package main_test
Unit test definitions for functions and methods defined in source file
Documentation in literate-programming-style is available at:
import (
main "github.com/RedHatInsights/ccx-notification-writer"
wrongDatabaseDriver is any integer value different from DBDriverSQLite3 and
DBDriverPostgres (see types.go)
(for selected DB operations)
const wrongDatabaseDriver = 10
mustCreateMockConnection function tries to create a new mock connection and
checks if the operation was finished without problems.
func mustCreateMockConnection ( t * testing . T ) ( * sql . DB , sqlmock . Sqlmock ) {
try to initialize new mock connection
connection , mock , err := sqlmock . New ( )
check the status of initialize operation
if err != nil {
t . Fatalf ( "an error '%s' was not expected when opening a stub database connection" , err )
return connection , mock
checkConnectionClose function perform mocked DB closing operation and checks
if the connection is properly closed from unit tests.
func checkConnectionClose ( t * testing . T , connection * sql . DB ) {
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
err := connection . Close ( )
check the error status
if err != nil {
t . Fatalf ( "error during closing connection: %v" , err )
checkAllExpectations function checks if all database-related operations have
been really met.
func checkAllExpectations ( t * testing . T , mock sqlmock . Sqlmock ) {
check if all expectations were met
err := mock . ExpectationsWereMet ( )
check the error status
if err != nil {
t . Errorf ( "there were unfulfilled expectations: %s" , err )
TestGetLatestKafkaOffset function checks the method
func TestGetLatestKafkaOffset ( t * testing . T ) {
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
prepare mocked result for SQL query
rows := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "kafka_offset" } )
rows . AddRow ( 42 )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery := "SELECT COALESCE\\(MAX\\(kafka_offset\\), 0\\) FROM new_reports;"
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery ) . WillReturnRows ( rows )
result set needs to be closed
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := main . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
offset , err := storage . GetLatestKafkaOffset ( )
if err != nil {
t . Errorf ( "error was not expected while getting latest Kafka offset: %s" , err )
check the org ID returned from tested function
if offset != 42 {
t . Errorf ( "wrong Kafka offset returned: %d" , offset )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestGetLatestKafkaOffsetOnError function checks the method
Storage.GetLatestKafkaOffset when error is returned.
func TestGetLatestKafkaOffsetOnError ( t * testing . T ) {
error to be thrown
mockedError := errors . New ( "mocked error" )
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
prepare mocked result for SQL query
rows := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "kafka_offset" } )
rows . AddRow ( 42 )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery := "SELECT COALESCE\\(MAX\\(kafka_offset\\), 0\\) FROM new_reports;"
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery ) . WillReturnError ( mockedError )
result set needs to be closed
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := main . NewFromConnection ( connection , 0 )
call the tested method
_ , err := storage . GetLatestKafkaOffset ( )
if err == nil {
t . Errorf ( "error was expected while getting latest Kafka offset: %s" , err )
check if the error is correct
if err != mockedError {
t . Errorf ( "different error was returned: %v" , err )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestPrintNewReportsForCleanup function checks the method
func TestPrintNewReportsForCleanup ( t * testing . T ) {
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
prepare mocked result for SQL query
rows := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "org_id" , "account_number" , "cluster" , "updated_at" , "kafka_offset" } )
updatedAt := time . Now ( )
rows . AddRow ( 1 , 1000 , "cluster_name" , updatedAt , 42 )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery := "SELECT org_id, account_number, cluster, updated_at, kafka_offset FROM new_reports WHERE updated_at < NOW\\(\\) - \\$1::INTERVAL ORDER BY updated_at"
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery ) . WillReturnRows ( rows )
result set needs to be closed
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := main . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
err := storage . PrintNewReportsForCleanup ( "1 day" )
if err != nil {
t . Errorf ( "error was not expected while printing old reports: %s" , err )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestPrintNewReportsForCleanupOnScanError function checks the method
func TestPrintNewReportsForCleanupOnScanError ( t * testing . T ) {
