package server_test
import (
var config = server . Configuration {
Address : ":8080" ,
APIPrefix : "/api/test/" ,
APISpecFile : "openapi.json" ,
Debug : true ,
func init ( ) {
zerolog . SetGlobalLevel ( zerolog . WarnLevel )
we need to be in the correct directory containing server.key and server.crt
err := os . Chdir ( "../" )
if err != nil {
panic ( err )
func checkResponseCode ( t testing . TB , expected , actual int ) {
if expected != actual {
t . Errorf ( "Expected response code %d. Got %d\n" , expected , actual )
TestServerStartHTTP checks if it's possible to start regular HTTP server
func TestServerStartHTTP ( t * testing . T ) {
contentDir := content . RuleContentDirectory { }
helpers . RunTestWithTimeout ( t , func ( t testing . TB ) {
s := server . New ( server . Configuration {
will use any free port
Address : ":0" ,
APIPrefix : config . APIPrefix ,
Debug : true ,
} , nil , contentDir , nil )
go func ( ) {
for {
if s . Serv != nil {
time . Sleep ( 500 * time . Millisecond )
doing some request to be sure server started successfully
req , err := http . NewRequest ( http . MethodGet , config . APIPrefix , http . NoBody )
helpers . FailOnError ( t , err )
response := helpers . ExecuteRequest ( s , req ) . Result ( )
checkResponseCode ( t , http . StatusOK , response . StatusCode )
stopping the server
err = s . Stop ( context . Background ( ) )
helpers . FailOnError ( t , err )
} ( )
err := s . Start ( )
if err != nil && err != http . ErrServerClosed {
t . Fatal ( err )
} , 5 * time . Second )
TestServerStartError checks how/if errors are handled in server.Start method.
func TestServerStartError ( t * testing . T ) {
contentDir := content . RuleContentDirectory { }
testServer := server . New ( server . Configuration {
Address : "localhost:99999" ,
APIPrefix : "" ,
} , nil , contentDir , nil )
err := testServer . Start ( )
if err == nil {
t . Fatal ( "Error should be reported" )
if err . Error ( ) != "listen tcp: address 99999: invalid port" {
t . Fatal ( "Invalid error message:" , err . Error ( ) )
TestServeAPISpecFileOK checks whether it is possible to access openapi.json via REST API server
func TestServeAPISpecFileOK ( t * testing . T ) {
fileData , err := os . ReadFile ( config . APISpecFile )
helpers . FailOnError ( t , err )
helpers . AssertAPIRequest ( t , & config , & helpers . APIRequest {
Method : http . MethodGet ,
Endpoint : config . APISpecFile ,
} , & helpers . APIResponse {
StatusCode : http . StatusOK ,
Body : string ( fileData ) ,
} )
TestServeAPISpecOptionsMethod checks whether it is not possible to access openapi.json via REST API server using other HTTP methods
func TestServeAPISpecOptionsMethod ( t * testing . T ) {
HTTP methods to check
methods := [ ] string { http . MethodPost , http . MethodPut , http . MethodDelete , http . MethodOptions }
check handling of all unsupported methods
for _ , method := range methods {
helpers . AssertAPIRequest ( t , & config , & helpers . APIRequest {
Method : method ,
Endpoint : config . APISpecFile ,
} , & helpers . APIResponse {
StatusCode : http . StatusMethodNotAllowed ,
} )
TestServeAPISpecFileError checks the error tests in REST API server handler
func TestServeAPISpecFileError ( t * testing . T ) {
openapi.json is really not there
dirName , err := os . MkdirTemp ( "/tmp/" , "" )
helpers . FailOnError ( t , err )
err = os . Chdir ( dirName )
helpers . FailOnError ( t , err )
err = os . Remove ( dirName )
helpers . FailOnError ( t , err )
helpers . AssertAPIRequest ( t , & config , & helpers . APIRequest {
Method : http . MethodGet ,
Endpoint : config . APISpecFile ,
} , & helpers . APIResponse {
StatusCode : http . StatusInternalServerError ,
} )
TestServeAPIWrongEndpoint checks the REST API server behaviour in case wrong endpoint is used in request
func TestServeAPIWrongEndpoint ( t * testing . T ) {
helpers . AssertAPIRequest ( t , & config , & helpers . APIRequest {
Method : http . MethodGet ,
Endpoint : "wrong_endpoint" ,
} , & helpers . APIResponse {
StatusCode : http . StatusNotFound ,
} )
TestServeInfoMap checks the REST API server behaviour for info endpoint
func TestServeInfoMap ( t * testing . T ) {
helpers . AssertAPIRequest ( t , & config , & helpers . APIRequest {
Method : http . MethodGet ,
Endpoint : "info" ,
} , & helpers . APIResponse {
StatusCode : http . StatusOK ,
} )
TestServeListOfGroups checks the REST API server behaviour for group listing endpoint
func TestServeListOfGroups ( t * testing . T ) {
helpers . AssertAPIRequest ( t , & config , & helpers . APIRequest {
Method : http . MethodGet ,
Endpoint : "groups" ,
} , & helpers . APIResponse {
StatusCode : http . StatusOK ,
} )
TestServeListOfGroupsOptionsMethod checks the REST API server behaviour for group listing endpoint
func TestServeListOfGroupsOptionsMethod ( t * testing . T ) {
helpers . AssertAPIRequest ( t , & config , & helpers . APIRequest {
Method : http . MethodOptions ,
Endpoint : "groups" ,
} , & helpers . APIResponse {
StatusCode : http . StatusOK ,
} )
TestServeRuleContentStates checks the REST API server behaviour for rule
content states
func TestServeRulecontentStates ( t * testing . T ) {
helpers . AssertAPIRequest ( t , & config , & helpers . APIRequest {
Method : http . MethodOptions ,
Endpoint : "status" ,
} , & helpers . APIResponse {
StatusCode : http . StatusOK ,
} )
TestServerContent checks the REST API server behavior for content endpoint
func TestServerContent ( t * testing . T ) {
helpers . AssertAPIRequest ( t , & config , & helpers . APIRequest {
Method : http . MethodGet ,
Endpoint : "content" ,
} , & helpers . APIResponse {
StatusCode : http . StatusOK ,
} )