Package content contains logic for parsing rule content.
package content
import (
ctypes "github.com/RedHatInsights/insights-results-types"
Logging messages
const (
separator = "------------------------------------------------------------"
directoryAttribute = "directory"
PluginYAML represents the filename of rule's plugin specification
PluginYAML = "plugin.yaml"
MetadataYAML represents the filename of rule error key's metadata
MetadataYAML = "metadata.yaml"
GenericMarkdown contains a generic message that should briefly describe the recommendation
GenericMarkdown = "generic.md"
SummaryMarkdown contains more descriptive information about the recommendation
SummaryMarkdown = "summary.md"
ReasonMarkdown contains the reason why this recommendation was triggered
ReasonMarkdown = "reason.md"
ResolutionMarkdown contains resolution steps to the given recommendation/issue
ResolutionMarkdown = "resolution.md"
MoreInfoMarkdown contains additional information that further describe the recommendation
MoreInfoMarkdown = "more_info.md"
InternalRulesGroup is a name for a group with all internal rules
InternalRulesGroup = "internal"
ExternalRulesGroup is a name for a group with all external rules
ExternalRulesGroup = "external"
type (
RuleContent wraps all the content available for a rule into a single structure.
RuleContent = ctypes . RuleContent
RulePluginInfo is a Go representation of the plugin.yaml
file inside of the rule content directory.
RulePluginInfo = ctypes . RulePluginInfo
RuleErrorKeyContent wraps content of a single error key.
RuleErrorKeyContent = ctypes . RuleErrorKeyContent
ErrorKeyMetadata is a Go representation of the metadata.yaml
file inside of an error key content directory.
ErrorKeyMetadata = ctypes . ErrorKeyMetadata
RuleContentDirectory contains content for all available rules in a directory.
RuleContentDirectory = ctypes . RuleContentDirectory
GlobalRuleConfig represents the file that contains
metadata globally applicable to any/all rule content.
GlobalRuleConfig = ctypes . GlobalRuleConfig
var (
MandatoryRuleWideContentFiles are mandatory files that MUST be on rule plugin or error key level
MandatoryRuleWideContentFiles = [ ] string { GenericMarkdown , ReasonMarkdown }
SharedContentFiles MAY be on either the plugin level or the error key level
SharedContentFiles = [ ] string { GenericMarkdown , ReasonMarkdown , SummaryMarkdown , ResolutionMarkdown , MoreInfoMarkdown }
RulePluginMandatoryContentFiles are mandatory on the plugin level
RulePluginMandatoryContentFiles = [ ] string { PluginYAML }
RulePluginContentFiles are all files to look for on rule plugin level
RulePluginContentFiles = append ( SharedContentFiles , RulePluginMandatoryContentFiles ... )
ErrorKeyMandatoryContentFiles are mandatory on the error key level
ErrorKeyMandatoryContentFiles = [ ] string { MetadataYAML }
ErrorKeyContentFiles are all files to look for on error key level
ErrorKeyContentFiles = append ( SharedContentFiles , ErrorKeyMandatoryContentFiles ... )
GlobalConfig represents configrations globally applicable to any/all rule
GlobalConfig GlobalRuleConfig
readFilesIntoByteArrayPointers reads the contents of the specified files
in the base directory and saves them via the specified byte slice pointers.