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
prepare mocked result for SQL query
rows := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "org_id" , "account_number" , "cluster" , "updated_at" , "kafka_offset" } )
updatedAt := time . Now ( )
rows . AddRow ( 1 , "this is not integer" , "cluster_name" , updatedAt , 42 )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery := "SELECT org_id, account_number, cluster, updated_at, kafka_offset FROM new_reports WHERE updated_at < NOW\\(\\) - \\$1::INTERVAL ORDER BY updated_at"
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery ) . WillReturnRows ( rows )
result set needs to be closed
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := main . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
err := storage . PrintNewReportsForCleanup ( "1 day" )
if err == nil {
t . Errorf ( "error was expected while printing old reports: %s" , err )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestPrintNewReportsForCleanupOnError function checks the method
func TestPrintNewReportsForCleanupOnError ( t * testing . T ) {
error to be thrown
mockedError := errors . New ( "mocked error" )
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery := "SELECT org_id, account_number, cluster, updated_at, kafka_offset FROM new_reports WHERE updated_at < NOW\\(\\) - \\$1::INTERVAL ORDER BY updated_at"
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery ) . WillReturnError ( mockedError )
result set needs to be closed
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := main . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
err := storage . PrintNewReportsForCleanup ( "1 day" )
if err == nil {
t . Errorf ( "error was expected while printing old reports: %s" , err )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestPrintOldReportsForCleanup function checks the method
func TestPrintOldReportsForCleanup ( t * testing . T ) {
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
prepare mocked result for SQL query
rows := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "org_id" , "account_number" , "cluster" , "updated_at" , "kafka_offset" } )
updatedAt := time . Now ( )
rows . AddRow ( 1 , 1000 , "cluster_name" , updatedAt , 42 )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery := "SELECT org_id, account_number, cluster, updated_at, 0 FROM reported WHERE updated_at < NOW\\(\\) - \\$1::INTERVAL ORDER BY updated_at"
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery ) . WillReturnRows ( rows )
result set needs to be closed
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := main . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
err := storage . PrintOldReportsForCleanup ( "1 day" )
if err != nil {
t . Errorf ( "error was not expected while printing old reports: %s" , err )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestPrintOldReportsForCleanupOnScanError function checks the method
func TestPrintOldReportsForCleanupOnScanError ( t * testing . T ) {
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
prepare mocked result for SQL query
rows := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "org_id" , "account_number" , "cluster" , "updated_at" , "kafka_offset" } )
updatedAt := time . Now ( )
rows . AddRow ( 1 , "this is not integer" , "cluster_name" , updatedAt , 42 )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery := "SELECT org_id, account_number, cluster, updated_at, 0 FROM reported WHERE updated_at < NOW\\(\\) - \\$1::INTERVAL ORDER BY updated_at"
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery ) . WillReturnRows ( rows )
result set needs to be closed
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := main . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
err := storage . PrintOldReportsForCleanup ( "1 day" )
if err == nil {
t . Errorf ( "error was expected while printing old reports: %s" , err )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestPrintOldReportsForCleanupOnError function checks the method
func TestPrintOldReportsForCleanupOnError ( t * testing . T ) {
error to be thrown
mockedError := errors . New ( "mocked error" )
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery := "SELECT org_id, account_number, cluster, updated_at, 0 FROM reported WHERE updated_at < NOW\\(\\) - \\$1::INTERVAL ORDER BY updated_at"
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery ) . WillReturnError ( mockedError )
result set needs to be closed
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := main . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
err := storage . PrintOldReportsForCleanup ( "1 day" )
if err == nil {
t . Errorf ( "error was expected while printing old reports: %s" , err )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestCleanupNewReports function checks the method Storage.CleanupNewReports.
