package tests
import (
common constants used by REST API tests
const (
apiURL = "http://localhost:8080/api/v1/"
contentTypeHeader = "Content-Type"
authHeaderName = "x-rh-identity"
ContentTypeJSON represents MIME type for JSON format
ContentTypeJSON = "application/json; charset=utf-8"
ContentTypeText represents MIME type for plain text format
ContentTypeText = "text/plain; charset=utf-8"
test names, messages and logs-related constants
const (
httpPostMethod = "POST"
httpPutMethod = "PUT"
httpDeleteMethod = "DELETE"
httpHeadMethod = "HEAD"
httpPatchMethod = "PATCH"
httpOptionsMethod = "OPTIONS"
reused test names
checkWrongEndpointTest = "Check the end point %s with wrong method: %s"
StatusOnlyResponse represents response containing just a status
type StatusOnlyResponse struct {
Status string `json:"status"`
setAuthHeaderForOrganization set authorization header to request
func setAuthHeaderForOrganization ( f * frisby . Frisby , orgID int ) {
plainHeader := fmt . Sprintf ( "{\"identity\": {\"internal\": {\"org_id\": \"%d\"}}}" , orgID )
encodedHeader := base64 . StdEncoding . EncodeToString ( [ ] byte ( plainHeader ) )
f . SetHeader ( authHeaderName , encodedHeader )
setAuthHeader set authorization header to request for organization 1
func setAuthHeader ( f * frisby . Frisby ) {
setAuthHeaderForOrganization ( f , 1 )
sendAndExpectStatus sends the request to the server and checks whether expected HTTP code (status) is returned
func sendAndExpectStatus ( f * frisby . Frisby , expectedStatus int ) {
f . Send ( )
f . ExpectStatus ( expectedStatus )
f . PrintReport ( )
checkGetEndpointByOtherMethods checks whether a 'GET' endpoint respond correctly if other HTTP methods are used
func checkGetEndpointByOtherMethods ( endpoint string , includingOptions bool ) {
f := frisby . Create ( fmt . Sprintf ( checkWrongEndpointTest , endpoint , httpPostMethod ) ) . Post ( endpoint )
sendAndExpectStatus ( f , 405 )
f = frisby . Create ( fmt . Sprintf ( checkWrongEndpointTest , endpoint , httpPutMethod ) ) . Put ( endpoint )
sendAndExpectStatus ( f , 405 )
f = frisby . Create ( fmt . Sprintf ( checkWrongEndpointTest , endpoint , httpDeleteMethod ) ) . Delete ( endpoint )
sendAndExpectStatus ( f , 405 )
f = frisby . Create ( fmt . Sprintf ( checkWrongEndpointTest , endpoint , httpPatchMethod ) ) . Patch ( endpoint )
sendAndExpectStatus ( f , 405 )
f = frisby . Create ( fmt . Sprintf ( checkWrongEndpointTest , endpoint , httpHeadMethod ) ) . Head ( endpoint )
sendAndExpectStatus ( f , 405 )
some endpoints accepts OPTIONS method together with GET one, so this check is fully optional
if includingOptions {
f = frisby . Create ( fmt . Sprintf ( checkWrongEndpointTest , endpoint , httpOptionsMethod ) ) . Options ( endpoint )
sendAndExpectStatus ( f , 405 )