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#!/usr/bin/env python3 # vim: set fileencoding=utf-8
# Copyright © 2020, 2021 Pavel Tisnovsky # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License.
# Schema for report "details" node { Optional("current"): str, Optional("desired"): str, Optional("nodes"): [dict], Optional("nodes_with_different_version"): [dict], Optional("link"): str, Optional("info"): dict, Optional("kcs"): str, Optional("kcs_link"): str, Optional("op"): dict, Required("error_key"): keyValueValidator, Required("type"): "rule", })
# Schema for info "details" node { Optional("current"): str, Optional("desired"): str, Optional("cluster_id"): uuidValidator, Optional("grafana_link"): str, Required("info_key"): str, Required("type"): "info", Optional("update_time"): str, })
# Schema for "reports" node { Required("component"): ruleFQDNValidator, Required("details"): reportDetailsSchema, Required("key"): keyValueValidator, Required("links"): dict, Required("rule_id"): ruleIDValidator, Required("tags"): [str], Required("type"): "rule", })
# Schema for "fingerprints" node { })
# Schema for content of "skips" node from the Report { Required("rule_fqdn"): ruleFQDNValidator, Required("reason"): keyValueValidator, Required("details"): str, Required("type"): "skip", })
# Schema for "info" node { Required("component"): ruleFQDNValidator, Required("details"): infoDetailsSchema, Required("info_id"): str, Required("key"): keyValueValidator, Required("links"): dict, Required("tags"): [str], Required("type"): "info", })
# Schema for "pass" node { })
# Schema for messages consumed from ccx.ocp.results Kafka topic { Required("OrgID"): posIntValidator, Required("ClusterName"): uuidValidator, Required("LastChecked"): timestampValidatorMs, Required("Report"): Schema( { Required("system"): Schema( { Required("metadata"): dict, Required("hostname"): Any(None, str), }, extra=ALLOW_EXTRA), Required("reports"): [reportsSchema], Required("fingerprints"): [fingerprintsSchema], Required("skips"): [skipsSchema], Required("info"): [infoSchema], Optional("pass"): [passSchema], }) })
"""Entry point to this script.""" # Parse all CLI arguments. verbose = args.verbose multiple = args.multiple input_file = args.input
if multiple: # process multiple messages stored in one input file report = validate_multiple_messages(schema, input_file, verbose) else: # process single message stored in one input file report = validate_single_message(schema, input_file, verbose)
# print report from schema validation print_report(report, args.nocolors)
main() |