func TestCleanupNewReports ( t * testing . T ) {
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedStatement := "DELETE FROM new_reports WHERE updated_at < NOW\\(\\) - \\$1::INTERVAL"
mock . ExpectExec ( expectedStatement ) . WillReturnResult ( sqlmock . NewResult ( 1 , 1 ) )
result set needs to be closed
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := main . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
deleted , err := storage . CleanupNewReports ( "1 day" )
if err != nil {
t . Errorf ( "error was not expected while cleaning old reports: %s" , err )
check number of returned rows
if deleted != 1 {
t . Errorf ( "one row should be deleted, but %d rows were deleted" , deleted )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestCleanupNewReportsOnError function checks the method
func TestCleanupNewReportsOnError ( t * testing . T ) {
error to be thrown
mockedError := errors . New ( "mocked error" )
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedStatement := "DELETE FROM new_reports WHERE updated_at < NOW\\(\\) - \\$1::INTERVAL"
mock . ExpectExec ( expectedStatement ) . WillReturnError ( mockedError )
result set needs to be closed
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := main . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
_ , err := storage . CleanupNewReports ( "1 day" )
if err == nil {
t . Errorf ( "error was not expected while cleaning old reports: %s" , err )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestCleanupOldReports function checks the method Storage.CleanupOldReports.
func TestCleanupOldReports ( t * testing . T ) {
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedStatement := "DELETE FROM reported WHERE updated_at < NOW\\(\\) - \\$1::INTERVAL"
mock . ExpectExec ( expectedStatement ) . WillReturnResult ( sqlmock . NewResult ( 1 , 1 ) )
result set needs to be closed
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := main . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
deleted , err := storage . CleanupOldReports ( "1 day" )
if err != nil {
t . Errorf ( "error was not expected while cleaning old reports: %s" , err )
check number of returned rows
if deleted != 1 {
t . Errorf ( "one row should be deleted, but %d rows were deleted" , deleted )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestCleanupOldReportsOnError function checks the method
func TestCleanupOldReportsOnError ( t * testing . T ) {
error to be thrown
mockedError := errors . New ( "mocked error" )
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedStatement := "DELETE FROM reported WHERE updated_at < NOW\\(\\) - \\$1::INTERVAL"
mock . ExpectExec ( expectedStatement ) . WillReturnError ( mockedError )
result set needs to be closed
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := main . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
_ , err := storage . CleanupOldReports ( "1 day" )
if err == nil {
t . Errorf ( "error was not expected while cleaning old reports: %s" , err )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestWriteReportForCluster function checks the method
func TestWriteReportForCluster ( t * testing . T ) {
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedStatement := "INSERT INTO new_reports\\(org_id, account_number, cluster, report, updated_at, kafka_offset\\) VALUES \\(\\$1, \\$2, \\$3, \\$4, \\$5, \\$6\\);"
mock . ExpectBegin ( )
mock . ExpectExec ( expectedStatement ) . WillReturnResult ( sqlmock . NewResult ( 1 , 1 ) )
mock . ExpectCommit ( )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := main . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
err := storage . WriteReportForCluster ( 1 , 2 , "foo" , "" , time . Now ( ) , 42 )
if err != nil {
t . Errorf ( "error was not expected while writing report for cluster: %s" , err )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestWriteReportForClusterOnError function checks the method
func TestWriteReportForClusterOnError ( t * testing . T ) {
error to be thrown
mockedError := errors . New ( "mocked error" )
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedStatement := "INSERT INTO new_reports\\(org_id, account_number, cluster, report, updated_at, kafka_offset\\) VALUES \\(\\$1, \\$2, \\$3, \\$4, \\$5, \\$6\\);"
mock . ExpectBegin ( )
mock . ExpectExec ( expectedStatement ) . WillReturnError ( mockedError )
rollback in case of error is expected
mock . ExpectRollback ( )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := main . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
err := storage . WriteReportForCluster ( 1 , 2 , "foo" , "" , time . Now ( ) , 42 )
if err == nil {
t . Errorf ( "error was expected while writing report for cluster: %s" , err )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestWriteReportForClusterWrongDriver function checks the method
func TestWriteReportForClusterWrongDriver ( t * testing . T ) {
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := main . NewFromConnection ( connection , wrongDatabaseDriver )
call the tested method
err := storage . WriteReportForCluster ( 1 , 2 , "foo" , "" , time . Now ( ) , 42 )
if err == nil {
t . Errorf ( "error was expected while writing report for cluster" )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestGetDatabaseVersionInfo function checks the method
Storage.getDatabaseVersionInfo, the happy path in this case.
