Entry point to the insights content service
package main
import (
ExitCode represents numeric value returned to parent process when the
current process finishes
type ExitCode int
const (
ExitStatusOK means that the tool finished with success
ExitStatusOK = iota
ExitStatusServerError is returned in case of any REST API server-related error
ExitStatusReadContentError is returned when the static content parsing fails
ExitStatusOther represents other errors that might happen
defaultConfigFilename = "config"
var (
serverInstance * server . HTTPServer
BuildVersion contains the major.minor version of the CLI client
BuildVersion = "*not set*"
BuildTime contains timestamp when the CLI client has been built
BuildTime = "*not set*"
BuildBranch contains Git branch used to build this application
BuildBranch = "*not set*"
BuildCommit contains Git commit used to build this application
BuildCommit = "*not set*"
UtilsVersion contains currently used version of
github.com/RedHatInsights/insights-operator-utils package
UtilsVersion = "*not set*"
OCPRulesVersion contains currently used version of
https://gitlab.cee.redhat.com/ccx/ccx-rules-ocp package
OCPRulesVersion = "*not set*"
startService starts service and returns error code
func startService ( ) ExitCode {
serverCfg := conf . GetServerConfiguration ( )
groupsCfg := conf . GetGroupsConfiguration ( )
parsedGroups , err := groups . ParseGroupConfigFile ( groupsCfg . ConfigPath )
if err != nil {
log . Error ( ) . Err ( err ) . Msg ( "Groups init error" )
return ExitStatusServerError
metricsCfg := conf . GetMetricsConfiguration ( )
if metricsCfg . Namespace != "" {
metrics . AddAPIMetricsWithNamespace ( metricsCfg . Namespace )
ruleContentDirPath := conf . GetContentPathConfiguration ( )
contentDir , ruleContentStatusMap , err := content . ParseRuleContentDir ( ruleContentDirPath )
if osPathError , ok := err . ( * os . PathError ) ; ok {
log . Error ( ) . Err ( osPathError ) . Msg ( "No rules directory" )
return ExitStatusReadContentError
} else if err != nil {
log . Error ( ) . Err ( err ) . Msg ( "error happened during parsing rules content dir" )
return ExitStatusReadContentError
start the HTTP server on specified port
serverInstance = server . New ( serverCfg , parsedGroups , contentDir ,
ruleContentStatusMap )
fill-in additional info used by /info endpoint handler
fillInInfoParams ( serverInstance . InfoParams )
err = serverInstance . Start ( )
if err != nil {
log . Error ( ) . Err ( err ) . Msg ( "HTTP(s) start error" )
return ExitStatusServerError
return ExitStatusOK
fillInInfoParams function fills-in additional info used by /info endpoint
func fillInInfoParams ( params map [ string ] string ) {
params [ "BuildVersion" ] = BuildVersion
params [ "BuildTime" ] = BuildTime
params [ "BuildBranch" ] = BuildBranch
params [ "BuildCommit" ] = BuildCommit
params [ "UtilsVersion" ] = UtilsVersion
params [ "OCPRulesVersion" ] = OCPRulesVersion
func printInfo ( msg , val string ) {
fmt . Printf ( "%s\t%s\n" , msg , val )
func printVersionInfo ( ) ExitCode {
printInfo ( "Version:" , BuildVersion )
printInfo ( "Build time:" , BuildTime )
printInfo ( "Branch:" , BuildBranch )
printInfo ( "Commit:" , BuildCommit )
printInfo ( "Utils version:" , UtilsVersion )
printInfo ( "OCP rules version:" , OCPRulesVersion )
return ExitStatusOK
func printGroups ( ) ExitCode {
groupsConfig := conf . GetGroupsConfiguration ( )
groupsMap , err := groups . ParseGroupConfigFile ( groupsConfig . ConfigPath )
if err != nil {
