
MakeURLToEndpointMap creates URL to endpoint using arguments in map, use constants from file endpoints.go
func MakeURLToEndpointMap ( apiPrefix , endpoint string , args map [ string ] interface { } ) string {
endpoint = strings . TrimLeft ( endpoint , "/" )
for key , val := range args {
endpoint = strings . ReplaceAll ( endpoint , fmt . Sprintf ( "{%v}" , key ) , fmt . Sprint ( val ) )
apiPrefix = strings . TrimRight ( apiPrefix , "/" )
return apiPrefix + "/" + endpoint
SetHTTPPrefix adds HTTP prefix if it is not already present in the given string
func SetHTTPPrefix ( originalURL string ) string {
if ! strings . HasPrefix ( originalURL , "http" ) {
if no protocol is specified in given URL, assume it is not
needed to use https
return "http://" + originalURL
return originalURL
SendRequest sends the given request, reads the body and handles related errors
func SendRequest ( req * http . Request , timeout time . Duration ) ( [ ] byte , error ) {
client := & http . Client {
Timeout : timeout ,
response , err := client . Do ( req )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
Read body from response
body , err := io . ReadAll ( response . Body )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
err = response . Body . Close ( )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return body , nil