func TestGetDatabaseVersionInfo ( t * testing . T ) {
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
expected database version
expectedVersion := 42
prepare mocked result for SQL query
rowsCount := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "count" } )
rowsCount . AddRow ( 1 )
first expected SQL statement
mock . ExpectQuery ( "SELECT count\\(\\*\\) FROM migration_info;" ) . WillReturnRows ( rowsCount )
prepare mocked result for SQL query
rowsVersion := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "count" } )
rowsVersion . AddRow ( expectedVersion )
second expected SQL statement
mock . ExpectQuery ( "SELECT version FROM migration_info LIMIT 1;" ) . WillReturnRows ( rowsVersion )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := main . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
version , err := storage . GetDatabaseVersionInfo ( )
if err != nil {
t . Errorf ( "error was not expected while initializing database: %s" , err )
check the returned version
assert . Equal ( t , expectedVersion , version )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestGetDatabaseVersionInfoNoVersion function checks the method
Storage.getDatabaseVersionInfo when no version is stored in the
func TestGetDatabaseVersionInfoNoVersion ( t * testing . T ) {
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
expected database version
expectedVersion := - 1
prepare mocked result for SQL query
rowsCount := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "count" } )
rowsCount . AddRow ( 0 )
first expected SQL statement
mock . ExpectQuery ( "SELECT count\\(\\*\\) FROM migration_info;" ) . WillReturnRows ( rowsCount )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := main . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
version , err := storage . GetDatabaseVersionInfo ( )
if err != nil {
t . Errorf ( "error was not expected while initializing database: %s" , err )
check the returned version
assert . Equal ( t , expectedVersion , version )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestGetDatabaseVersionInfoFirstReadFailure function checks the method
func TestGetDatabaseVersionInfoFirstReadFailure ( t * testing . T ) {
error to be thrown
mockedError := errors . New ( "mocked error" )
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
prepare mocked result for SQL query
rowsCount := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "count" } )
rowsCount . AddRow ( 1 )
first expected SQL statement
mock . ExpectQuery ( "SELECT count\\(\\*\\) FROM migration_info;" ) . WillReturnError ( mockedError )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := main . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
version , err := storage . GetDatabaseVersionInfo ( )
if err == nil {
t . Errorf ( "error was expected while initializing database: %s" , err )
version returned in case of error
expectedVersion := - 1
check the returned version
assert . Equal ( t , expectedVersion , version )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestGetDatabaseVersionInfoSecondReadFailure function checks the method
func TestGetDatabaseVersionInfoSecondReadFailure ( t * testing . T ) {
error to be thrown
mockedError := errors . New ( "mocked error" )
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
prepare mocked result for SQL query
rowsCount := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "count" } )
rowsCount . AddRow ( 1 )
first expected SQL statement
mock . ExpectQuery ( "SELECT count\\(\\*\\) FROM migration_info;" ) . WillReturnRows ( rowsCount )
second expected SQL statement
mock . ExpectQuery ( "SELECT version FROM migration_info LIMIT 1;" ) . WillReturnError ( mockedError )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := main . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
version , err := storage . GetDatabaseVersionInfo ( )
if err == nil {
t . Errorf ( "error was expected while initializing database: %s" , err )
version returned in case of error
expectedVersion := - 1
check the returned version
assert . Equal ( t , expectedVersion , version )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestDatabaseInitialization function checks the method
func TestDatabaseInitialization ( t * testing . T ) {
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
prepare mocked result for SQL query
rows := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "version" } )
rows . AddRow ( 0 )
mock . ExpectBegin ( )
mock . ExpectQuery ( "SELECT count\\(\\*\\) FROM states;" ) . WillReturnRows ( rows )
mock . ExpectCommit ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := main . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
err := storage . DatabaseInitialization ( )
if err != nil {
t . Errorf ( "error was not expected while initializing database: %s" , err )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestDatabaseCleanup function checks the method Storage.DatabaseCleanup.
