Package conf contains definition of data type named ConfigStruct that
represents configuration of Content service. This package also contains
function named LoadConfiguration that can be used to load configuration from
provided configuration file and/or from environment variables. Additionally
several specific functions named GetServerConfiguration, GetGroupsConfiguration,
GetContentPathConfiguration, GetMetricsConfiguration, GetLoggingConfiguration and
GetCloudWatchConfiguration are to be used to return specific
configuration options.
Generated documentation is available at:
Documentation in literate-programming-style is available at:
package conf
import (
clowder "github.com/redhatinsights/app-common-go/pkg/api/v1"
const (
defaultContentPath = "/rules-content"
MetricsConf contains the metrics configuration
type MetricsConf struct {
Namespace string `mapstructure:"namespace" toml:"namespace"`
ConfigStruct is a structure holding the whole service configuration
type ConfigStruct struct {
Server server . Configuration `mapstructure:"server" toml:"server"`
Groups groups . Configuration `mapstructure:"groups" toml:"groups"`
Content struct {
ContentPath string `mapstructure:"path" toml:"path"`
} `mapstructure:"content" toml:"content"`
Metrics MetricsConf `mapstructure:"metrics" toml:"metrics"`
Logging logger . LoggingConfiguration `mapstructure:"logging" toml:"logging"`
CloudWatch logger . CloudWatchConfiguration `mapstructure:"cloudwatch" toml:"cloudwatch"`
SentryLoggingConf logger . SentryLoggingConfiguration `mapstructure:"sentry" toml:"sentry"`
KafkaZerologConf logger . KafkaZerologConfiguration `mapstructure:"kafka_zerolog" toml:"kafka_zerolog"`
Config has exactly the same structure as *.toml file
var Config ConfigStruct
LoadConfiguration loads configuration from defaultConfigFile, file set in
configFileEnvVariableName or from env
func LoadConfiguration ( defaultConfigFile string ) error {
configFile , specified := os . LookupEnv ( configFileEnvVariableName )
if specified {
we need to separate the directory name and filename without
directory , basename := filepath . Split ( configFile )
file := strings . TrimSuffix ( basename , filepath . Ext ( basename ) )
parse the configuration
viper . SetConfigName ( file )
viper . AddConfigPath ( directory )
} else {
parse the configuration
viper . SetConfigName ( defaultConfigFile )
viper . AddConfigPath ( "." )
err := viper . ReadInConfig ( )
if _ , isNotFoundError := err . ( viper . ConfigFileNotFoundError ) ; ! specified && isNotFoundError {
viper is not smart enough to understand the structure of
config by itself
fakeTomlConfigWriter := new ( bytes . Buffer )
err := toml . NewEncoder ( fakeTomlConfigWriter ) . Encode ( Config )
if err != nil {
return err
fakeTomlConfig := fakeTomlConfigWriter . String ( )
viper . SetConfigType ( "toml" )
err = viper . ReadConfig ( strings . NewReader ( fakeTomlConfig ) )
if err != nil {
return err
} else if err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "fatal error config file: %s" , err )
override config from env if there's variable in env
viper . AutomaticEnv ( )
viper . SetEnvPrefix ( envPrefix )
viper . SetEnvKeyReplacer ( strings . NewReplacer ( "-" , "_" , "." , "__" ) )
err = viper . Unmarshal ( & Config )
if err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "fatal - can not unmarshal configuration: %s" , err )
if clowder . IsClowderEnabled ( ) {
can not use Zerolog at this moment!
fmt . Println ( "Clowder is enabled" )
TODO: insert logic to replace SELECTED configuration variables
} else {
can not use Zerolog at this moment!
fmt . Println ( "Clowder is disabled" )
everything's should be ok
return nil
GetServerConfiguration returns server configuration
func GetServerConfiguration ( ) server . Configuration {
err := checkIfFileExists ( Config . Server . APISpecFile )
if err != nil {
log . Fatal ( ) . Err ( err ) . Msg ( "All customer facing APIs MUST serve the current OpenAPI specification" )
return Config . Server
GetGroupsConfiguration returns groups configuration
func GetGroupsConfiguration ( ) groups . Configuration {
err := checkIfFileExists ( Config . Groups . ConfigPath )
if err != nil {
log . Error ( ) . Err ( err ) . Msg ( "The groups configuration file is not defined" )
return Config . Groups
GetContentPathConfiguration get the path to the content files from the
func GetContentPathConfiguration ( ) string {
if Config . Content . ContentPath == "" {
Config . Content . ContentPath = defaultContentPath
return Config . Content . ContentPath
GetMetricsConfiguration get MetricsConf from the loaded configuration
func GetMetricsConfiguration ( ) MetricsConf {
return Config . Metrics
GetLoggingConfiguration returns logging configuration
func GetLoggingConfiguration ( ) logger . LoggingConfiguration {
return Config . Logging
GetCloudWatchConfiguration returns cloudwatch configuration
func GetCloudWatchConfiguration ( ) logger . CloudWatchConfiguration {
return Config . CloudWatch
GetSentryLoggingConfiguration returns the sentry log configuration
func GetSentryLoggingConfiguration ( ) logger . SentryLoggingConfiguration {
return Config . SentryLoggingConf
GetKafkaZerologConfiguration returns the kafkazero log configuration
func GetKafkaZerologConfiguration ( ) logger . KafkaZerologConfiguration {
return Config . KafkaZerologConf
checkIfFileExists returns nil if path doesn't exist or isn't a file,
otherwise it returns corresponding error
func checkIfFileExists ( path string ) error {
if path == "" {
return fmt . Errorf ( "Empty path provided" )
fileInfo , err := os . Stat ( path )
if os . IsNotExist ( err ) {
return fmt . Errorf ( "The following file path does not exist. Path: '%v'" , path )
} else if err != nil {
return err
if fileMode := fileInfo . Mode ( ) ; ! fileMode . IsRegular ( ) {
return fmt . Errorf ( "The following file path is not a regular file. Path: '%v'" , path )
return nil