package conf_test
import (
func init ( ) {
err := os . Chdir ( ".." )
if err != nil {
panic ( err )
func mustLoadConfiguration ( t * testing . T , path string ) {
err := conf . LoadConfiguration ( path )
if err != nil {
t . Fatal ( err )
func mustSetEnv ( t * testing . T , key , val string ) {
err := os . Setenv ( key , val )
if err != nil {
t . Fatal ( err )
func loadProperConfigFile ( t * testing . T ) {
os . Clearenv ( )
mustLoadConfiguration ( t , "tests/config" )
TestLoadConfiguration loads a configuration file for testing
func TestLoadConfiguration ( t * testing . T ) {
loadProperConfigFile ( t )
TestLoadBrokenConfiguration loads a configuration file for testing
func TestLoadBrokenConfiguraion ( t * testing . T ) {
os . Clearenv ( )
err := conf . LoadConfiguration ( "tests/config_improper_format" )
if err == nil {
t . Fatal ( "Broken configuration file should be detected" )
TestLoadGroupsConfiguration tests loading the groups configuration sub-tree
func TestLoadGroupsConfiguration ( t * testing . T ) {
loadProperConfigFile ( t )
GroupsCfg := conf . GetGroupsConfiguration ( )
assert . Equal ( t , "groups_config.yaml" , GroupsCfg . ConfigPath )
TestLoadServerConfiguration tests loading the server configuration sub-tree
func TestLoadServerConfiguration ( t * testing . T ) {
loadProperConfigFile ( t )
serverCfg := conf . GetServerConfiguration ( )
assert . Equal ( t , ":8080" , serverCfg . Address )
assert . Equal ( t , "/api/v1/" , serverCfg . APIPrefix )
TestLoadContentPathConfiguration tests loading the content path configuration
func TestLoadContentPathConfiguration ( t * testing . T ) {
loadProperConfigFile ( t )
contentPath := conf . GetContentPathConfiguration ( )
assert . Equal ( t , "/rules-content" , contentPath )
TestLoadConfigurationEnvVariable tests loading the config. file for testing from an environment variable
func TestLoadConfigurationEnvVariable ( t * testing . T ) {
os . Clearenv ( )
mustSetEnv ( t , "INSIGHTS_CONTENT_SERVICE_CONFIG_FILE" , "tests/config" )
mustLoadConfiguration ( t , "foobar" )
TestLoadConfigurationEnvVariableNegative tests loading the config. file for testing from an environment variable
func TestLoadConfigurationEnvVariableNegative ( t * testing . T ) {
os . Clearenv ( )
mustSetEnv ( t , "INSIGHTS_CONTENT_SERVICE_CONFIG_FILE" , "does not exists" )
err := conf . LoadConfiguration ( "foobar" )
if err == nil {
t . Fatal ( "Error should be reported for non existing file" )
TestTryToLoadNonExistingConfig checks if non existing config file causes failure or not
func TestTryToLoadNonExistingConfig ( t * testing . T ) {
os . Clearenv ( )
err := conf . LoadConfiguration ( "foobar" )
if err != nil {
t . Fatal ( err )
TestGetMetricsConfiguration checks if the metrics section is loaded properly
func TestGetMetricsConfiguration ( t * testing . T ) {
TestLoadConfiguration ( t )
metricsCfg := conf . GetMetricsConfiguration ( )
assert . Equal ( t , "contentservice" , metricsCfg . Namespace )
TestGetLoggingConfiguration checks if the logging section is loaded properly
func TestGetLoggingConfiguration ( t * testing . T ) {
TestLoadConfiguration ( t )
loggingCfg := conf . GetLoggingConfiguration ( )
assert . True ( t , loggingCfg . Debug )
TestCheckIfFileExists tests the functionality of function checkIfFileExists
func TestCheckIfFileExists ( t * testing . T ) {
err := conf . CheckIfFileExists ( "" )
if err == nil {
t . Fatal ( "File with empty name should not exists" )
err = conf . CheckIfFileExists ( "config.toml" )
if err != nil {
t . Fatal ( "File should exists:" , err )
err = conf . CheckIfFileExists ( "\n" )
if err == nil {
t . Fatal ( "File '' should not exist" )
err = conf . CheckIfFileExists ( "." )
if err == nil {
t . Fatal ( "File '.' is a directory" )
err = conf . CheckIfFileExists ( ".." )
if err == nil {
t . Fatal ( "File '..' is a directory" )