func TestDatabaseCleanup ( t * testing . T ) {
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
note that list of statements is not initialized so just empty
transaction operations are expected there
mock . ExpectBegin ( )
mock . ExpectCommit ( )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := main . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
err := storage . DatabaseCleanup ( )
if err != nil {
t . Errorf ( "error was not expected while cleaning up database: %s" , err )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestDatabaseDropTables function checks the method
func TestDatabaseDropTables ( t * testing . T ) {
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
note that list of statements is not initialized so just empty
transaction operations are expected there
mock . ExpectBegin ( )
mock . ExpectCommit ( )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := main . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
err := storage . DatabaseDropTables ( )
if err != nil {
t . Errorf ( "error was not expected while dropping database tables: %s" , err )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestDatabaseDropIndexes function checks the method
func TestDatabaseDropIndexes ( t * testing . T ) {
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
note that list of statements is not initialized so just empty
transaction operations are expected there
mock . ExpectBegin ( )
mock . ExpectCommit ( )
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := main . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
err := storage . DatabaseDropIndexes ( )
if err != nil {
t . Errorf ( "error was not expected while dropping database indexes: %s" , err )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestDropTableStatement function checks the helper function
func TestDropTableStatement ( t * testing . T ) {
const expected = "DROP TABLE FOOBAR;"
actual := main . DropTableStatement ( "FOOBAR" )
assert . Equal ( t , actual , expected )
TestDropIndexStatement function checks the helper function
func TestDropIndexStatement ( t * testing . T ) {
const expected = "DROP INDEX IF EXISTS FOOBAR;"
actual := main . DropIndexStatement ( "FOOBAR" )
assert . Equal ( t , actual , expected )
TestDeleteFromTableStatement functions checks the helper function
func TestDeleteFromTableStatement ( t * testing . T ) {
const expected = "DELETE FROM FOOBAR;"
actual := main . DeleteFromTableStatement ( "FOOBAR" )
assert . Equal ( t , actual , expected )
TestNewStorage checks whether constructor for new storage returns error for improper storage configuration
func TestNewStorageError ( t * testing . T ) {
_ , err := main . NewStorage ( & main . StorageConfiguration {
Driver : "non existing driver" ,
} )
assert . EqualError ( t , err , "driver non existing driver is not supported" )
TestNewStoragePostgreSQL function tests creating new storage with logs
func TestNewStoragePostgreSQL ( t * testing . T ) {
_ , err := main . NewStorage ( & main . StorageConfiguration {
Driver : "postgres" ,
PGUsername : "user" ,
PGPassword : "password" ,
PGHost : "nowhere" ,
PGPort : 1234 ,
PGDBName : "test" ,
PGParams : "" ,
LogSQLQueries : true ,
} )
we just happen to make connection without trying to actually connect
assert . Nil ( t , err )
TestNewStorageSQLite3 function tests creating new storage with logs
func TestNewStorageSQLite3 ( t * testing . T ) {
_ , err := main . NewStorage ( & main . StorageConfiguration {
Driver : "sqlite3" ,
LogSQLQueries : true ,
} )
we just happen to make connection without trying to actually connect
assert . Nil ( t , err )
TestClose function tests database close operation.