log . Error ( ) . Err ( err ) . Msg ( "Groups parsing error" )
return ExitStatusServerError
fmt . Println ( groupsMap )
return ExitStatusOK
func printRules ( ) ExitCode {
log . Info ( ) . Msg ( "Printing rules" )
contentPath := conf . GetContentPathConfiguration ( )
contentDir , _ , err := content . ParseRuleContentDir ( contentPath )
if err != nil {
log . Error ( ) . Err ( err ) . Msg ( "Error parsing the content" )
return ExitStatusReadContentError
buffer := new ( bytes . Buffer )
encoder := json . NewEncoder ( buffer )
if err := encoder . Encode ( contentDir ) ; err == nil {
fmt . Println ( buffer )
return ExitStatusOK
return ExitStatusOther
func printParseStatus ( ) ExitCode {
log . Info ( ) . Msg ( "Printing parse status" )
contentPath := conf . GetContentPathConfiguration ( )
_ , parseStatus , err := content . ParseRuleContentDir ( contentPath )
if err != nil {
log . Error ( ) . Err ( err ) . Msg ( "Error parsing the content" )
return ExitStatusReadContentError
buffer := new ( bytes . Buffer )
encoder := json . NewEncoder ( buffer )
if err := encoder . Encode ( parseStatus ) ; err == nil {
fmt . Println ( buffer )
return ExitStatusOK
return ExitStatusOther
func initInfoLog ( msg string ) {
log . Info ( ) . Str ( "type" , "init" ) . Msg ( msg )
func logVersionInfo ( ) {
initInfoLog ( "Version: " + BuildVersion )
initInfoLog ( "Build time: " + BuildTime )
initInfoLog ( "Branch: " + BuildBranch )
initInfoLog ( "Commit: " + BuildCommit )
initInfoLog ( "Utils version:" + UtilsVersion )
initInfoLog ( "OCP rules version:" + OCPRulesVersion )
const helpMessageTemplate = `
Service to provide content for OCP rules
%+v [command]
The commands are:
<EMPTY> starts content service
start-service starts content service
help prints help
print-help prints help
print-config prints current configuration set by files & env variables
print-groups prints current groups configuration
print-rules prints current parsed rules
print-parse-status prints information about all rules that have been parsed
print-version-info prints version info
func printHelp ( ) ExitCode {
fmt . Printf ( helpMessageTemplate , os . Args [ 0 ] )
return ExitStatusOK
func printConfig ( config * conf . ConfigStruct ) ExitCode {
configBytes , err := json . MarshalIndent ( config , "" , " " )
if err != nil {
log . Error ( ) . Err ( err )
return ExitStatusOther
fmt . Println ( string ( configBytes ) )
return ExitStatusOK
func main ( ) {
err := conf . LoadConfiguration ( defaultConfigFilename )
if err != nil {
panic ( err )
err = logger . InitZerolog (
conf . GetLoggingConfiguration ( ) ,
conf . GetCloudWatchConfiguration ( ) ,
conf . GetSentryLoggingConfiguration ( ) ,
conf . GetKafkaZerologConfiguration ( ) ,
if err != nil {
panic ( err )
command := "start-service"
if len ( os . Args ) >= 2 {
command = strings . ToLower ( strings . TrimSpace ( os . Args [ 1 ] ) )
os . Exit ( int ( handleCommand ( command ) ) )
func handleCommand ( command string ) ExitCode {
switch command {
case "start-service" :
logVersionInfo ( )
errCode := startService ( )
if errCode != ExitStatusOK {
return errCode
return ExitStatusOK
case "help" , "print-help" :
return printHelp ( )
case "print-config" :
return printConfig ( & conf . Config )
case "print-version-info" :
return printVersionInfo ( )
case "print-groups" :
return printGroups ( )
case "print-rules" :
return printRules ( )
case "print-parse-status" :
return printParseStatus ( )
default :
fmt . Printf ( "\nCommand '%v' not found\n" , command )
return printHelp ( )