func readFilesIntoFileContent ( baseDir string , filelist [ ] string ) ( map [ string ] [ ] byte , error ) {
var filesContent = map [ string ] [ ] byte { }
for _ , name := range filelist {
log . Info ( ) . Msgf ( "Parsing %s/%s" , baseDir , name )
var err error
rawBytes , err := os . ReadFile ( filepath . Clean ( path . Join ( baseDir , name ) ) )
if err != nil {
filesContent [ name ] = nil
log . Error ( ) . Err ( err )
} else {
filesContent [ name ] = rawBytes
return filesContent , nil
checkErrorKeysForMandatoryContent iterates over filenames defined in the mandatory files array; ensures all error keys have the attribute set
func checkErrorKeysForMandatoryContent ( errorKeys map [ string ] RuleErrorKeyContent ) ( valid bool ) {
valid = true
for _ , mandatoryFile := range MandatoryRuleWideContentFiles {
for errorKeyName , errorKey := range errorKeys {
all error keys must have these attributes
switch mandatoryFile {
case GenericMarkdown :
if errorKey . Generic == "" {
log . Error ( ) . Msgf ( "Error key `%v` is missing mandatory file %v." , errorKeyName , GenericMarkdown )
valid = false
case ReasonMarkdown :
if errorKey . Reason == "" {
log . Error ( ) . Msgf ( "Error key `%v` is missing mandatory file %v." , errorKeyName , ReasonMarkdown )
valid = false
default :
log . Error ( ) . Msgf ( "Behaviour for mandatory file `%v` is not defined." , mandatoryFile )
valid = false
func copyContentToEmptyErrorKeys (
filename string ,
ruleContent RuleContent ,
errorKeys map [ string ] RuleErrorKeyContent ,
) {
for i , errorKey := range errorKeys {
ek := errorKey
switch filename {
case GenericMarkdown :
if errorKey . Generic == "" {
ek . Generic = ruleContent . Generic
case ReasonMarkdown :
if errorKey . Reason == "" {
ek . Reason = ruleContent . Reason
case SummaryMarkdown :
if errorKey . Summary == "" {
ek . Summary = ruleContent . Summary
case ResolutionMarkdown :
if errorKey . Resolution == "" {
ek . Resolution = ruleContent . Resolution
case MoreInfoMarkdown :
if errorKey . MoreInfo == "" {
ek . MoreInfo = ruleContent . MoreInfo
default :
log . Error ( ) . Msgf ( "Behaviour for copying contents of file `%v` to error keys is not defined." , filename )
errorKeys [ i ] = ek
createErrorContents takes a mapping of files into contents and perform
some checks about it
func createErrorContents ( contentRead map [ string ] [ ] byte ) ( * RuleErrorKeyContent , error ) {
errorContent := RuleErrorKeyContent { }
errorContentMetadata := types . ReceivedErrorKeyMetadata { }
for _ , filename := range ErrorKeyContentFiles {
if contentRead [ filename ] == nil {
if mandatory := collections . StringInSlice ( filename , ErrorKeyMandatoryContentFiles ) ; mandatory {
return nil , & MissingMandatoryFile { FileName : filename }
log . Info ( ) . Msgf ( "File %v is missing on error key level, using empty string instead" , filename )
if filename == MetadataYAML {
if err := yaml . Unmarshal ( contentRead [ MetadataYAML ] , & errorContentMetadata ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
errorContent . Metadata = errorContentMetadata . ToErrorKeyMetadata ( GlobalConfig . Impact , GlobalConfig . ResolutionRisk )
val := string ( contentRead [ filename ] )
switch filename {
case GenericMarkdown :
errorContent . Generic = val
case ReasonMarkdown :
if val == "" {
errorContent . HasReason = false
errorContent . HasReason = true
errorContent . Reason = val
case SummaryMarkdown :
errorContent . Summary = val
case ResolutionMarkdown :
errorContent . Resolution = val
case MoreInfoMarkdown :
errorContent . MoreInfo = val
default :
log . Error ( ) . Msgf ( "Behaviour for handling of error key file `%v` is not defined." , filename )
return & errorContent , nil
parseErrorContents reads the contents of the specified directory
and parses all subdirectories as error key contents.
This implicitly checks that the directory exists,
so it is not necessary to ever check that elsewhere.