func TestClose ( t * testing . T ) {
storage , err := main . NewStorage ( & main . StorageConfiguration {
Driver : "sqlite3" ,
LogSQLQueries : true ,
} )
we just happen to make connection without trying to actually connect
assert . NoError ( t , err )
try to close the storage
err = storage . Close ( )
it should not fail
assert . NoError ( t , err )
TestConnection function checks the method Storage.Connection.
func TestConnection ( t * testing . T ) {
storage , err := main . NewStorage ( & main . StorageConfiguration {
Driver : "sqlite3" ,
LogSQLQueries : false ,
} )
we just happen to make connection without trying to actually connect
assert . NoError ( t , err )
try to retrieve connection
returned := storage . Connection ( )
assert . NotNil ( t , returned )
try to close the storage
err = storage . Close ( )
it should not fail
assert . NoError ( t , err )
TestDatabaseInitMigrationMigrationTableExistAlready function checks the
method Storage.DatabaseInitMigration when migration table already exist.
func TestDatabaseInitMigrationTableExistAlready ( t * testing . T ) {
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
expected database version
expectedVersion := 42
prepare mocked result for SQL query
rowsCount := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "count" } )
rowsCount . AddRow ( 1 )
prepare mocked result for SQL query
rowsVersion := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "version" } )
rowsVersion . AddRow ( expectedVersion )
expected SQL statements to be called
mock . ExpectBegin ( )
first expected SQL statement
mock . ExpectQuery ( "SELECT count\\(\\*\\) FROM migration_info;" ) . WillReturnRows ( rowsCount )
second expected SQL statement
mock . ExpectQuery ( "SELECT version FROM migration_info LIMIT 1;" ) . WillReturnRows ( rowsVersion )
transaction should be commited
mock . ExpectCommit ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := main . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
err := storage . DatabaseInitMigration ( )
assert . NoError ( t , err , "error was not expected during migration init" )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestDatabaseInitMigrationMigrationTableDoesNotExist function checks the
method Storage.DatabaseInitMigration when migration table does not exist or
is empty.
func TestDatabaseInitMigrationTableDoesNotExist ( t * testing . T ) {
error to be thrown
noSuchTable := errors . New ( "no such table: migration_info" )
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
expected SQL statements to be called
mock . ExpectBegin ( )
first expected SQL statement - it should mimic empty table
mock . ExpectQuery ( "SELECT count\\(\\*\\) FROM migration_info;" ) . WillReturnError ( noSuchTable )
mock . ExpectExec ( "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS migration_info" ) . WillReturnResult ( sqlmock . NewResult ( 1 , 1 ) )
mock . ExpectExec ( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS migration_info \\( version integer not null \\);" ) . WillReturnResult ( sqlmock . NewResult ( 1 , 1 ) )
mock . ExpectExec ( "INSERT INTO migration_info \\(version\\) VALUES \\(0\\);" ) . WillReturnResult ( sqlmock . NewResult ( 1 , 1 ) )
transaction should be commited
mock . ExpectCommit ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := main . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
err := storage . DatabaseInitMigration ( )
assert . NoError ( t , err , "error was not expected during migration init" )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestDatabaseInitMigrationDropTableFailure function checks the method
Storage.DatabaseInitMigration when DROP migration table operation fails.
func TestDatabaseInitMigrationDropTableFailure ( t * testing . T ) {
error to be thrown
noSuchTable := errors . New ( "no such table: migration_info" )
drop table error
dropTableError := errors . New ( "DROP table error" )
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
expected SQL statements to be called
mock . ExpectBegin ( )
first expected SQL statement - it should mimic empty table
mock . ExpectQuery ( "SELECT count\\(\\*\\) FROM migration_info;" ) . WillReturnError ( noSuchTable )
mock . ExpectExec ( "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS migration_info" ) . WillReturnError ( dropTableError )
transaction should be rollback-ed
mock . ExpectRollback ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := main . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
err := storage . DatabaseInitMigration ( )
assert . Error ( t , err , "error WAS expected during migration init" )
assert . Equal ( t , err , dropTableError )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestDatabaseInitMigrationCreateTableFailure function checks the
method Storage.DatabaseInitMigration when migration table can not be created.
