types.go | |
Declaration of data types used by CCX Notification Writer. |
Generated documentation is available at: https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/RedHatInsights/ccx-notification-writer/ Documentation in literate-programming-style is available at: https://redhatinsights.github.io/ccx-notification-writer/packages/types.html |
CliFlags represents structure holding all command line arguments and flags. |
RequestID data type is used to store the request ID supplied in input Kafka records as a unique identifier of payloads. Empty string represents a missing request ID. |
ClusterReport represents the whole cluster report. |
SchemaVersion is just a constant integer for now, max value 255. If we one day need more versions or combination of versions, it would be better consider upgrading to semantic versioning. TODO: provide expected schema version in configuration file |
DBDriver type for db driver enum. |