func parseErrorContents ( ruleDirPath string ) ( map [ string ] RuleErrorKeyContent , error ) {
entries , err := os . ReadDir ( ruleDirPath )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
errorContents := map [ string ] RuleErrorKeyContent { }
for _ , e := range entries {
skip sub-directories
if ! e . IsDir ( ) {
name := e . Name ( )
readContents , err := readFilesIntoFileContent ( path . Join ( ruleDirPath , name ) , ErrorKeyContentFiles )
if err != nil {
return errorContents , err
errContents , err := createErrorContents ( readContents )
if err != nil {
return errorContents , err
errorContents [ name ] = * errContents
return errorContents , nil
func createRuleContent ( contentRead map [ string ] [ ] byte , errorKeys map [ string ] RuleErrorKeyContent ) ( * RuleContent , error ) {
ruleContent := RuleContent { }
for _ , filename := range RulePluginContentFiles {
if contentRead [ filename ] == nil {
if mandatory := collections . StringInSlice ( filename , RulePluginMandatoryContentFiles ) ; mandatory {
return nil , & MissingMandatoryFile { FileName : filename }
log . Info ( ) . Msgf ( "File %v is missing on plugin level, using empty string instead" , filename )
if filename == PluginYAML {
if err := yaml . Unmarshal ( contentRead [ PluginYAML ] , & ruleContent . Plugin ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
val := string ( contentRead [ filename ] )
switch filename {
case GenericMarkdown :
ruleContent . Generic = val
case ReasonMarkdown :
if val == "" {
ruleContent . HasReason = false
ruleContent . HasReason = true
ruleContent . Reason = val
case SummaryMarkdown :
ruleContent . Summary = val
case ResolutionMarkdown :
ruleContent . Resolution = val
case MoreInfoMarkdown :
ruleContent . MoreInfo = val
default :
log . Error ( ) . Msgf ( "Behaviour for handling of plugin file `%v` is not defined." , filename )
copyContentToEmptyErrorKeys ( filename , ruleContent , errorKeys )
ruleContent . ErrorKeys = errorKeys
valid := checkErrorKeysForMandatoryContent ( ruleContent . ErrorKeys )
if ! valid {
return nil , errors . New ( "some of the error keys are missing mandatory attributes" )
return & ruleContent , nil
parseRuleContent attempts to parse all available rule content from the specified directory.
func parseRuleContent ( ruleDirPath string ) ( RuleContent , error ) {
errorContents , err := parseErrorContents ( ruleDirPath )
if err != nil {
return RuleContent { } , err
readContent , err := readFilesIntoFileContent ( ruleDirPath , RulePluginContentFiles )
if err != nil {
return RuleContent { } , err
ruleContent , err := createRuleContent ( readContent , errorContents )
if err != nil {
return RuleContent { } , err
return * ruleContent , err
parseGlobalContentConfig reads the configuration file used to store
metadata used by all rule content, such as impact dictionary.
func parseGlobalContentConfig ( configPath string ) ( GlobalRuleConfig , error ) {
configBytes , err := os . ReadFile ( filepath . Clean ( configPath ) )
if err != nil {
return GlobalRuleConfig { } , err
conf := GlobalRuleConfig { }
err = yaml . Unmarshal ( configBytes , & conf )
if err != nil {
log . Error ( ) . Err ( err ) . Msgf ( "Can't apply global rule configurations" )
} else {
GlobalConfig = conf
return conf , err
updateRuleContentStatus function updates a map containing results of parsing
all rules, external and internal ones
func updateRuleContentStatus ( ruleContentStatusMap map [ string ] ctypes . RuleContentStatus ,
ruleType ctypes . RuleType , name string , loaded bool , err error ) {
fill-in value to be used in Error attribute
var parsingError = ctypes . RuleParsingError ( "" )
if err != nil {
parsingError = ctypes . RuleParsingError ( err . Error ( ) )
new entry to a map
ruleContentStatus := ctypes . RuleContentStatus {
RuleType : ruleType ,
Loaded : loaded ,
Error : parsingError ,
check for a name collision
_ , found := ruleContentStatusMap [ name ]
if found {
log . Error ( ) . Str ( "rule name" , name ) . Msg ( "Duplicate rule name found" )
update map
ruleContentStatusMap [ name ] = ruleContentStatus
parseRulesInDir function finds all rules and their content in the specified
directory and stores the content in the provided map.
This function also aggregates list of rules with improper content.
func parseRulesInDir ( dirPath string , ruleType ctypes . RuleType ,
contentMap * map [ string ] RuleContent , invalidRules * [ ] string ,
ruleContentStatusMap map [ string ] ctypes . RuleContentStatus ) error {
read the whole content of specified directory
entries , err := os . ReadDir ( dirPath )
if err != nil {
return err
for _ , e := range entries {
if e . IsDir ( ) {
name := e . Name ( )
subdirPath := path . Join ( dirPath , name )
Check if this directory directly contains a rule content.