func TestDatabaseInitMigrationCreateTableFailure ( t * testing . T ) {
error to be thrown
noSuchTable := errors . New ( "no such table: migration_info" )
create table error
createTableError := errors . New ( "CREATE table error" )
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
expected SQL statements to be called
mock . ExpectBegin ( )
first expected SQL statement - it should mimic empty table
mock . ExpectQuery ( "SELECT count\\(\\*\\) FROM migration_info;" ) . WillReturnError ( noSuchTable )
mock . ExpectExec ( "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS migration_info" ) . WillReturnResult ( sqlmock . NewResult ( 1 , 1 ) )
mock . ExpectExec ( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS migration_info \\( version integer not null \\);" ) . WillReturnError ( createTableError )
transaction should be rollback-ed
mock . ExpectRollback ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := main . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
err := storage . DatabaseInitMigration ( )
assert . Error ( t , err , "error WAS expected during migration init" )
assert . Equal ( t , err , createTableError )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestDatabaseInitMigrationInsertFailure function checks the method
Storage.DatabaseInitMigration when inserting new info into migration table
func TestDatabaseInitMigrationInsertFailure ( t * testing . T ) {
error to be thrown
noSuchTable := errors . New ( "no such table: migration_info" )
insert into table error
insertIntoTableError := errors . New ( "INSERT INTO table error" )
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
expected SQL statements to be called
mock . ExpectBegin ( )
first expected SQL statement - it should mimic empty table
mock . ExpectQuery ( "SELECT count\\(\\*\\) FROM migration_info;" ) . WillReturnError ( noSuchTable )
mock . ExpectExec ( "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS migration_info" ) . WillReturnResult ( sqlmock . NewResult ( 1 , 1 ) )
mock . ExpectExec ( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS migration_info \\( version integer not null \\);" ) . WillReturnResult ( sqlmock . NewResult ( 1 , 1 ) )
mock . ExpectExec ( "INSERT INTO migration_info \\(version\\) VALUES \\(0\\);" ) . WillReturnError ( insertIntoTableError )
transaction should be rollback-ed
mock . ExpectRollback ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := main . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
err := storage . DatabaseInitMigration ( )
assert . Error ( t , err , "error WAS expected during migration init" )
assert . Equal ( t , err , insertIntoTableError )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestCleanupReadErrors function checks the method Storage.CleanupReadErrors.
func TestCleanupReadErrors ( t * testing . T ) {
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedStatement := "DELETE FROM read_errors WHERE updated_at < NOW\\(\\) - \\$1::INTERVAL"
mock . ExpectExec ( expectedStatement ) . WillReturnResult ( sqlmock . NewResult ( 1 , 1 ) )
result set needs to be closed
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := main . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
deleted , err := storage . CleanupReadErrors ( "1 day" )
if err != nil {
t . Errorf ( "error was not expected while cleaning old reports: %s" , err )
check number of returned rows
if deleted != 1 {
t . Errorf ( "one row should be deleted, but %d rows were deleted" , deleted )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestCleanupReadErrorsOnError function checks the method
func TestCleanupReadErrorsOnError ( t * testing . T ) {
error to be thrown
mockedError := errors . New ( "mocked error" )
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedStatement := "DELETE FROM read_errors WHERE updated_at < NOW\\(\\) - \\$1::INTERVAL"
mock . ExpectExec ( expectedStatement ) . WillReturnError ( mockedError )
result set needs to be closed
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := main . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
_ , err := storage . CleanupReadErrors ( "1 day" )
if err == nil {
t . Errorf ( "error was not expected while cleaning old reports: %s" , err )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestPrintReadErrorsForCleanup function checks the method
func TestPrintReadErrorsForCleanup ( t * testing . T ) {
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
