Copyright 2020 Red Hat, Inc
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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package main
import (
groupConfigMap is a shorthand for the map used to store the group configuration.
type groupConfigMap map [ string ] groups . Group
var (
groupConfigPath = "./groups_config.yaml"
contentDirPath = "./content/"
func init ( ) {
flag . StringVar ( & groupConfigPath , "config" , groupConfigPath , "Path to the group configuration YAML file." )
flag . StringVar ( & contentDirPath , "content" , contentDirPath , "Path to the content directory (the one containing the 'config.yaml' file)." )
flag . Parse ( )
func main ( ) {
initLogger ( )
groupCfg := checkGroupConfig ( )
checkRuleContent ( groupCfg )
initLogger initializes the zerolog library to pretty-print the log messages.
func initLogger ( ) {
err := logger . InitZerolog (
logger . LoggingConfiguration {
Debug : true ,
LogLevel : "debug" ,
LoggingToCloudWatchEnabled : false ,
} ,
logger . CloudWatchConfiguration { } ,
logger . SentryLoggingConfiguration { } ,
logger . KafkaZerologConfiguration { } ,
if err != nil {
log . Fatal ( ) . Err ( err ) . Msg ( "unable to initialize zerolog" )
checkGroupConfig reads the group configuration file and performs defined checks on it.
Then it returns the config to be used by the rule content checks.
func checkGroupConfig ( ) groupConfigMap {
groupCfg , err := groups . ParseGroupConfigFile ( groupConfigPath )
if err != nil {
log . Fatal ( ) . Err ( err ) . Msg ( "unable to parse group config file" )
Unique group is just a check that makes sure no two groups have the same name property.
uniqueGroups := map [ string ] string { }
For each group defined in the group configuration file.
for groupKey , group := range groupCfg {
if firstGroupKey , exists := uniqueGroups [ group . Name ] ; exists {
log . Warn ( ) . Msgf ( "multiple groups with the name '%s' (first with key '%s', but also with key '%s')" , group . Name , firstGroupKey , groupKey )
} else {
uniqueGroups [ group . Name ] = groupKey
Check for duplicate tag in a single group.
The same tag being used by multiple groups is allowed.
uniqueTags := map [ string ] struct { } { }
For each tag assigned to the group.
for _ , tag := range group . Tags {
if _ , exists := uniqueTags [ tag ] ; exists {
log . Warn ( ) . Str ( "tag" , tag ) . Str ( "group" , group . Name ) . Msg ( "duplicate tag reference in group" )
} else {
uniqueTags [ tag ] = struct { } { }
return groupCfg
checkRuleContent checks if rule content files are not empty
and if the tags assigned to all error codes really exist.
Proper checking of the rule content is done in the ccx-ocp-rules repo itself,
we are trusting the tests and checks in that repo, most of these warnings are
triggered by internal rules and are only here in case something went wrong in those tests.
We could add separate checks for internal/external but it's better to do it in the ocp-rules repo.
func checkRuleContent ( groupCfg groupConfigMap ) {
ruleContentDir , _ , err := content . ParseRuleContentDir ( contentDirPath )
if err != nil {
log . Fatal ( ) . Err ( err ) . Msg ( "unable to rule content directory" )
For every rule with a content available.
for ruleName , ruleContent := range ruleContentDir . Rules {
checkRuleAttributeNotEmpty ( ruleName , "name" , ruleContent . Plugin . Name )
checkRuleAttributeNotEmpty ( ruleName , "node_id" , ruleContent . Plugin . NodeID )
checkRuleAttributeNotEmpty ( ruleName , "product_code" , ruleContent . Plugin . ProductCode )
checkRuleAttributeNotEmpty ( ruleName , "python_module" , ruleContent . Plugin . PythonModule )
checkRuleFileNotEmpty ( ruleName , "" , ruleContent . Summary )
if len ( ruleContent . ErrorKeys ) == 0 {
log . Warn ( ) . Str ( "rule" , ruleName ) . Msg ( "rule contains no error code" )
For every error code of the rule.
for errCode , errContent := range ruleContent . ErrorKeys {
checkErrorCodeAttributeNotEmpty ( ruleName , errCode , "description" , errContent . Metadata . Description )
checkErrorCodeAttributeNotEmpty ( ruleName , errCode , "impact" , errContent . Metadata . Impact . Name )
checkErrorCodeAttributeNotEmpty ( ruleName , errCode , "likelihood" , fmt . Sprint ( errContent . Metadata . Likelihood ) )
checkErrorCodeAttributeNotEmpty ( ruleName , errCode , "publish_date" , errContent . Metadata . PublishDate )
checkErrorCodeAttributeNotEmpty ( ruleName , errCode , "status" , errContent . Metadata . Status )
checkErrorCodeAttributeNotEmpty ( ruleName , errCode , "resolution_risk" , errContent . Metadata . Status )
checkErrorCodeFileNotEmpty ( ruleName , errCode , "" , errContent . Generic )
checkErrorCodeTags ( groupCfg , ruleName , errCode , errContent )
checkErrorCodeTags checks that the tags referenced by the error code are valid.
At the end, all assigned tags (and the groups they belong to) are printed in the form of a map.
func checkErrorCodeTags ( groupCfg groupConfigMap , ruleName , errCode string , errContent content . RuleErrorKeyContent ) {
errGroups := map [ string ] [ ] string { }
For every tag of that error code.
for _ , errTag := range errContent . Metadata . Tags {
Check for duplicate tags in the error code's content.
if _ , exists := errGroups [ errTag ] ; exists {
log . Error ( ) . Msgf ( "duplicate tag '%s' in content of '%s|%s'" , errTag , ruleName , errCode )
List of groups to which the tag belongs.
tagGroups := [ ] string { }
Find a group with the tag.
for _ , group := range groupCfg {
for _ , tag := range group . Tags {
if tag == errTag {
tagGroups = append ( tagGroups , group . Name )
Check if at least one group with the tag was found.
if len ( tagGroups ) > 0 {
errGroups [ errTag ] = tagGroups
} else {
log . Error ( ) . Msgf ( "unknown tag '%s' in content of '%s|%s'" , errTag , ruleName , errCode )
log . Info ( ) . Msgf ( "%s|%s: %v" , ruleName , errCode , errGroups )
Base rule content checks.
func checkRuleFileNotEmpty ( ruleName , fileName , value string ) {
checkStringNotEmpty (
fmt . Sprintf ( "content file '%s' of rule '%s'" , fileName , ruleName ) ,
value ,
func checkRuleAttributeNotEmpty ( ruleName , attribName , value string ) {
checkStringNotEmpty (
fmt . Sprintf ( "attribute '%s' of rule '%s'" , attribName , ruleName ) ,
value ,
Error code content checks.
func checkErrorCodeFileNotEmpty ( ruleName , errorCode , fileName , value string ) {
checkStringNotEmpty (
fmt . Sprintf ( "content file '%s' of error code '%s|%s'" , fileName , ruleName , errorCode ) ,
value ,
func checkErrorCodeAttributeNotEmpty ( ruleName , errorCode , attribName , value string ) {
checkStringNotEmpty (
fmt . Sprintf ( "attribute '%s' of error code '%s|%s'" , attribName , ruleName , errorCode ) ,
value ,
Generic check for any name:value string pair.
func checkStringNotEmpty ( name , value string ) {
if strings . TrimSpace ( value ) == "" {
log . Warn ( ) . Str ( "name" , name ) . Msg ( "value is empty" )