shunting_yard.go | |
Documentation in literate-programming-style is available at: |
toRPN function transforms sequence of tokens with expression into PRN code |
operators with precedence |
arithmetic operators |
relational operators |
logic operators |
tokenization implementation and token processing |
integer value can be added directly into output |
identifier can be added directly into output |
left paren is pushed into stack |
right paren start processing operands on stack (until first left paren is found) |
read value from stack (POP) |
remove left paren if found + stop operand processing |
other tokens poped from stack can be added to output |
special token marking end of tokenization |
traverse through values on stack |
TOP operation |
read priority for operator read from stack |
compare operator priorities |
priority of read operator is greater than: -> end of processing |
priority of read operator is less than or equal: -> process read operator and POP it from stack |
newly read operator needs to be pushed onto stack |
clean out the stack at end of processing |