prepare mocked result for SQL query
rows := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "org_id" , "account_number" , "cluster" , "updated_at" , "kafka_offset" } )
updatedAt := time . Now ( )
rows . AddRow ( 1 , 0 , "cluster_name" , updatedAt , 0 )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery := "SELECT org_id, 0, cluster, updated_at, 0 FROM read_errors WHERE updated_at < NOW\\(\\) - \\$1::INTERVAL ORDER BY updated_at"
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery ) . WillReturnRows ( rows )
result set needs to be closed
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := main . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
err := storage . PrintReadErrorsForCleanup ( "1 day" )
if err != nil {
t . Errorf ( "error was not expected while printing read errors: %s" , err )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestPrintReadErrorsForCleanupOnScanError function checks the method
func TestPrintReadErrorsForCleanupOnScanError ( t * testing . T ) {
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
prepare mocked result for SQL query
rows := sqlmock . NewRows ( [ ] string { "org_id" , "account_number" , "cluster" , "updated_at" , "kafka_offset" } )
updatedAt := time . Now ( )
rows . AddRow ( 1 , 0 , nil , updatedAt , 0 )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery := "SELECT org_id, 0, cluster, updated_at, 0 FROM read_errors WHERE updated_at < NOW\\(\\) - \\$1::INTERVAL ORDER BY updated_at"
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery ) . WillReturnRows ( rows )
result set needs to be closed
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := main . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
err := storage . PrintReadErrorsForCleanup ( "1 day" )
if err == nil {
t . Errorf ( "error was expected while printing records to cleanup: %s" , err )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestPrintReadErrorsForCleanupOnError function checks the method
func TestPrintReadErrorsForCleanupOnError ( t * testing . T ) {
error to be thrown
mockedError := errors . New ( "mocked error" )
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
expected query performed by tested function
expectedQuery := "SELECT org_id, 0, cluster, updated_at, 0 FROM read_errors WHERE updated_at < NOW\\(\\) - \\$1::INTERVAL ORDER BY updated_at"
mock . ExpectQuery ( expectedQuery ) . WillReturnError ( mockedError )
result set needs to be closed
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := main . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
err := storage . PrintReadErrorsForCleanup ( "1 day" )
if err == nil {
t . Errorf ( "error was expected while printing recorsd to cleanup: %s" , err )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestTruncateOldReports function checks the method Storage.TruncateOldReports.
func TestTruncateOldReports ( t * testing . T ) {
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
expected SQL statement for truncation
expectedStatement := "TRUNCATE TABLE reported;"
mock . ExpectExec ( expectedStatement ) . WillReturnResult ( sqlmock . NewResult ( 0 , 0 ) )
result set needs to be closed
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := main . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
err := storage . TruncateOldReports ( )
if err != nil {
t . Errorf ( "error was not expected while truncating old reports: %s" , err )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )
TestTruncateOldReportsOnError function checks the method Storage.TruncateOldReports when an error occurs.
func TestTruncateOldReportsOnError ( t * testing . T ) {
error to be thrown
mockedError := errors . New ( "mocked error" )
prepare new mocked connection to database
connection , mock := mustCreateMockConnection ( t )
expected SQL statement for truncation
expectedStatement := "TRUNCATE TABLE reported;"
mock . ExpectExec ( expectedStatement ) . WillReturnError ( mockedError )
result set needs to be closed
mock . ExpectClose ( )
prepare connection to mocked database
storage := main . NewFromConnection ( connection , 1 )
call the tested method
err := storage . TruncateOldReports ( )
if err == nil {
t . Errorf ( "error was expected while truncating old reports: %s" , err )
connection to mocked DB needs to be closed properly
checkConnectionClose ( t , connection )
check if all expectations were met
checkAllExpectations ( t , mock )