This check is done for the subdirectories instead of the top directory
upon which this function is called because the very top level directory
should never directly contain any rule content and because the name
of the directory is much easier to access here without an extra call.
if pluginYaml , err := os . Stat ( path . Join ( subdirPath , PluginYAML ) ) ; err == nil && pluginYaml . Mode ( ) . IsRegular ( ) {
log . Info ( ) . Str ( directoryAttribute , subdirPath ) . Msgf ( "%v found" , PluginYAML )
let's accumulate error report with context (in which subdir it occurred)
ruleContent , err := parseRuleContent ( subdirPath )
if err != nil {
log . Error ( ) . Err ( err ) . Msgf ( "Error trying to parse rule in dir %v" , subdirPath )
message := fmt . Sprintf ( "Directory: %s, Error: %v" , subdirPath , err )
* invalidRules = append ( * invalidRules , message )
updateRuleContentStatus ( ruleContentStatusMap , ruleType , name , false , err )
TODO: Add name uniqueness check.
( * contentMap ) [ name ] = ruleContent
updateRuleContentStatus ( ruleContentStatusMap , ruleType , name , true , nil )
} else {
Otherwise, descend into the sub-directory and see if there is any rule content.
log . Info ( ) . Str ( directoryAttribute , subdirPath ) . Msg ( "descending into sub-directory" )
if err := parseRulesInDir ( subdirPath , ruleType , contentMap , invalidRules , ruleContentStatusMap ) ; err != nil {
return err
return nil
func printInvalidRules ( invalidRules [ ] string ) {
log . Info ( ) . Msg ( separator )
log . Error ( ) . Msg ( "List of invalid rules" )
for i , rule := range invalidRules {
log . Error ( ) . Int ( "#" , i + 1 ) . Str ( "Error" , rule ) . Msg ( "Invalid rule" )
ParseRuleContentDir finds all rule content in a directory and parses it.
func ParseRuleContentDir ( contentDirPath string ) ( RuleContentDirectory , map [ string ] ctypes . RuleContentStatus , error ) {
we don't know in advance how many rules we have, so let's use nil slice there
var ruleContentStatusMap map [ string ] ctypes . RuleContentStatus = make ( map [ string ] ctypes . RuleContentStatus )
globalConfig , err := parseGlobalContentConfig ( path . Join ( contentDirPath , "config.yaml" ) )
if err != nil {
return RuleContentDirectory { } , ruleContentStatusMap , err
contentDir := RuleContentDirectory {
Config : globalConfig ,
Rules : map [ string ] RuleContent { } ,
parse external and internal rules separately, because there are currently more categories
of rules, but they just don't have content yet, so in case the content for them appears.
If we want to parse all of them, the full contentDirPath can be passed to parseRulesInDir without problems
externalContentDir := path . Join ( contentDirPath , ExternalRulesGroup )
map used to store invalid rules
invalidRules := make ( [ ] string , 0 )
err = parseRulesInDir ( externalContentDir , ExternalRulesGroup ,
& contentDir . Rules , & invalidRules , ruleContentStatusMap )
if err != nil {
log . Error ( ) . Err ( err ) . Msg ( "Cannot parse content of external rules" )
return contentDir , ruleContentStatusMap , err
log . Info ( ) .
Int ( "invalid external rules" , len ( invalidRules ) ) .
Msg ( "Parsing external rules: done" )
if len ( invalidRules ) > 0 {
printInvalidRules ( invalidRules )
internalContentDir := path . Join ( contentDirPath , InternalRulesGroup )
invalidRules = make ( [ ] string , 0 )
err = parseRulesInDir ( internalContentDir , InternalRulesGroup ,
& contentDir . Rules , & invalidRules , ruleContentStatusMap )
if err != nil {
log . Error ( ) . Err ( err ) . Msg ( "Cannot parse content of internal rules" )
return contentDir , ruleContentStatusMap , err
log . Info ( ) .
Int ( "invalid internal rules" , len ( invalidRules ) ) .
Msg ( "Parsing internal rules: done" )
if len ( invalidRules ) > 0 {
printInvalidRules ( invalidRules )
return contentDir , ruleContentStatusMap , err