
Copyright © 2021, 2022, 2023 Pavel Tisnovsky

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. Validator for messages consumed from ccx-XXX-insights-operator-archive-rules-results topic.

from common import cli_arguments, print_report, validate_multiple_messages, validate_single_message
from validators import (
from voluptuous import ALLOW_EXTRA, Any, Optional, Required, Schema

Schema for metadata sub-node

metadataSchema = Schema({
        Required("cluster_id"): uuidValidator,
        Required("external_organization"): posIntInStringValidator,

Schema for report “details” node

reportDetailsSchema = Schema(
            Optional("current"): str,
            Optional("desired"): str,
            Optional("nodes"): [dict],
            Optional("nodes_with_different_version"): [dict],
            Optional("link"): str,
            Optional("info"): dict,
            Optional("kcs"): str,
            Optional("kcs_link"): str,
            Optional("op"): dict,
            Optional("forced_versions"): [dict],
            Required("error_key"): keyValueValidator,
            Required("type"): "rule",
            }, extra=ALLOW_EXTRA)

Schema for info “details” node

infoDetailsSchema = Schema(
            Optional("current"): str,
            Optional("desired"): str,
            Optional("cluster_id"): uuidValidator,
            Optional("grafana_link"): str,
            Required("info_key"): str,
            Required("type"): "info",
            Optional("update_time"): str,
            Optional("nodes"): [dict],
            }, extra=ALLOW_EXTRA)

Schema for “reports” node

reportsSchema = Schema(
            Required("component"): ruleFQDNValidator,
            Required("details"): reportDetailsSchema,
            Required("key"): keyValueValidator,
            Required("links"): dict,
            Required("rule_id"): ruleIDValidator,
            Required("tags"): [str],
            Required("type"): "rule",

Schema for “fingerprints” node

fingerprintsSchema = Schema(

Schema for content of “skips” node from the Report

skipsSchema = Schema(
            Required("rule_fqdn"): ruleFQDNValidator,
            Required("reason"): keyValueValidator,
            Required("details"): str,
            Required("type"): "skip",

Schema for “info” node

infoSchema = Schema(
            Required("component"): ruleFQDNValidator,
            Required("details"): infoDetailsSchema,
            Required("info_id"): str,
            Required("key"): keyValueValidator,
            Required("links"): dict,
            Required("tags"): [str],
            Required("type"): "info",

Schema for “pass” node

passSchema = Schema(
            Required("pass_id"): str,
            Required("component"): ruleFQDNValidator,
            Required("type"): "pass",
            Required("key"): keyValueValidator,
            Required("details"): dict,
            Required("links"): dict,
            Required("tags"): [str],

Version+commit info

versionCommitSchema = Schema({
            Required("version"): str,
            Required("commit"): Any(str, None),

Schema for plugin_sets sub-node

pluginSetsSchema = Schema({
            Required("insights-core"): versionCommitSchema,
            Required("ccx_rules_ocp"): versionCommitSchema,
            Required("ccx_ocp_core"): versionCommitSchema,

Schema for analysis_metadata sub-node

analysisMetadataSchema = Schema({
            Required("start"): timestampValidatorOffset,
            Required("finish"): timestampValidatorOffset,
            Required("execution_context"): str,
            Required("plugin_sets"): pluginSetsSchema,

Schema for report sub-nodes

reportSchema = Schema({
        Required("system"): Schema(
                Required("metadata"): dict,
                Required("hostname"): Any(None, str),
                }, extra=ALLOW_EXTRA),
        Required("reports"): [reportsSchema],
        Required("fingerprints"): [fingerprintsSchema],
        Required("skips"): [skipsSchema],
        Required("info"): [infoSchema],
        Required("pass"): [passSchema],
        Required("analysis_metadata"): analysisMetadataSchema,

Schema for messages consumed from ccx-XXX-insights-operator-archive-rules-results Kafka topic

schema = Schema({
        Required("path"): pathToCephValidator,
        Required("metadata"): metadataSchema,
        Required("report"): reportSchema,

Entry point to this script.

def main():

Parse all CLI arguments.

    args = cli_arguments()
    verbose = args.verbose
    multiple = args.multiple
    input_file = args.input

    if multiple:

process multiple messages stored in one input file

        report = validate_multiple_messages(schema, input_file, verbose)

process single message stored in one input file

        report = validate_single_message(schema, input_file, verbose)

print report from schema validation

    print_report(report, args.nocolors)

if __name__ == "__main__":